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Longbow + Dagger Large Scale PvP Build

Weapons: Longbow and Dagger
Designed for: PvP (large-scale)
Focused on: DPSRanged and AoE
  • High AOE Damage
  • Easy to Play
  • Great Utility
  • Squishy
  • Requires Good Positioning


This Longbow and Dagger build is designed large Scale PvP and working as an AOE DPS capable of high burst AOE damage through the use of Flash ArrowUsed frame.webpFlash Arrow and delivering quick CC in every fight with Arrow VortexUsed frame.webpArrow Vortex. The access to stealth through Camouflage CloakUsed frame.webpCamouflage Cloak offers great survivability and allows you to easily reposition in team fights or flank for a well executed Arrow VortexUsed frame.webpArrow Vortex. With it's straightforward playstyle, it's the perfect build for new players and veterans alike as any guild can value such a useful build.



Focus on maximizing your damage potential by allocating most points into Dexterity and Perception, aiming for 60 in each stat as they offer much needed hit rate and critical hit rate. Do not forget your strength stat in order to make use of the extra health and damage reduction, 40 points being a good breakpoint to reach for PVP. Otherwise, Wisdom remains the least needed stat for this build but you can still aim for 30 points if you can afford it without giving up damage or HP.


Zephyr's NockUsed frame.webp
Zephyr's Nock
Zephyr's Nock - Damage ▲
Ensnaring ArrowUsed frame.webp
Ensnaring Arrow
Ensnaring Arrow - Hit Rate ▲
Decisive SnipingUsed frame.webp
Decisive Sniping
Decisive Sniping - Able to Move
Decisive Sniping - Decisive Bombardment
StrafingUsed frame.webp
Strafing - Gale
Strafing - Consecutive Use
Arrow VortexUsed frame.webp
Arrow Vortex
Arrow Vortex - Tornado
Flash ArrowUsed frame.webp
Flash Arrow
Flash Arrow - Flash Wave
Flash Arrow - Range ▲
Flash Arrow - Blind
Phantom SmokescreenUsed frame.webp
Phantom Smokescreen
BlitzUsed frame.webp
Shadow StrikeUsed frame.webp
Shadow Strike
Shadow Strike - Shadow Escape
Camouflage CloakUsed frame.webp
Camouflage Cloak
Brutal ArrowUsed frame.webp
Brutal Arrow
Brutal Arrow - Gale Area
Inject VenomUsed frame.webp
Inject Venom
Inject Venom - Lightning Infusion
Distorted SanctuaryActive frame.webp
Devoted ShieldActive frame.webp
Sniper's SenseActive frame.webp
Steady AimActive frame.webp
Destructive FangActive frame.webp
Wrathful EdgeActive frame.webp
Shadow WalkerActive frame.webp
Assassin's InstinctsActive frame.webp
Block BladeUsed frame.webp

Your main burst AOE damage comes from Flash ArrowUsed frame.webpFlash Arrow, Decisive SnipingUsed frame.webpDecisive Sniping and Brutal ArrowUsed frame.webpBrutal Arrow, and these are the skills you should upgrade early for large scale PVP. Arrow VortexUsed frame.webpArrow Vortex is your main CC that allows your entire team to push through the enemy zerg and also allows you to land Flash ArrowUsed frame.webpFlash Arrow easier. Keep in mind however that this skill is a Fury Attack and can be deflected by tanks.

Do not forget to also level your utility skills like Camouflage CloakUsed frame.webpCamouflage Cloak and Phantom SmokescreenUsed frame.webpPhantom Smokescreen as the stealth is fantastic for flanking while Phantom SmokescreenUsed frame.webpPhantom Smokescreen can deny a crossbow player coming in to use Merciless BarrageUsed frame.webpMerciless Barrage.

Wrathful EdgeActive frame.webpWrathful Edge, Assassin's InstinctsActive frame.webpAssassin's Instincts and Destructive FangActive frame.webpDestructive Fang are your main damage increasing passives as they increase crit rate and crit damage while Distorted SanctuaryActive frame.webpDistorted Sanctuary, Devoted ShieldActive frame.webpDevoted Shield and Shadow WalkerActive frame.webpShadow Walker are fantastic defensive passives.


