Daredevil - Condi P/P Blind Spammer
The community gave this build a rating, making it second-tier: Good
Focused on: Hybrid damage and Sustain
Designed for: PvP Conquest
This build was last updated on January 18, 2025 and is up to date for the February 11, 2025 patch.
The gameplan of this rather obnoxious 1v1 focused PvP Daredevil build is simple: use
in for stealth, follow up for burst damage - repeat until the target dies. Due to its simplistic playstyle it's also quite beginner friendly.
Skill Bar
Slot Changes
can be replaced by:
- - AoE burst damage that can cover an entire capture point on some maps.
- - passive movement speed boost and the active adds a lot of cover conditions to burst combos. The passive also makes it possible to drop or and take stronger options for these slots.
- - stun break with extra initiative and an evade frame. Also cleanses some non-damaging conditions.
Template Code
Vigor uptime which is crucial to the build.
- lowers your burst damage but gives you more frequent access to Stealing and turns into an instant interrupt. The CD reduction on Stealing also helps with
Equipment Variants
- - by taking this rune for the passive movement speed you get to drop the current relic for something else, but Lynx has slightly worse stats. Your sustained damage will be lower.
- - good stats and the the anti-condition aspect could help in mirror matchups, or against any other condi build in general.
- - better burst damage and more condition variety on your spam, but has a 20s cooldown.
- - the healing reduction could help you wear down the more tanky builds, but doesn't really add more raw damage to the build as the build only has 1 CC skill by default.
- Much of the sustain in the build comes from spamming Blind and stealth attacks.
- Spamming projectiles while inside (BP) is both your primary source of defense and offense.
- If you don't have the initiative for BP or if you're under heavy pressure, use . This is the best defensive skill in the build, keeping you safe from both melee and projectile pressure while also proccing Blind related traits and providing a combo field for stealthing.
- When you get low on HP or you feel like you need to wait for CDs/initiative to come back, simply linger in stealth for a while instead of ambushing.
- is an excellent defensive skill. Not only is it a stun break and instant source of stealth, it's also a blast finisher that can be used inside Blinding Powder and Smoke Screen for even more stealth.
- provides much needed cleansing and another option for stealthing without having to set up a combo field first.
- Other sources of condition removal include 's chain skill, but and .
provides a steady stream of condition cleansing, as entering/exiting stealth frequently is part of your rotation.
Blind from the projectile finisher. That interaction also makes this rather strong when you're under pressure and need to survive.
won't be used much except for interrupting important skills (such as healing or rez attempts). When used in a smoke field like BP this will not only interrupt their current action, but also makes their next attack miss because of the
- is mainly for defense. The on-demand evade frame coupled with potential blinding projectiles while used in a smoke field could not only save you from lethal damage but also heal you up. The healing scales with the number of enemy targets.
- Most of the damage comes from spamming .
provides passive Initiative generation while doing your burst rotation. Use this excess Initiative to use some filler skills while you can't re-enter
- is a strong but expensive filler which works very much like Sneak Attack except for being a less reliable projectile finisher. Try to use it inside whenever possible.
Core burst rotation:
- Dodge inside BP to proc for stealth
- while standing inside BP for 100% chance to combo blinding projectiles for sustain.
Related Builds
- Daredevil - Celestial P/P - WvW roaming version of the build.

valkryie, hidden killer, evasion relic, impairing daggers.. you're missing the real build!

It is okay, mobility, decent cc, insane stealth access and most importantly, ease of use. However one of the biggest downsides of the build is its inability to compete against other thieves, s/d and d/p out roam you, spectre has better 1v1 potential, and any competent thief will beat this build in a 1v1 which with how paring specs against eachother works, inadvertently makes the build that much worse. If you are dead set on a thief duelist, or an easy (ish) build to introduce you to thief, condi spectre is superior, and relies way less on projectiles. Because as it stands, chrono, untamed, tempest etc are very popular picks and will make your damage disappear due to that reliance.

Still does okay and it's impossible to misplay with it. Not the best but far from the worst, and should satisfy people looking for a duelist thief build for whatever reason.

The least fun thief build to fight against. Easy to play but quite a low skill cap. You will likely win matchups where the enemy has no resist or low condi cleanse but you have little room to outplay opponents in even or unfavourable matchups. Good build for new players but rarely played in ranked or tournaments.

Maybe it's a personal thing, but I perform better with this than other builds. Naturally, it has a decent amount of counters, ele alone probably accounts for most of that, being projectile and condi reliant. This is why i'm giving it 4 stars. I would go lower due to this but this build is so good at what it does that it kinda outshines some of its weaknesses. If you sneak attacks are allowed to go off, you deal a mean stack of bleed, some poison, and most cases blind, probably getting well over 2k a tick with just that 1 attack. Your filler damage is really low (can be boosted by throwing a steal in the midst of it) but your job is mainly to finish off foes rather than 100-0ing them. I personally like to throw a couple headshots in between my stealth windows so your opponent can do little against you before you're back in stealth. Even with mass projectile blockage, skills like choke gas and cluster bomb aren't technically projectiles so you can still contribute to a teamfight even if it's being bunkered.
I'm sitting in and out of g2 with this build and can't really get any higher. Probably more of a skill issue than anything, but it wouldn't surprise me if you saw a lot more getting outplayed especially with this build but stealth in general is fairly hard to counter so I think it can be viable in g3/p1. I also swap Shadow's Rejuvenation for Rending Shade, feel like I get a lot more value out of that

While it might not have quite the same burst potential and mobility as other thief builds, the straightforward overall gameplay pattern and automatic defensive tools means that the build performs much better then most thief builds in the hands of a new player. After a while you probably want to move onto a dagger/pistol, pistol/dagger, or deadeye build, as they fill the tasks expected of a thief better, but if it looks like you're going to have to duel a lot rather then +1ing then this build can still perform.
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