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Dragonhunter - Power DPS

Part of the current metagame

Our curator decided this build is in the current metagame regardless of rating. The community gave this build a rating, making it top-tier: Great

Focused on: Direct damage

Designed for: Raids and Fractals

Expansions required: Heart of Thorns buildsJanthir Wilds builds

This build was last updated on October 10, 2024 and is up to date for the August 20, 2024 patch.


Dragonhunter is a heavy burst damage power DPS that excels in short fights (such as fractals) and raid encounters with short damage windows. It has strong CC and good mobility, and provides Vulnerability Vulnerability. In addition, it brings very high defensive support for a DPS class, with a party wide block in Shield of Courage, a strong burst heal in Wings of Resolve, and the ability to bring Guardian utilities such as Wall of Reflection and Hallowed Ground.

Dragonhunter is reliant on either Aegis Aegis or Resolution Resolution for maximum damage. The Radiance build provides ~45% uptime of Resolution Resolution itself, but ideally will be supported by other Guardians, or Renegades with Spirit Boon.

Skill Bar


Weapon Variants

  • Longbow adds ranged damage and higher long-term DPS than Spear, while also being the best option for players that don't own Janthir Wilds. It has lower burst than Spear though, which is where Dragonhunter typically excels.

Skill Variants


  • Litany of Wrath provides a huge amount of healing if you're able to keep attacking during its duration, allowing you to survive almost anything that doesn't one-shot you.
  • Shelter can be used to help nullify niche mechanics, such as Slothasor's shake attack or Deimos' Mind Crush.


  • "Stand Your Ground!" provides more Resolution Resolution as well as a stun break and Stability Stability.
  • Hallowed Ground can be used for more Resolution Resolution and Stability Stability.
  • "Advance!" can be used to Aegis Aegis big hits for your group like the knockback from Gorseval, the timed bombs from Matthias or the shockwave from Deimos.
  • Hammer of Wisdom provides additional CC if needed.
  • Wall of Reflection or Shield of the Avenger if projectile defense is needed.


  • Use "Feel My Wrath!" to help slacking supports keep up Quickness Quickness. It can also be nice at bosses where the group is split, such as Sabetha when doing cannons or Matthias in general.
  • Signet of Courage can be used for great passive healing for your team.

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  • As you throw the spear as soon as it comes off cooldown, Permeating Wrath adds only a tiny amount of extra damage, so Indomitable Courage offers some nice utility as well as more reliable Aegis Aegis uptime. If the stunbreak won't be useful, you could provide a small amount of healing to allies with Battle Presence.
  • The extra Aegis Aegis uptime from Hunter's Premonition is very helpful when running Virtues. Otherwise, Soaring Devastation offers more utility.
  • If running Radiance Heavy Light is very close to Big Game Hunter, and may be attractive to newer players as the playstyle is slightly simpler. It should also pull ahead on bosses that spend a lot of the phase stunned (such as in fractals).

Specialization Variant

Virtues can be swapped out for Radiance. This is mostly useful for new players who wish to run Heavy Light, but it can also pull ahead if you're unable to stay above 90% health for Unscathed Contender.

  • You will need to adjust gear as you have much higher crit chance (see below).



Equipment Variants

  • The recommended setup takes 2317 precision to reach 99.71% crit chance.
  • You can get the exact same damage using Rune of Superior Rune of the Dragonhunter, but it requires more Assassin stats Assassin stats pieces.
  • If you want to benefit from Sigil of Superior Sigil of Impact, replace the Sigil of Superior Sigil of Force.

Radiance Variant

  • Dragon stats Dragon stats gear is a very minor increase in damage over Berserker stats Berserker stats, so running full Berserker stats Berserker stats is totally fine. The optimal balance of Dragon/Berserker will also depend on your buffs so a gear optimiser will be needed to know exactly what you'll need.
  • Swap Sigil of Superior Sigil of Force for slaying sigils or Sigil of Superior Sigil of the Night where applicable in fractals.




    • is slightly stronger if running the virtues variant.


Simplified Rotation

Newer players may wish to run the Heavy Light grandmaster along with the Radiance build. This trades the temporary 20% modifier from Big Game Hunter for a permanent 10% modifier. The rotation is very similar, but you no longer use Spear of Justice and can cast the skills named in the Spear of Justice Burst section off cooldown instead.

