Firebrand - Quickness Support Condi DPS
This build provides 100% Quickness and (optional) high
Fury uptime on a closely stacked group while having very strong personal DPS as well as access to Guardian's powerful utility skills.
The access to utility skills allows firebrand to provide boons such as Aegis and
Stability better than almost any other class, and their tomes mean they always have access to extra abilities such as condition cleanse or reflect.
Skill Bar
Weapon Variants
- For players that don't own Secrets of the Obscure, Axe/Torch is the best weapon set.
- A Scepter in the second set can provide some extra burst and utility.
- If you don't have a source of
Fury in the group, you'll need to bring an Axe in the second set to provide it yourself.
Skill Variants
may be swapped out for more utility.
Stability and
can be used to provide Stability over a longer period of time.
can be used if you need multiple pulsing applications of - can be used as a reflect.
- can provide higher DPS than on encounters with long phases.
- can be used for more CC.
Swiftness and
Aegis are more valuable than damage.
might be useful on encounters where reliable
If you have ~30% boon duration and consume all charges of off cooldown, then you can maintain Quickness without the need for . Be aware that dropping removes your only source of
Stability and a rare group stunbreak.
gives access to regular - could be used to gain more utility from your tomes as you typically will be spending pages as fast as you can generate them.
Template Code
Trait Variants
- is a tiny DPS gain, so you could run to provide some group support.
Stability without swapping out a utility skill (which are all very powerful). Note that to maintain
Quickness, you need to use a charge of every ~20s and consume all charges of .
can be used in combination with to provide
- This setup has ~33% boon duration.
- You could get away with as little as 15%, but it's almost free to run up to ~40% thanks to
Ritualist stats gear.
- You could get away with as little as 15%, but it's almost free to run up to ~40% thanks to
- You should take as much extra boon duration as required to maintain
Quickness. It would be less than a 300 DPS loss to swap all
Viper stats pieces for
Ritualist stats.
- In fractals, you can swap in more
Viper stats pieces for more DPS (assuming you have 150+ AR and Mistlock Singularities).
- If you are tanking, swap in
Celestial stats gear until you have as much toughness as needed.
- If
Ritualist stats are too difficult to obtain, you can replace those pieces with
Celestial stats.
- If you don't have access to , you could run a and lower the boon duration on your gear.
Boon Duration Variants
With Mantras charging automatically and instantly, consuming all charges of
is significantly more effective than holding on to charges. But there are some options for higher boon duration:- At 15%+, you could also run if you took and make sure to use a charge at least every 20 seconds.
- To drop and keep , you will need to increase your boon duration to over 30%.
- To play without consuming the last charge of
Quickness duration to ~55%.
you would want to increase your
- , or ascended versions.
The basic idea is to use skills off cooldown while spamming Burning with key skills.
Thanks to , expending all charges of and/or generates two pages. This means that you can frequently jump into and use any or all of the following skills (listed in order of priority):
Pistol Rotation
During the opener spam two
and charges each as fast as you can without delaying other skills. After the third tome skill, immediately use the remaining charge(s) to max out your pages again.Begin on Pistol/Torch
- - this causes extra burning to enemies inside it when you hit them, so we use it first.
- and during the cast
Epilogue Ashes of the Just
Chapter 4 Scorched Aftermath
Chapter 2 Igniting Burst
- Stow Tome
- ⇒
Weapon swap
- - allow to charge fully, and detonate immediately as is passes through your target.
Rest of the Rotation
- Weapon swap off cooldown. Both weapon skill 4s are ammo skills, so there is flexibility in when you use them, as long as you don't let them sit at max charges.
- Use all weapon skills except
- You can slightly delay skills in order to cast them inside for extra triggers.
- You can use if no other skills are available, but try not to delay other skills thanks to its long cast time.
- Spam all charges of and .
- Use off cooldown.
Tome Usage
You cannot see the cooldown of your tome skills outside of your tome, but Epilogue Ashes of the Just has the same cooldown as , and
Chapter 4 Scorched Aftermath has the same cooldown as . By casting these skills in close succession it is somewhat possible to keep track. Using three skills in one burst provides a page refund via so the third skill is essentially free.
Thanks to
, if you are using the last charge of either mantra then you can use the extra pages for utility from other tome skills.
Axe Rotation
Axe is by far the most damaging weapon set (other than Pistol). However, if you need to swap to Sceptre for ranged damage, you have several long cast-times that that can be used to cover the time and minimise the need to use Sceptre's weak autoattacks.
During the opener spam two and charges each as fast as you can without delaying other skills. After the third tome skill, immediately use the remaining charge(s) to max out your pages again.
- and during the cast
Weapon Swap
Epilogue Ashes of the Just
Chapter 4 Scorched Aftermath
Chapter 2 Igniting Burst
- Stow Tome
Tome Usage
You cannot see the cooldown of your tome skills outside of your tome, but Epilogue Ashes of the Just has the same cooldown as , and
Chapter 2 Igniting Burst has the same cooldown as . By casting these skills in close succession it is somewhat possible to keep track. Using three skills in one burst provides a page refund via so the third skill is essentially free.
Thanks to
, if you are using the last charge of either mantra then you can use the extra pages for utility from other tome skills.
While on Axe, you mostly use
and off cooldown and autoattack in between, making sure to finish auto chains. When comes off cooldown, you want to use it then immediately perform a tome burst. You should be able to fit two uses of in between every major tome burst.Use ⇒ when available. As long as doesn't reach maximum charges you can't waste the cooldown, so feel free to fit its usage around other skills.
Tome Usage
You cannot see the cooldown of your tome skills outside of your tome, but Epilogue Ashes of the Just has the same cooldown as , and
Chapter 2 Igniting Burst has the same cooldown as . By casting these skills in close succession it is somewhat possible to keep track. Using three skills in one burst provides a page refund via so the third skill is essentially free.
Thanks to
, if you are using the last charge of either mantra then you can use the extra pages for utility from other tome skills.
You want to swap to Scepter when it's time to recharge mantras (or for ranged damage). As the autoattacks are very weak, you want to cover as much time on this weapon with the following:
- throws
Using these skills means you spend as little time autoattack as possible whilst still being able to benefit from
Video Example (using slightly different gear)
Video example of Axe-camping rotation
Quickness on your group.
- and can be cast as soon as they are available.
Alacrity) so it can be freely used again.
should be used every 7 seconds to activate . You can estimate this by looking at the line that moves around the mantra icon as it recharges. Once it starts moving along the top of the icon, at least 7.2 seconds have passed (if you have
As the final charge of each mantra is so powerful, the optimal use of them is to quickly consume all three charges (NOT
) whenever they are available. You typically always want to do this for , but there can be reasons to keep charges of .For example, if your group is not stacked, you may need to delay casting the last charge until they are. If this is a regular occurrence, you may wish to bring higher boon duration.
General Tips
- All mantras are instant cast and should be used while performing the rest of the rotation.
- and should be used in place of autoattacks when up. As an ammunition skill, you are free to delay use of this as long as you don't reach maximum charges.
- Make sure to always complete your auto attack chain while on Axe.
Encounter Specific Tips
Spirit Vale

