Engineer - Core Sanguine Grenadier
This is a test build. You may comment and rate it.
Focused on: Hybrid damage and Mobility
Designed for: PvP Conquest
A Core Engineer hybrid-damage PvP build focused on kiting and sustained damage. This build heavily relies on kiting with the about-face command and snap-targeted grenades.
Skill Bar
Skill Variants
- Note: If you would be stunned while using , rather than being stunned, the boots will be preemptively canceled and you will be free to act. Because of this, skilled usage of the ability generally outperforms other available utility skills.
Protection in addition to the usual cleanse and
Resistance. The toolbelt skill has a range of 900 (just longer than and applies 6s of
Revealed along with 8s of
/ - A more reactive option. buffs this by making it provide 3s of
- / - Gives access to a few very useful skills: for easy procs, for & a unique condition, for a much needed block, and which can be used to set up combos. Its toolbelt skill has less damage potential here than other power-focused builds and is likely best saved for the condition cleanse.
Spear - A high risk, high reward weapon equally as viable as
Rifle in the right scenarios. Spear benefits greatly from and and offers much higher damage output overall. This comes with the tradeoff of having to dip into melee for where you can quickly get blown up. While it doesn't have for high might generation, it can still build
Vulnerability and
Might with (which hits targets up to 8 times each; good rng can give a lot of
Might). / is similar to but deals ~10k damage to a marked target, much of which is shorter duration
Burning. is the weakest skill in the set with few uses outside of setting a market target up for , a task generally performed better by . Overall a great weapon if you're able to land the hits but is more prone to getting you blown up. Requires the Janthir Wilds expansion.
Mace &
Shield - The defensive option, but also one that works well with for a wide array of condition application. You lose the
Might generation with , some long range CC and but gain which deals good damage, helps
Vigor uptime and applies
Confusion, which is a quick ranged stun that applies
Burning and is an 24px Explosion, which is a 3 second missile reflect you can detonate with , and which is one of the strongest defensive abilities in the game. This weapon set is excellent for games where you are frequently focused as it provides additional healing via 's leap finisher and regeneration, as well as
Shield's defensive options that cover you picking up . Requires the Secrets of the Obscure expansion.
Template Code
Trait Variants
Swiftness uptime for burst
Vulnerability application,
Fury, a cleanse and a 4s reveal upon disabling someone. This is a two-part skill; the same buffs/debuffs are applied if hitting someone out of
Stealth, though the reveal is shorter. You'll want either or for movement speed if using this.
- Trades 100%
- - Trades survivability for slightly higher sustained damage.
Burning application for higher strike damage. The better option for teamfights where you aren't the only one applying conditions. Swapping to this will make it more likely your
Bleeding gets cleansed off since the
Burning from acts as a cover for it.
- Trades passive
Equipment Variants
- - better survivability against comps with a lot of strike damage.
can be replaced by:
- - more consistent Power burst.
- - better cleansing. Due to the frequency of swapping on and off the Grenade Kit, this sigil can be inconsistent.
- - higher consistent Power damage. Note that this sigil only boosts strike damage, not condition damage.
- Note that you lose 15% critical strike chance with these runes. This is a fairly sizable loss of overall damage not only from lower raw crit damage, but fewer
Might from .
procs, and, by extension, less
- - mobility if you choose to swap off .
- - good against teams with heavy condition damage.
- - more offensive variant of Orr.
- - good option for players without expansions. Obtaining stacks is easy thanks to .
Protection every 20s.
- good generally defensive relic. Stacks with (when buffed with ) resulting in 10s of
- - strong synergy with if conditions are an issue.
Superspeed. Good if swapping off of but want to retain freedom with Runes. Requires the Secrets of the Obscure expansion.
- passive mobility & another source of
Vulnerability application. Works with all explosions thanks to . Good in prolonged skirmishes, weaker vs. classes with a lot of cleanse. Requires the Secrets of the Obscure expansion.
- more
- This build features modest mobility, burst damage, high vulnerability application and a wide set of conditions. It performs well as a +1 to a skirmish or in teamfights where there isn't projectile hate. It is extremely reliant on kiting with grenades & the about-face command, an action which allows you to instantly do a 180° turn. This, combined with grenades being throwable in every direction allows you to remain safely out of melee range while dealing full damage, even if focused. This command must be bound in the options menu. If focused, it can safely gain distance with , , , or before returning to dealing damage.
- skills can be thrown in any direction, making it one of the strongest kiting tools in the game. Utilize the about-face command and snap targeting to remain outside of melee range while still dealing damage.
- All explosions proc
Vulnerability and
Might granted by these traits will retroactively boost all currently applied conditions as well as future ones on your target. You'll want to be spamming grenades as much as possible to keep stacks of these up.
and ( + by extension). The
- & have low cooldowns and long range. Use them as often as possible. causes them to provide a lot of might so they should be used before other strong abilities like .