Video example (Heavy Light)

Spear Rotation

Spear's unique mechanic is the Illuminated effect. When under the Illuminated effect, skills 2-4 have enhanced effects:

  • Helio Rush gains increased healing and applies Resolution Resolution to allies you pass through, as well as dealing more damage and applying Weakness Weakness to enemies.
  • Gleaming Disc deals more damage, applies Blindness Blindness to enemies, and grants Might Might and Fury Fury to allies.
  • Solar Storm hits two additional times and heals allies that it removes conditions from.

In addition, each of these skills itself applies the Illuminated effect for five seconds. Finally, while Symbol of Luminance gains no extra benefit from Illuminated, it causes all skills to be Illuminated for as long as the symbol is active, regardless of where it is in relation to you.

Given that all your main skills on spear apply Illuminated, practically speaking there are only two things you need to consider:

  1. The first skill (non-auto) you use when swapping to spear will not gain the Illuminated effect. Outside of the opener, this is resolved by using Symbol of Luminance.
  2. You want to use at least one of your 2-4 skills every five seconds when Symbol of Luminance is not active. The easiest way to maintain it is via Helio Rush as it an ammunition skill with low cooldown.

The most important skill to Illuminate is Solar Storm.

The following rotation assumes the Radiance traitline with Big Game Hunter is used (if using Heavy Light just ignore references to Spear of Justice). It gives a basic structure for each section, but your utility skills will change place each loop:

  • Procession of Blades and Spear of Justice should be used off cooldown as high priority as they provide damage buffs.
  • Sword of Justice should be not be allowed to reach max stacks. As an ammo skill, you can be flexible with when you use it, but try to line it up with the buffs from Spear of Justice or Relic of the Dragonhunter.
  • Dragon's Maw and Purification are best used to extend the buff from Relic of the Dragonhunter. Try to use them at the end of the autoattacking section on each weapon if Procession of Blades is not used. Use Dragon's Maw as a preference as it deals good damage. Either can be saved for utility if desired though.


  1. Sword of Justice
  2. Procession of Blades
  3. Spear of Justice
  4. Symbol of Luminance
  5. Gleaming Disc
  6. Solar Storm
  7. Helio Rush
  8. Weapon Swap Weapon Swap

Greatsword Section

  1. Symbol of Resolution
  2. Whirling Wrath
  3. Leap of Faith
  4. Binding Blade - this can be delayed if you can hit it under the effect of Spear of Justice or Relic of the Dragonhunter
  5. Autoattack until Whirling Wrath is off cooldown - try to finish your auto chains
  6. Whirling Wrath
  7. Symbol of Resolution
  8. Leap of Faith
  9. Weapon Swap Weapon Swap

Spear Section

The first time you swap back to spear, Symbol of Luminance won't be available, so use other skills instead - make sure to Illuminate Solar Storm though

  1. Symbol of Luminance
  2. Solar Storm - we want to use this twice each loop, but its long cooldown means you always want to use it as your second skill to avoid delaying your weapon swap
  3. Gleaming Disc
  4. Helio Rush - this is a targeted movement skill. If you hover your cursor over your UI, you will charge in place and minimise the animation time
  5. Autoattack and use Helio Rush off cooldown to maintain Illuminated
  6. Gleaming Disc
  7. Solar Storm
  8. Weapon Swap Weapon Swap
  9. Return to start of Greatsword section

Longbow Rotation

While the rotation may seem complicated, the general structure of each weapon section is the same each time and you generally just use Spear of Justice off cooldown. The buff from Big Game Hunter lasts long enough that you'll be able to fit in all your high-damage skills without issue so it's more important not to delay your rotation.


Start on Longbow.

  1. Sword of Justice
  2. Procession of Blades
  3. Spear of Justice
  4. Symbol of Energy
  5. True Shot
  6. Hunter's Ward - any other skill will interrupt this, so leaving it until last is safest.
  7. Weapon swap Weapon swap
  8. Symbol of Resolution
  9. Whirling Wrath
  10. Leap of Faith
  11. Dragon's Maw
  12. Sword of Justice
  13. Binding Blade
  14. Strike Vengeful Strike Wrathful Strike x2
  15. Whirling Wrath
  16. Symbol of Resolution
  17. Leap of Faith
  18. Weapon swap Weapon swap
  19. Proceed to the Longbow Section

Longbow Section

You should always open this section with the first two skills, but later skills can be delayed slightly if Spear of Justice is about to come off cooldown.

  1. Symbol of Energy
  2. Deflecting Shot
  3. True Shot
  4. Autoattack and use True Shot and Hunter's Ward as they come off cooldown (remember you can delay these if Spear of Justice is about to come off cooldown).
  5. Deflecting Shot
  6. Symbol of Energy
  7. Weapon swap Weapon swap

Greatsword Section

Similar to longbow, it's important to cast the first three skills immediately, but those afterwards can be delayed somewhat.