- Use
Immobilize Seekers that are getting too close.
on Scepter to - Make sure not to face Seekers when using to ensure you don't pull them into the group.
- can be used to quickly recover after a skipped green, or at the end of the split phase if you have any spare pages.
For more information, see our Vale Guardian Guide.

For more information, see our Spirit Woods Guide.

- can be used to block Gorseval's slams.
- can be used to pull the little spirits into Gorseval to they can be cleaved down.
- During the split phase, use on the big spirits to prevent them moving into Gorseval.
- Use during the break bar to help out-heal the returned damage.
- During the later parts of the encounter it may be worth dropping your on the Orbs to prevent them expanding into the group.
For more information, see our Gorseval the Multifarious Guide.

- Bandit Sappers spawn opposite the cannons every 30 seconds, and you can use to pull them into the group. Make sure the sapper has thrown its bomb before doing this however if you don't want to skip the cannon.
Stability during the flamewall attack.
can also be used to provide - If you have spare pages, use
Epilogue Unbroken Lines in when Karde spawns, to provide toughness and protection for his flamethrower attack.
For more information, see our Sabetha the Saboteur Guide.
Salvation Pass

- Use to pull slublings (NOT the friendly slubling) into the stack.
- Unless it's being covered by other people, bring
Stability for the
Fear attack after Slothasor's defiance bar is broken.
to provide - can be used to quickly cleanse conditions if people are hit by the shake attack}}
- If slubling pressure is too high, then
Chapter 3 Valiant Bulwark in can reduce it, though some slubling attacks are unblockable.
For more information, see our Slothasor Guide.

- is worth taking to reduce general annoyance from the various bandit CCs.
For more information, see our Bandit Trio Guide.

