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Mirage - Celestial Daze Spammer Roamer

The community gave this build a rating, making it top-tier: Great

Focused on: Condition damage and Control

Designed for: WvW Roaming

Expansions required: Path of Fire Builds

This build was last updated on October 11, 2024 and is up to date for the October 8, 2024 patch.


A WvW Celestial Mirage roaming build created to kill targets with ambush attacks, spamming them with Daze Daze and various conditions.

Skill Bar


Skill Variants


Keep Blink on your bar at all times, but you can play around with the other utility slots:

  • Signet of Midnight - stun break and stealth.
  • Arcane Thievery - helpful skill against conditions that could also get rid of Stability Stability on targets, opening them up for interrupts.


  • Torch over Pistol - a more defensive option with cleansing and stealth access. Take Mental Gymnastics for the first slot of Dueling.
  • Axe over Staff - this is a more bursty, high risk/reward ooptions. Swap your offhands around a bit to get Sword/Torch and Axe/Pistol.

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Equipment Variants


Now that Cele no longer has condition/boon duration, most builds can only specialize in one of them without maing drastic changes to their stats. This is done through runes. Traveler supplies us with decent boon duration and passiv mobility, but other viable options include:

  • Rune of Superior Rune of the Trapper - great condi damage + general duration.
  • Rune of Superior Rune of Leadership - if you want to focus even more on boon duration.
  • Rune of Superior Rune of the Berserker - if you don't care about either of those things and just want higher burst damage.


  • Sigil of Superior Sigil of Absorption over Sigil of Superior Sigil of Cleansing on Dagger - if you can afford to give up some condition removal this could help you out against tanky opponents with lots of boons.


  • Relic of Rivers - defensive relic that significantly improves your Alacrity and Regen uptimes.



  • Optimal:
  • Budget:


  • Optimal: or , whichever is cheaper (the difference beween them is negligible, a grand total of 2 condition damage stat in favor of Tuning Icicle).


Elite specialization basics

  • Dodge rolling is replaced by Mirage Cloak (we might still refer to it as dodging), which is more or less the same thing but allows you to cast skills and grants access to ambush attacks for the duration: Mirage Thrust for sword and Chaos Vortex for staff. Ambush skills replace the autoattack of the weapons for 1.5 seconds.
  • Pressing dodge grants increased movement speed and Regeneration Regeneration, which reduces incoming condition duration while it lasts thanks to Renewing Oasis. Infinite Horizon makes it so that whenever you gain Mirage Cloak, your clones are also going to receive it with all benefits including access to ambush attacks - it can even make your clones evade skills such as Full Counter, denying your opponent various bonuses.
  • You can dodge while casting skills or stomping/rezing, but you can't dodge while CC'd.


  • Besides cleansing conditions while at the same time pressuring your opponent with them, Arcane Thievery is also useful for boon removal/stacking in general, for example getting rid of their Stability Stability or stealing Vigor Vigor for Nomad's Endurance synergy.
  • The basic game plan is simple: dodge rolling summons a clone and makes all of your clones unload ambush attacks. Your goal is to build up your clone count and spam ambushes on enemies.
  • The entire build was built around spamming CC, as interrupts proc Power Block and Relic of the Demon Queen. Eventually you'll lock enemies out of most of their important skills with Power Block while spamming them with conditions.
  • Sword/Pistol is your burst set while Staff fills a more defensive role with sustained damage.
  • Shatter skills remove boons, which is a great way of getting rid of Stability Stability and opening up targets for more Daze Daze spam.


  • Chaos Armor may not look that amazing at first glance, but it's an instant cast skill which applies AoE Blind Blind to nearby foes and could also apply Protection Protection and Weakness Weakness, effectively filtering incoming damage through two layers of mitigation. It's an excellent skill for surviving direct damage burst and it's usable even while CC'd.
  • Chaos Storm is the strongest skill on this weapon. Standing in it supplies allies with defensive boons including Aegis Aegis while inflicting several conditions that can mitigate damage like Weakness Weakness or Chill Chill (Chill makes it harder to reach you while slowing down their skill recharge rate). The first hit of Chaos Storm always Daze Dazes enemies, making it a reliable AoE interrupt.
  • Phase Retreat is good for building some distance between you and your target, and can even be used while stunned, potentially allowing you to save dodges for later.
    • If used in Chaos Storm PR grants Chaos Aura Chaos Aura. Keep in mind that auras doesn't stack in duration, so try not to overlap Chaos Auras.
  • The build has rather poor access to condition cleansing by default, limited only to Jaunt, Sigil of Superior Sigil of Cleansing and possibly Arcane Thievery. Try to play it safe against condition specs: outrange them with staff, chain block / evade frames in melee, etc. Your strongest option against damage in general is Distortion, granting you immunity to any form of pressure including CC and conditions that are already on you.
  • Use Phase Retreat for mobility while roaming or chasing after targets. Phase Retreat teleports you in the opposite direction of where you're facing, so to teleport "forward" turn around to use it and then turn back. We recommend that you set up a bind for about face to do this in a fluid manner (Options ⇒ Control Options ⇒ Movement).
    • Make sure that you don't have an enemy targeted when doing this!

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This build has a rating of 5 stars based on 2 votes.
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4 stars
Hanz gave this build 4 stars • September 2024
No longer broken but still very good. Replaced the Dagger set with Staff, which lowers our CC potential but the damage is good and we get free Alacrity. Overall still reat CC, damage and mobility. Sustain's not the best though.
5 stars
Zenn gave this build 5 stars • May 2024
Best mes build around. The way it crushes anyone without stability is brutal and the burst is outstanding for a condi build. Not that good in groups but I mainly roam solo so it doesn't matter to me. You can't even run from it. 6/5


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