  1. Symbol of Resolution - this has an aftercast that can be cancelled by weapon stowing or moving shortly after casting.
  2. Whirling Wrath
  3. Leap of Faith
  4. Binding Blade - this has an aftercast that can be cancelled by weapon stowing shortly after casting. This skill can be delayed if Spear of Justice is available.
  5. Auto-Attack until Whirling Wrath is off cooldown. Always finish your attack chains.
  6. Whirling Wrath
  7. Symbol of Resolution
  8. Leap of Faith - if you're slow enough that weapon swap is off cooldown already, you can skip this step.
  9. Weapon swap Weapon swap

Spear of Justice Burst

  • Procession of Blades, Sword of Justice and Dragon's Maw should only be used in combination with the buff from Big Game Hunter.
  • Fit them in whenever available after the opening skills on each weapon.
  • Try to use Sword of Justice twice in each of the first two bursts, then once for subsequent bursts.

Video example (Virtues)

Video example (Radiance)

General Tips

  • In the Virtues build, Procession of Blades and Spear of Justice should be cast together. The cooldown of Procession of Blades is shorter, so delay using it until just before Spear of Justice is ready - the activation delay should ensure that all hits land under the effect of the Big Game Hunter buff.
  • In the radiance build, the cooldowns don't line up as neatly, so just use both Procession of Blades and Spear of Justice whenever they come off cooldown.
    • if you are able to block an attack, then Defender's Dogma will reduce the cooldown of Spear of Justice such that it lines up with the trap. Using the Aegis Aegis from Hunter's Premonition is a best way to ensure this.
  • Try not to interrupt your greatsword autoattack chain.
  • Use Whirling Wrath and Binding Blade (especially if the boss has adds) inside the boss's hitbox.
  • Use Sword of Justice when you both of the buffs from Spear of Justice and Relic of the Dragonhunter.
  • Renewed Justice (in Radiance) will recharge your Spear of Justice. This allows you to have a higher Big Game Hunter uptime when there are adds around. Always try to keep Spear of Justice up as much as possible if it's being recharged with this interaction.


  • Bane Signet is your strongest hard CC, but it should only be used in emergencies since it's a considerable DPS loss.
  • The pulls from Spear of Justice and Binding Blade can be used for CC if needed. However, you will lose the uptime on Big Game Hunter.
  • Piercing Light adds Slow Slow to all your traps, dealing 100 more breakbar damage with each second.
  • Dragon's Maw pulls and applies Slow Slow on your target.
  • Deflecting Shot deals 150 breakbar damage and knocks back enemies.

Encounter-Specific Tips

Spirit Vale

Vale Guardian Toggle
  • Binding Blade can be used inside of Vale Guardian's hitbox while seekers are nearby for bonus damage.
  • Shield of Courage can block all the blue AoEs.
  • Wings of Resolve is a good gap closer as well as a strong heal, use it wisely.
Gorseval the Multifarious Toggle
  • Consider playing the virtues variant here because it is possible to maintain 100% aegis uptime when dodging his knockbacks and pulling in the adds quickly.
  • You can use Shield of Courage to share aegis for his knockback attack.
  • Procession of Blades can hit you quite hard due to 24px Retaliation from Gorseval. To negate that you can use Litany of Wrath, which allows you to output DPS in the CC phase without losing health.
Sabetha the Saboteur Toggle
  • Use your Wings of Resolve to jump on the launchpads fast if you want to go up to a cannon.
  • Try to use Aegis Aegis for cannon shots or kicks from adds that people might not be able to dodge.
  • Time your burst for when Knuckles is stunned.
  • If you use your burst for it you can one-shot Karde's turrets in the last phase. However, this is not advised unless turrets are overrunning the platform. Simply dropping your Symbol of Punishment on turrets should make a significant impact without ruining your positioning.