- You can be the group's primary reflect if you bring . Note that you must place the wall inside Matthias' hitbox, or the targeted person will need to remain still in order to ensure all the shards are reflected correctly.
- if you are not the main reflect, you can be a backup by using
Chapter 3 Valiant Bulwark in .
- If your group's CC is bad, take to easily break the sacrifice. Matthias will no longer try to sacrifice players in the abomination phase, so you can use it to block the Shards of Rage attack instead (make sure not the block the bubble attack).
- Matthias will
Fear the whole squad when transitioning into the abomination phase. If you have spare pages, enter and apply as much
Stability and
Resolution to your group as possible to protect against this.
For more information, see our Matthias Gabrel Guide.
Stronghold of the Faithful

- is worth taking to reduce general annoyance from the various White Mantle CCs.
For more information, see our Escort Guide.

- can be used to pull the orb into a rift.
- Slightly delay
Confusion and
Torment from your subgroup.
after the orb collecting phase and drop it on the group and KC when it starts using phantasmal blades to cleanse the
For more information, see our Keep Construct Guide.

- is worth taking to reduce general annoyance from the various White Mantle CCs.
For more information, see our Twisted Castle Guide.

- Use to pull adds into the stack.
- Use
Swiftness, and keep everyone alive. The pages should recharge by the time Xera spawns.
during the split phase and on the "puzzle islands" to clear condis, provide - You can help clear shards with without having to run into the AoEs.
For more information, see our Xera Guide.
Bastion of the Penitent

- Bring to help your group if you are skipping greens.
- If you are skipping greens and
Stability to your subgroup instead.
is not off cooldown, you can use to provide some
For more information, see our Cairn the Indomitable Guide.

For more information, see our Mursaat Overseer Guide.

Epilogue Eternal Oasis in can be dropped on the target of Brutalize to boost healing to them during the break bar.
- If your group's CC is lacking, you can bring . Try to drop it on the target of Brutalize to provide some incidental healing as well as CC.
For more information, see our Samarog Guide.

- When blocking Mind Crush rather than hiding in the dome, you will take ticking damage for 10 seconds afterwards, so will be useful to keep people alive.
- If you are responsible for
Aegis then you need to take as the duration and AoE are much larger.
Immobilize Prides to keep them away from Saul.
can be used to
For more information, see our Deimos Guide.
Hall of Chains

- Make sure not to pull the Tormented Dead into the group with .
- After the Tormented Dead has been knocked, you can use
Immobilized at range.
to keep it - can be useful in dealing with conditions if people are hit by scythes or the Tormented Dead AoE.
- You could take to help with CC.
For more information, see our Soulless Horror Guide.

- You could bring as an emergency heal.
For more information, see our River of Souls Guide.

For more information, see our Statues of Grenth Guide.

- You can use
Epilogue Eternal Oasis at every Greater Death Mark to convert the
For more information, see our Dhuum Guide.
Mythwright Gambit

- Use to pull in swords and CC shields.
For more information, see our Conjured Amalgamate Guide.

For more information, see our Sorting and Appraisal Guide.

- As it's hard to maintain DPS during Nikare's charge, use
or to heal and clear condis, or provide extra toughness and - The breakbar attack fires out projectiles than can be blocked with
Chapter 3 Valiant Bulwark.
- The Largos are
Exposed for eight seconds after being broken, so it may be beneficial to try your burst to coincide with this - if you enter your tome as the breakbar appears this should be approximately the correct timing.
For more information, see our Largos Assassins Guide.

- can be used to pull Magma Elementals (either into the group or away, depending on strategy).
- If the squad is really struggling to prevent the Lava Elementals from reaching Qadim, you could consider bringing as this will prevent them from being able to enter his hitbox for five seconds. Be aware that this will also push Magma Elementals out, so be very careful when you use it.
For more information, see our Qadim Guide.
The Key of Ahdashim

- is a good choice here as Sabir cannot be damaged during one of his defiance bars, so breaking it quickly is a group DPS increase.
For more information, see our Cardinal Sabir Guide.

Chapter 3 Valiant Bulwark in can be used to protect against the hand knockback in the split phase by camping the tome to keep using it. Note that it will not be up for every hand (unless you are very slow) so you will either need to alternate with another player, or just keep it as a backup.
For more information, see our Cardinal Adina Guide.

- You should bring to protect everyone from the knock-back attack at the start of each phase.
For more information, see our Qadim the Peerless Guide.

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