Chronomancer - Power DPS (Fractal)
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Focused on: Strike damage
Designed for: Fractals
This build has been merged into Build:Chronomancer - Power DPS
A power DPS Chronomancer build for fractals. This build deals very high burst and sustained damage against single targets. In addition it has very good CC, utility, and personal defense, and is capable of generating its own Might,
Quickness, and
This build benefits from Slow on your target, , and general crowd control through contribute to a decent slow uptime.
Weapon variants
- Pistol - in extremely short fights where Phantasmal Warden won't have enough time to finisht its attack twice (Chronophantasm), or when there are several adds (Warden attacks random targets in range), Phantasmal Duelist will do more damage
- instead of if your target has more boons than can be removed.
- provides decent crowd control at the expense of slow uptime.
- deals slightly more defiance bar damage than Gravity Well and in a shorter time, but it has a lenghty cooldown and decreases slow uptime.
- - extremely situational trait that can theoretically increase your dps by 400 if the boss already has 100% slow uptime.
Illusions Variant
- If your party is not providing you enough
Might and
Quickness, Illusions can replace Duelling and provide more damage.
- This gear assumes you are using 5 Mist Offensive Potions at 150 Agony Resistance. If you don't want a gear set tailored for fractals and their potions, use the gear from the raid variant: Build:Chronomancer - Power DPS.
- Only a single mainhand sword is required.
The goal of the rotation is to use
and to cast your phantasm 3 times in short succession. This is achieved by entering during the aftercast of , which means that you enter and exit Continuum Split with Swordsman, Disenchanter, and Signet of the Ether, off cooldown.
Illusions Rotation
Opening burst
Start on Sword/Focus.
Weapon swap
- - enter near the end of the cast of this skill.
- - should end during this cast.
Weapon swap
- Proceed to Loop rotation
- Auto attack until is available
Weapon swap
- Auto attack until is available
- Auto attack until is available
Weapon swap
- Repeat from step 1
- Greatsword - Lower DPS, but stronger in encounters with lots of adds as targets nearby enemies at random.
- and will interrupt your current skill cast. That is why the Continuum Split burst rotation ends with Blurred Frenzy, to ensure you finish the casting time (by cancelling its aftercast) of your last phantasm inside the split, so that it is off cooldown after the split.
- Once is available, jump to step 4 of the opening burst next time you swap to Sword/Sword.
- Fill gaps in between skills listed in the rotation with auto-attack chains.
- Make sure not to interrupt your autoattack chain as the damage from it is heavily loaded into the final strike, .
- Use whenever you have 3 clones up. If you have 3 clones up and is on cooldown and you know that you will have another 3 clones up by the time Split Second becomes available, you can cast .
- Save clones to shatter with if you will need to CC in the immediate future.
- You can use → to pull adds onto the boss if needed.
- In the initial burst inside Continuum Split, slightly delay to first get some stacks of , but ensure you can still cast it twice inside the Split.
- It might be worth to cast → to daze the enemy and trigger to inflict 3 seconds of slow if you are going to be doing significant damage in those 3 seconds (such as having phantasms attacking and using and ).

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