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Daredevil - Power Scepter Roamer

The community gave this build a rating, making it top-tier: Great

Focused on: Strike damage and Mobility

Designed for: WvW Roaming

This build was last updated on January 12, 2024 and is up to date for the October 8, 2024 patch.


A WvW power Daredevil roaming build made possible by SotO's weaponmaster specialization. Combines the excellent damage of Scepter's Twilight Combo with the slippery nature of Daredevil.

Skill Bar


Skill Variants


  • Impairing Daggers - adds more burst damage to the build and the Immobilize Immobilize could serve as a setup. Consider using Steal right before the first projectile goes off in order to cut down on travel time/distance, making the skill harder to avoid.
  • Signet of Agility - good passive bonus and extra cleansing/evasion on active.
  • Infiltrator's Signet - primarily used to chase down targets. If you need to break stun with it and don't want to remain right next to your opponent, you can use NPCs and other players as targets to teleport to.
  • Scorpion Wire - a ranged pull on short CD. Good at closing gaps, interrupting skills and setting up bursts without spending initiative.

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  • Take Escapist's Fortitude if you're having trouble facing condition builds.




  • The ratio of Marauder Marauder and Berserker gear pieces partly comes down to personal preferences. As a general guideline, try to aim for ~17k HP when getting the gear. Rune options and traits like Marauder's Resilience can both affect your maximum HP so plan with those in mind.



  • Sigil of Superior Sigil of Bloodlust over Sigil of Superior Sigil of Cleansing - if you're willing to sacrifice some condition cleansing for a stacking damage boost.



  • - good stats and passive damage mitigation.
  • - same stats as the food above except with life steal instead of damage mitigation.
  • - non-ascended version of the food above, without the sustain.
  • - crit chance bump with armor ignoring damage procs which also heal.
  • - mainly a budget defensive food that provides more frequent access to dodging.


  • or



  • Dodge if you need Swiftness Swiftness or extra mobility in general while chasing someone down or disengaging.
  • Scepter/Dagger is your main set while Sword/Dagger is more of a defensive set, or plan B if you need to fight in melee because of anti-projectile skills.
  • On Scepter you're going to be spamming Twilight Combo most of the time, that's the main gameplan here. If that doesn't work out swap weapon and fight on Sword.


  • Steal is the most powerful tool in a thief's kit and should not be wasted! Do not start fights with steal, keep it for the right moment (mainly to interupt important skills such as heals or elites).
  • Steal refills endurance, grants initiative, inflicts Poison Poison, does damage, heals for ~2k, and provides a variety of boons for you and your team. Its most important function however is the instant, unblockable interrupt.
    • When playing with Bountiful Theft the instant boonstrip prioritizes Stability Stability, which goes off before the Daze Daze does, allowing you to interrupt targets with Stability with just one button!
  • Steal procs the damage bonus of Relic of Fireworks, creating a burst window for you.


Secondary set of the build

  • Most of the damage here will come from a combination of autoattacks and the Flanking Strike (thief dual) chain.
  • Infiltrator's Strike is an excellent skill for initiating fights or just closing gaps. If the terrain allows for it, it's recommended that you start fights with this skill from a place that break line of sight (LoS), like a wall or a pillar. This leaves you with an escape route via Infiltrator's Return in case you get focused, and IR even provides some minor cleansing.
    • Against dangerous targets with a lot of damage, keep jumping in and out of melee range with Infiltrator's Strike to minimize contact.
  • Don't spam Flanking Strike (thief dual) mindlessly. You will become easily predictible and locked in an animation while your enemy can set up burst. Find a balance between your autoattacks and Flanking Strike. Both this skill and its chain Larcenous Strike are unblockable. Larcenous Strike will be your main source of burst damage.
  • Dancing Dagger is merely a filler for ranged poking in case going into melee range would be too dangerous and Short bow is on CD, or if you want to get rid of Aegis Aegis / Blind Blind before jumping in. The bouncing attacks however aren't all that bad when it comes to clearing Mesmer clones.
  • Cloak and Dagger is strong in its own right. Being the only source of Stealth Stealth in the build, this grants access to Tactical Strike which can help with interrupting important casts (heal, stomp, etc.) when Steal is on cooldown, and the stealth in general can help you lose aggro for a short while or even leave the fight entirely without being chased. The damage itself is quite good both on CnD and Tactical Strike, which means chaining these 2 could act as a burst combo as well. With Steal added to the mix in the middle of casting CnD this combo becomes harder to avoid.
    • CnD could be used on AI (clones, pets, minions) if all you need is stealth not the damage, as AI won't dodge it therefore the odds of getting a successful CnD off becomes higher.

Utilities & elite

  • Signet of Agility is your best souce of cleansing, as it instantly removes 3 conditions. In addition to that, this also gives an entire dodge roll's worth of endurance which can be used as a last resort option for squeezing out more dodges when you're out of endurance and don't have time to heal. Keep in mind that the active portion of this skill is AoE! Try to use it near allies whenever possible.
  • Shadowstep is easily the most versatile and one of the strongest skills in the build. It has 2 parts:
    • The first half is a stun break and teleport, which already has countless applications. A few applications include teleport to safety while pressured, extending your reach in combat, or using the instant mobility boost to decap enemy points before using the 2nd part of the skill to leave just as fast.
    • The second half is called Shadow Return. This skill becomes available for 10 seconds after using Shadowstep, and cures 3 conditions in addition to breaking stun again before returning you to your starting location.
    • These can also be combined to safe stomp targets: begin stomping, Shadowstep away to safety, and then follow up with Shadow Return at the end of the animation in order to finish the target.
  • Dagger Storm is a defensive elite. The rather lengthy evade frame with increased movement speed makes it an excellent panic button when you're being focused by the enemy team.
    • Note: skills like Shocking Aura or Line of Warding are able to interrupt Dagger Storm, so don't be completely careless.


This build has a rating of 5 stars based on 2 votes.
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5 stars
Burgles gave this build 5 stars • November 2023
The DPS is S-tier, but be careful not to spam the twilight combo incessantly/watch for projectile hate or you'll be punished quickly with no initiative to spare. The S/D offhand also provides versatility especially with projectile hate opponents, and also provides an easy immobilize for a follow-up attack or cloak and dagger. I use slightly different sigils/armor stats (mostly dragons with some marauders) but 9/10 build overall and rewarding as it is punishing.
5 stars
Hanz gave this build 5 stars • October 2023
Everytime I want to give it a 4 I run into a fight that I win under 5 seconds with Twilight Combo spam. It's a very binary build, it either demolishes someone or fights an uphill battle. Scepter 3 spam can do up to 8-10k damage depending on the build of the opponent. Sword/Dagger is a good backup set to have, you can cast the predictable gameplan aside and play it like a more conventional S/D build to mop up kills. Sword certainly makes this much less of a one trick build.


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