Salvation Pass

Slothasor Toggle
  • Binding Blade can be used inside of Slothasor's hitbox while slublings are nearby for bonus damage.
  • Shield of Courage can block everything at Slothasor which is especially useful when he does his shake attack, as many have trouble dodging it. It can also block the fear that Slothasor applies after the CC phase which is valuable, especially for the last CC phase at 10%.
  • If needed, you can pull slublings with your Spear of Justice. Keep in mind that it pierces, so multiple slublings can be pulled with it if used optimally.
  • potentially stronger and cheaper than as killing slublings occurs frequently.
Bandit Trio Toggle
  • Run "Stand Your Ground!" for this fight to mitigate all the annoying CC.
  • Since you are somewhat tanky and have a lot of useful CC in the form of Bane Signet, Spear of Justice, Shield of Absorption, and traps, it is a good choice for you to deal with the mortars, as you are able to solo the snipers on the bridge that respawn between mortar #2 and #3 really quickly and reliably.
Matthias Gabrel Toggle
  • You can take the role of the main reflect in this fight; however, you have to keep in mind that the cooldown of Wall of Reflection is 30 seconds-the same as Matthias' invulnerability bubble. Thus, you need decent Alacrity uptime and must cleanse chill as fast as possible if it is applied to you.
    • A way to always have Wall of Reflection up in time without having to rely on Alacrity is replacing Radiance with Virtues and using Master of Consecrations. You will lose quite a bit of DPS in doing so though.
    • On a sidenote, all of Matthias' attacks in abomination phase have longer cooldowns. Accordingly, you don't have to worry about not having Wall of Reflection up in time.
  • In the phase from 40% until the end blocks become very valuable. A well-timed Aegis can block the undodgeable timed bombs. The same principle applies to the damage from the ghosts, which is blockable but not dodgeable.
  • "Stand Your Ground!" can be brought for 10 player stability, which can help greatly during abomination and rain phases.

Stronghold of the Faithful

Escort Toggle
  • Since almost all the mobs have some kind of annoying CC it is definitely recommended to bring "Stand Your Ground!".
  • If you need help with capturing the towers, a Shield is useful for knocking mobs out of the capture circle or away from each other.
  • Use your immobilizes and cripples to slow down the wargs engaging from the front.
Keep Construct Toggle
  • You can assist in pushing the orb into the rifts by pulling them with Spear of Justice. Be careful with it though, as the impact of the spear hitting the orb will push it away from you a tiny bit before you can pull it in.
  • You can use everything you have including Bane Signet for CC without any drawback since after each CC phase,there will be some DPS downtime.
  • You can share aegis with Shield of Courage to help your team when the room is filled with small AoEs before the last burn phase.
Xera Toggle
  • You can deal with Xera's adds extremely effectively by pulling them in and/or bursting them down with the Greatsword.
  • Try to perform your rotation in a rhythm that allows you to be on Greatsword when Xera is spawning adds and on Scepter when she is the only target.
  • Your pretty decent ranged damage with Scepter allows you to assist with clearing shards and standing on the buttons surrounding the big shards that you have to destroy both before the fight and when you get teleported to the other platform.

Bastion of the Penitent

Cairn the Indomitable Toggle
  • Wings of Resolve can be used for mobility.
  • Bring "Stand Your Ground!" for stability.
Mursaat Overseer Toggle
  • Consider playing the virtues variant here as keeping up aegis on this fight is very easy.
  • You can use Shield of Courage to block the explosions from adds.
Samarog Toggle
  • Consider playing the virtues variant here as you can easily keep up aegis by dodging Samarog's attacks and jumping the shockwaves.
  • You can bring Hammer of Wisdom for more CC. You can also consider Perfect Inscriptions.
  • Consider bringing "Stand Your Ground!" for stability.
Deimos Toggle
  • You can share aegis to block Deimos's pizza attack or Mind Crush.


This build has a rating of 5 stars based on 5 votes.
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4 stars
OfficerAndyGentleman gave this build 4 stars • May 2023
Strong burst keeps dragonhunter among the top fractal builds, and has enough sustained damage to keep up in raids.
5 stars
Troupe gave this build 5 stars • November 2020
High burst DPS and strong sustained DPS across all size hitboxes. Also capable of providing defensive support at little to no DPS loss
5 stars
Yonguy gave this build 5 stars • May 2020
This build is simply incredible, provides a lot of damage, great control of the area and being a guardian, provides a huge help to your groupmates, making it a great way.
5 stars
Screaming gave this build 5 stars • December 2018
Extremely strong DPS with high burst, solid sustained damage, and excellent utility, both in-built and optional, as well as solid CC, an extremely large positive in a post 11/12-patch world. You really can't go wrong with Power Dragonhunter on the vast majority of fights that favour burst.
5 stars
Chinkeeyong gave this build 5 stars • November 2018
An excellent, beginner friendly, burst DPS class for dungeons and fractals. It brings a lot of utility to cover common weaknesses in pug groups, and also performs well in raids.


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