Virtuoso - Condition Signet Virtuoso
This is a test build. You may comment and rate it.
Focused on: Condition damage and Control
Designed for: PvP Conquest
This build was last updated on May 24, 2022.
A condition Virtuoso build for PvP with good sustain, meant to win smaller skirmishes.
Skill Bar
Template Code
To be added
Definitely works still, it's easy to play and bunker down on a node to force stalls, and has decent damage for 1v1's I like to play axe over scepter sometimes for higher damage but scepter is the more competitive option for sure. The elite skill is a little weird here though, I use mass invis because I feel the build doesn't have enough pressure to benefit from moa signet, and the virt elite is pretty useless for everything except cleaving a down, which isn't that good on a condi build. Otherwise, very decent. Similar if not better than condi mirage, albeit more reliant on projectiles, but is much easier to play than mirage. That, at the end of the day is the draw to this build, its ease of use, allowing you to switch your brain off and still get decent results.
I'll echo Zenn here. When playing rev drains my brainpower and it comes to a halt, this is my fallback. Easy and relaxing but gets boring after a while. Unblockable attacks are really the selling point here aside from being tanky as hell, but that's kind of where it ends. Usually virtu can force a stalemate against any build but against meta specs you might need a +1 from time to time. Not super mobile, offers nothing for the team, extremely singletarget focused, but it does get the job done most of the time.
Hot take but I love this build. It's just some braindead fun every now and then when you don't want to tryhard in ranked but still don't feel like throwing. It was already nearly impossible to die with in a duel but with the addition of relic of the defender it's completely bonkers now. Unfortunately I've had some trouble facing druids and other high healing specs since they also refuse to die, but they can't kill me either so I don't see it as a problem. This build could benefit greatly from a better elite skill, nothing really fits. If Anet decided to rework the virtu elite so it actually did damage this build would be perfect.
Easy to play and extremely obnoxious to play against. Tons of distortion and block spam, decent mobility and condition cleansing. Sustain in general is quite good, but with Virtuoso builds the damage is always a bit low. Works fine for 1v1s but expect fights to be on the longer side and you may have to rely on landing a good Moa to secure the kill.
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