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Specter - A/D Rending Shade

This is a test build. You may comment and rate it.

Focused on: MobilityCondition damage and Utility

Designed for: PvP Conquest

Expansions required: End of Dragons builds

This build was last updated on January 17, 2025.


A tanky, slippery, and generally versatile Specter build that aims to land a large number of

's to both generate initiative and proc , ideally stealing Stability Stability to enable CC to land for . With strong sustain and mobility it can duel, +1 or teamfight relatively well.

Skill Bar


Skill Variants


  • - higher mobility, trait synergy and group utility, but worse access to stealth and less condition cleansing.


Viable utility choices (for skills that aren't


  • - low cooldown stunbreak (28s) which procs a number of traits with its shadowstep. Great for landing , overall a good defensive & offensive pick.
  • - easy access to stealth, but lacks the mobility given by other available skills. Great for getting a out in a pinch. The most fragile and linear stunbreak.
  • - a stunbreak with evasion. Gives you 4 initiative as well upon use, which is nearly enough for another or . Somewhat difficult to use properly as stunbreaking with it prevents you from going in any direction but backwards, which is counterproductive if you need to .
  • - anti-roam, can teleport you and an ally extremely far (and causes you to arrive with stealth). Stunbreak.
  • - good for teamfights or against projectile-heavy duelists. Somewhat low cooldown for what it does.
  • - another good pick for teamfights, gives a number of helpful boons to yourself and any nearby allies. lots of trait synergies.
  • - if you're up against low amounts of projectile hate and stability, this can be excellent at proccing and being generally annoying.


Viable elite choices:

  • - the best defensive option. 90s cooldown, but allows you to dodge burst or correct mistakes. Pick this if you intend to duel a lot.
  • - the teamfight/lockdown elite. Thanks to this ability will consistently land and generally lead to the death of anyone who doesn't have stability or a stunbreak. Remove boons first with and lock them down with this elite. Like all Specter wells, shadowstepping with a skill like or during the cast will extend its range.

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  • is strong against low-resistance builds, mostly for its Cripple Cripple application.
  • is a strong pick vs. power builds in duels or if you are confident in dodging condi builds.



Equipment Variants


is very, very strong since the build is constantly shadowstepping. However it can be swapped out for better utility:





  • Watch your target's buffs; if they have Magnetic Aura Magnetic Aura, 24px Distortion or some other reflect, stop attacking; reflected/blocked/evaded projectiles don't count as "your" axes for the sake of recalling them later.
  • Try to time your to dodge an enemy's big attack; it provides 1/2s of evasion.

Elite specialization basics

  • Specters gain access to their own version of called , at the cost of less total initiative. Mechanically they are the same, replacing your skill bar while active. Damage taken while in Shroud drains Shadow Force instead of HP. You lose access to your utility skills while in shroud.
  • Using (Specter's version of ) and spending Initiative builds Shadow Force. In this build, shadowstepping will also build Shadow Force thanks to .
  • Opening or exiting Shadow Shroud with will cover you in a chaotic situation since it gives 3 stacks of Stability Stability.
  • Landing 's Chill Chill will help land shroud skills 2 and 3 (, ), which can otherwise be walked out of due to their delay and small AoE radius.
  • So generally, 5 > 4 > 2 > 3.
  • Don't underestimate as a filler; it has good range and damage, and is great to use while regenerating initiative.


  • Stealth between points with and a leap finisher (e.g. ) to conceal your movement and also stack . The stacks from this trait don't have an upper limit, so you should be going in and out of stealth frequently.
  • Axes remain even if they don't hit anything, so long as they weren't dodged, evaded, or invuln'd. Keep throwing them during downtime.


  • Thanks to Shadow Shroud, Specters can take more of a beating than a normal Thief.

That said, this build lacks Resolution Resolution and Protection Protection outside of stolen boons from


  • Avoid throwing if you need to quickly restealth. Normally you will not be revealed if you attack immediately after leaving stealth, but ambush skills still do, even if they land while you are visible.
  • When in doubt, shadowstep out!


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