Vulnerability stacks. With a 10s cooldown you can fire this off pretty regularly. Likely to miss moving targets at longer ranges.
is great for landing important skills and keeping up
- have two charges with 16s cooldowns a piece. Use either to gain distance when pressured or when anticipating a stun. This skill has a unique property where it will essentially "parry" a stun if you're hit with one during its use.
- Use over for filler.
- Never stop throwing grenades if you can help it; the
Vulnerability and
Might they generate improve your preexisting conditions on targets.
- You can use
Vigor and the healing from the leap finisher.
before skills that deal high strike damage to proc . This pairs well with as you'll get both
- Use , , & as often as possible.
- Use to land your highly damaging skills reliably.
- Fill with ; do not use . Rifle burst deals much lower damage and gives only a third of the Explosions.
Might stacks.
deals less damage here than in a purely power-focused build, and as such isn't as pivotal to land. Still great to throw out as a finisher or into larger groups for quick
- Other grenades are more situational; is one of the build's only unblockable skills, and is one of its only sources of blind. Knowing when to use is key against teams with projectile hate.
- There are only five non-projectile skills in the kit: , , , (unblockable), and (created by . also, it's unblockable!)
Burst Combos
- At range with stuns: > > > untarget, manually aim > behind your target
- In melee with stuns: > > > > > run through or around your target while casting (this will also trigger if it's off cooldown) > > whatever's up
- In melee with stuns #2: > > > > > > (replace Poison Grenade with for more upfront damage)
- At range without stuns: > > > . Alternatively, before will get you into melee range for for even higher burst at the cost of a potential escape.
The damaging abilities in these bursts can generally be replaced by whatever's off cooldown at the time. It's usually best to lead with grenades with damaging conditions for Vulnerability and
Might; any retroactive conditions will be amplified by future
Vulnerability &
Might, so using after will benefit greatly from the existing
Vulnerability while subsequently stacking more
Vulnerability and
- Swap to
Swiftness uptime.
every 20s (watch for the buff on your bar) for 100%
Superspeed with .
have two charges at 16s recharge a piece. Use either to roam, gain distance when pressured, or when anticipating a stun. This skill has a unique property where it will essentially "parry" a stun if you're hit with one during its use. Gives
- - Solid mobility option that can get over gaps. Gives 1/2s of evade starting at frame 1. This evasion doesn't last for the entire jump.
- While lacking in hard mitigation like blocks and evasion, this build makes up for it by having permanent Cripple application (thanks to ) and a slew of crowd control options. In theory, damage is mitigated by staying out of range of it entirely, so the above Mobility section also applies here.
- - has both an initial knockdown and added cripple thanks to . One of the few skills that still works against blocking or evading enemies.
- and - each provide ~2 seconds of control, in their own ways. With a bit of practice these can be used while running away by untargeting, beginning the cast, then turning around and retargeting before the cast finishes. The about-face function makes this possible without having to flail your mouse everywhere.
- - gives 1/2s of evade starting at frame 1. This evasion doesn't last for the entire jump.
- - drops 6 med packs in an average-size AoE. Allies (including you) hit by the initial drop will have a staggering 14 conditions removed, and the packs will spawn in a random area within that AoE. You'll have to walk over them to pick them up, where they will heal for ~1.3k each. Save this for the cleanse, or drop it ahead of time as the med packs remain for 60 seconds.
Protection and
Resistance; once for the initial cast and once for the turret's overcharge. It's generally better to pick the turret back up immediately after than to detonate it as you'd be trading a 7s shorter cooldown for an additional ~1.2k healing.
- a single cast of this heal will proc twice for 6s of
- causes all toolbelt skills to cleanse a condition.
- drops a , , and which immediately overcharge. This gives a 2s initial stun, another 2s stun from , a blind-pulsing smoke field from and the usual heal from . The water field from the healing turret will take priority over the smoke field, but it doesn't last as long. This means you can blast/leap/ after the water field dissipates for a bit of
Advanced Techniques
- > or can be used as a risky, aggressive stun that ignores block & evade.
Stealth. The smoke field provided by is initially overlapped by the water field from the dropped , but it lasts a bit longer. Blast or leap through it after the water field disappears for a sneaky getaway or to finish a downed opponent.
- an incredibly powerful tool overall, and one that can provide much needed
- You can bait dodges by fake-casting . Using the weapon stow command, you can cancel the skill mid-cast and still get the crate visual.
- You can stow by dropping your bundle (same keybind as swap weapon). This doesn't have a cooldown, unlike the native stow attached to the skill, and can be spammed as quick as you can press it if you really feel like it.
- will only cleanse conditions at the end of the skill's animation. Skills that have long animations but can be canceled earlier like can be cancelled by taking out and immediately stowing in a pinch. The cleanse comes out faster this way.
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