Elementalist - Staff DPS
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Focused on: Strike damage, Utility and Crowd control
Designed for: WvW Zerg
A backline DPS build for Elementalist in WvW Zergs that provides damage, CC and field support. Requires a precise usage of skills and positioning to survive. Also, somewhat accessible by F2P, more new player friendly and straight to play than the weaver build Staff Backline
Template Code
Skill Bar
Skill Variants
- for pure damage
- feast option with additional damage reduction.
- Feel free to use as much Berserker's gear as you can without dying
- feast option with additional power and ferocity.
- Having 2 Staffs is purely for the stacking sigil purpose. As soon as you achieve 25 stacks of and get out of combat you should swap back to the Staff without it.
- This build requires rapidly switching between attunements.
- You can switch while you are still casting a skill without interrupting the cast.
- Don't attempt to rely on .
(and sometimes ) will be used mainly for self defense as reposition tool, temporarily avoiding ground heat and denying enemies tunnel visioning on you. Prioritize living over dealing damage. Lightning Flash can also be used while CC'ed.
- You can interrupt by using stow weapon as soon as you are full healed in order to save time
- It also helps with self
Might uptime thanks to
- Beware of enemy reflect skills though
- is also a good option for cleaving a downed clump, since it bounces.
can consist a decent part of your damage.
- It also helps with self
- Staff #2 skills are strong damage fillers (with low cooldown) to rotate between while Meteor Shower isn't available. Bear in mind Ice Spike and Eruption aren't instant.
- makes significant part of your sustained pressure after Meteor Shower. Look for casting it off cooldown to maximize ground pressure.
- quick cast and good damage, will be used to pick off single targets, try to cast it on enemies stacked to hit multiple foes.
- whilst being Water gives significant 300-radius damage and justifies, along with the Water 4-5 skills, going into Water Attunement
- gives reliable damage, assuming the the slow proc time. Can be used as preventive ground pressure and for cleaving.
- Staff#3 skills are somewhat ignorable in this build, but can bring some utility.
- Use for the extra CC, it doesn't require LoS.
- for tiny heals and a water field
Burning uptime, which increases damage via , and follow up with a hard hittng skill.
tiny damage, land it for
- , and will be used mainly for the CC along with your team damage pressure. 's direction is based on your where your character is looking. Turn briefly while casting the skill to aim it and effectevily blocking the passage.
- and can be used to soften condition pressure, benefiting from the large radius, and to remove soft CC on allies, respectively.
Meteor Shower
- Try to be in a safe spot while channeling. If you get interrupted midcast, the amount of meteors and damage will be lower.
- If you realize the skill won't connect, you have a small window to cancel (stow) the skill before the meteors start to go off, putting it on a 4s CD
- Watch out for the incoming damage from
Resolution, be ready to heal u
is your main damage source, but it has a long cast time. Try to place it on spots the enemy stack will tend to be, rather than where it is now. Very useful for cleave
- Meteor Shower should always be followed up, as soon as possible, by
Immobilize from the trait
- is also very effective when used inside a Spellbreaker's
in to ensure an - By the end of the channel, you can find yourself out of position or focused by enemies. You can avoid this in two ways:
- Use after you start casting
- Using immediately before starting the cast
Conjure Fiery Greatsword
- You should still swap attunements, mainly between and for damage, while yielding the FGS.
- Remember that you can retrieve the FGS conjured on the ground if you are still around. It stands for 30s.
(FGS) provides great mobility and a damage boon when wielded. It can be used after casting to increase the damage.
- Cast on top of downed enemies and/or the enemy stack. Despite the small radius, it hits 10 targets and should be used after to maximize damage.
- will be used mostly for mobility, chasing down and bursting a single target or repositioning.
- will be taken mainly to deal damage in melee range, while evading through enemies. Try to use it after Firestorm.
- spam it while on melee to maintain DPS after you burned through the FGS skills, but it isn't worth to drop yet.
High Spike Damage
- Start in Fire
- This combo allows 3 high damage skills to all hit at once if cast quickly, spiking for extremely high damage.
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