Moonlight Bowstring
Moonlight Bowstring
Heavy Attack Chance
Critical Hit
Lequirus's Thorny Edge
Lequirus's Thorny Edge
Heavy Attack Chance
Critical Hit
Winged Wind Storm Hood
Winged Wind Storm Hood
Magic Evasion
Ranged Evasion
Cooldown Speed
Hermit's Shroud
Hermit's Shroud
Max Health
Silence Resistance
Skill Damage Resistance
Winged Wind Storm Armor
Winged Wind Storm Armor
Magic Evasion
Magic Endurance
Ranged Evasion
World Tree's Origin Gloves
World Tree's Origin Gloves
Melee Evasion
Magic Evasion
Winged Wind Tsunami Pants
Winged Wind Tsunami Pants
Max Health
Magic Evasion
Ranged Evasion
Winged Wind Gale Boots
Winged Wind Gale Boots
Max Health
Magic Evasion
Move Speed
Thunder Cleaver Necklace
Thunder Cleaver Necklace
Skill Damage Boost
Max Health
Silence Chance
Beast King's Gilded Bracers
Beast King's Gilded Bracers
Max Health
Skill Damage Resistance
Silence Resistance
Insightful Ring of Dimension
Insightful Ring of Dimension
Skill Damage Boost
Max Health
Buff Duration
Transcendent Magic Ring
Transcendent Magic Ring
Skill Damage Boost
Max Health
Buff Duration
Tycan's Bloodlust Belt
Tycan's Bloodlust Belt
Max Health
Silence Resistance
Skill Damage Resistance

Weapon Masteries

Support Max Health
Magic Defense
Vitality of Dew
Move Speed
Buff Duration
Anti-magic Arts
Magic Evasion
Grace Song
Check Ranged Hit
Move Speed
Wedge of Oppression
Max Mana
Mana Regen
Gale Arrowhead
Range ↑
Mana Cost Efficiency
Phantom Snare
Sniping Ranged Hit +20
Ranged Crit Hit
Pointy Throns
Damage Bonus
Base Damage
Critical Nock
Attack Speed
Ranged Crit Hit
Brutal Shooter
Disguise Ranged Defense
Health Regen
Debuff Immunity
Mana Cost Efficiency
Cooldown Speed
Master of Evasion
Buff Duration
Ranged Defense
Strong Will
Poison Melee Hit
Off-Hand Weapon
Attack Chance
Enfeebling Terror
Mana Regen
Buff Duration
Sorrowful Silence
Mana Cost Efficiency
Melee Hit
Shrewd Judgment
Assassination Melee Critical Hit
Base Damage
Melee Critical Hit
Cooldown Speed
Deep Grudge
Base Damage
Skill Damage Boost
Maddening Excitement

Longbow: Allocate 9 points into Sniping for a substantial boost in damage and critical damage. Then, invest 6 points into Check to enhance the Bind Chance of Ensnaring ArrowUsed frame.webpEnsnaring Arrow, increasing your CC potential but also improving your cooldown speed.

Dagger: Invest 9 points in Assassination for extra critical damage, off-hand weapon activation rate and attack speed. The remaining 6 points can be added into Poison for more flat damage and off-hand chance. Your silence chance also improves with this!


AOE CC + Burst ↴
Inject VenomUsed frame.webp
Arrow right.webp
Arrow VortexUsed frame.webp
Arrow right.webp
Flash ArrowUsed frame.webp
Arrow right.webp
BlitzUsed frame.webp
Arrow right.webp
Flash ArrowUsed frame.webp
Arrow right.webp
Brutal ArrowUsed frame.webp
Arrow right.webp
Decisive SnipingUsed frame.webp
  • This is your main rotation for PVP pushes where you want to start off by buffing with Inject VenomUsed frame.webpInject Venom, making all your skills apply posion before you use Arrow VortexUsed frame.webpArrow Vortex to CC a group of enemies. Follow up with Flash ArrowUsed frame.webpFlash Arrow for a quick burst while they are CC'd then reset your cooldown with BlitzUsed frame.webpBlitz.
  • If you can find another stack of enemies, use Flash ArrowUsed frame.webpFlash Arrow again and follow up with Brutal ArrowUsed frame.webpBrutal Arrow along with Decisive SnipingUsed frame.webpDecisive Sniping to clean up any remaining clumps.

Camouflage CloakUsed frame.webpCamouflage Cloak: This ability acts as your escape route. Trigger it when you're being targeted or require a change in position. It can also aid in resetting the fight and cooldowns after scoring a kill. There are many ways to use stealth though, so don't hesitate to experiment!

Phantom SmokescreenUsed frame.webpPhantom Smokescreen: Use this skill to protect yourself from enemy damage and especially Merciless BarrageUsed frame.webpMerciless Barrage as they cannot hit you through this skill.

Ensnaring ArrowUsed frame.webpEnsnaring Arrow: This is the skill you should use followed up by StrafingUsed frame.webpStrafing and Zephyr's NockUsed frame.webpZephyr's Nock in order to punish enemies that are out of position or otherwise trying to engage on your group.

Useful Information

  • Choose Lady Knight Kamarshea as your guardian; it provides crucial protection with its shield, which can absorb damage equal to 50% of your mana. This not only helps mitigate damage but also speeds up your cooldowns, allowing you to use your abilities more often.


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