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This is a test build. You may comment and rate it.

Focused on: Burst damage

Designed for: PvP Conquest

Expansions required: End of Dragons buildsJanthir Wilds builds



Power Spear Mechanist is a Power based PvP build for Engineers. The build makes use of Spear Spear's synergy with Elixir Gun &Tool Kit to create a strong mixed melee & ranged duelist. While there are other power Spear Spear options none have been as effective as this one.

Skill Bar

Elixir Gun
Tool Kit

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Trait Variants

  • Big Boomer - Increased damage with sustain loss, better for bursting.
  • Mech Arms: Jade Cannons - Mech plays at range making it easier to keep alive. Higher damage in trade for sustain.



Equipment Variants


  • Rune of Reaper - Good balance of sustain and damage.
  • Rune of Scholar - Maxmimum damage


  • Relic of the Astral Ward - Less cleanse, AOE resistance.


  • Sigil of Purging


  • This build is for taking 1v1s and bursting.

How to Play

Close the gap with your target using Conduit Surge, Devastator, Acid Bomb, Shift Signet & Magnet. Get big damage using Spear Spear, Tool Kit & Explosive Knuckle skills. Once closing the gap isn't necessary or possible use Elixir Gun to keep applying pressure from range. Keep yourself alive using the same mobility skills you used to close the gap to widen it.

Try not to use the attack on Overclock Signet and save it for when Crash Down has been put on cooldown. Do this to instantly respawn your mech.

To simplify when using Glob Shot next to your mech with no other enemy/ally targets around, Glob Shot will bounce between you two then return to your target, doing double the damage total. Situational but very strong extra option in 1v1s.

Use the Tool Kit autoattack Smack since it's much stronger than the Spear Spear autoattack Puncturing Jab.

Acid Bomb makes for a strong unblockable melee range option. While Overclock Signet can occasionally make for a good unblockable ranged option. Only use if you're confident in the mech survival without the respawn on Overclock Signet.

Explosive Knuckle & Crisis Zone: Make use of these mech skills to improve self sustain by applying Weakness Weakness, Protection Protection Aegis Aegis & Stability Stability


Since it is an instant cast you can start any burst with Crash Down. Does more damage when using Overclock Signet.

Full burst

  • Explosive Entrance + Electric Artillery > Devastator > Explosive Knuckle > Conduit Surge > Pry Bar


  • Explosive Entrance + Electric Artillery > Conduit Surge > Explosive Knuckle > Devastator > Pry Bar

Once low on cooldowns use the toolkit auto attack Smack to maintain high damage output.


  • Conduit Surge - Your basic short CD leap option.
  • Devastator - Can canceled the aftercast early by using Elixir Gun/Tool Kit and Weapon Swap Weapon Swap canceling.
  • Shift Signet - Use this to instantly escape dangerous situtations.
  • Acid Bomb - Unblockable serves as a "Get-Off-Me" and a mobility option.
  • Box of Nails - Applying pulsing Cripple Cripple can make a huge difference. Always cover your tracks with these skills to maintain distance when chased. Very effective while kiting.


This build is low on cleanse but has alternative options to make up for that.

  • Shift Signet - Use this to instantly escape dangerous situtations.
  • Super Elixir - Can be used for minor healing throughout the fight. A way to resustain before re-entering fights.
  • Gear Shield
  • Explosive Knuckle - Weakness Weakness application on a low CD. Easy to use to reduce enemy bursts.
  • Crisis Zone - Stability Stability & Protection Protection, can be used before bursts.

Extra Techniques

  • Fumigate - Hits through walls and projectile blocks while triggering Explosive Entrance
  • Overclock Signet has a few very fun quirks when using it to cast Crash Down: It will interrupt any move you're casting. This includes stuns/CC making it an effective 3rd stunbreak. On top of that the Crash Down will cast on any random target ~600 radius around you. If you manage to cast this in a 1v1 situation with no other NPCs around it will hit for PvE scaling, this hits for ~Pry Bar damage. Very fun and strong way to start a burst if you use a CC to confirm the hit. Alot more fair for damage on a 90 second CD elite at least compared to Jade Buster Cannon damage.
  • Conduit Surge/Devastator - Can jump-cast this skill while kiting to make long jumps. Jumps that dodge jumping can't.

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