Guardian - Radiant Greatsword (PvP)
The community gave this build a rating, making it second-tier: Good
Focused on: Strike damage
Designed for: PvP Conquest
This build was last updated on March 16, 2025 and is up to date for the March 11, 2025 patch.
A core PvP greatsword Guardian build which takes advantage of the crit chance buffs of the Radiance specialization to deliver massive bursts.
Skill Bar
Skill Variants
Fury. This could make it easier to drop the cleansing trait on Virtues for extra damage from . They price is the loss of
Swiftness access and some
Aegis which could've been used either defensively as an instant block or offensively to fuel . Another benefit of "Advance!" is that you get to drop / for something better, so Smite Condition might force you to sacrifice either your rune or relic slot for a mobility option.
over - with this you gain extra healing, cleansing and a new source of
Template Code
- Take if you need more condi cleansing.
- Take
Immobile to connect easier.
if you need
Equipment Variants
- - makes the build a bit more forgiving to play by giving you more HP. Take . Your overall damage will be slightly lower due to not hitting the crit cap anymore, but you still get plenty of crit chance from traits and boons to compensate.
Fury adds the usual 20% and
Resolution will further increase it by 40% thanks to . Always try to maintain Resolution, but don't spam all the sources at once otherwise boon removal can be too punishing.
adds 10% crit chance against burning foes,
- Try to aid allies with as traited with it can break stun and apply stability among other things.
Blind which can be useful for stomping or making high priority skills miss.
is refreshed after each kill so make sure you always have it on cooldown right before a kill. Using it also applies AoE
- Try to burn through all of your virtues before resorting to
- Your virtues that aren't on CD can be (and should be) activated while channeling this elite.
- Don't blow until the last moment of the channel. Let it heal you as much as possible.
. RF is a great skill to use if you're being focues by the enemy team and you don't have any CDs left. Just keep in mind that this skill makes you lose capture point contribution for its duration.
- Every utility skill is a meditation, therefore can be used both defensively and offensively thanks to the
Fury and healing from .
- turns into a second healing skill.
- Use and to manage your condition levels. Only resort to and if these no longer suffice.
- This is the defensive set of the build, but still has some hard hitting skills.
- The main source of burst damage here comes from . Note that the projectiles can be very unreliable in anything but melee range.
Blind to make an important skill miss, or a combo field which can be used for AoE cleansing by executing a blast finisher in it.
has many uses: vertical mobility via teleportation, symbol for cleaving,
- is a ranged skill with great damage over time.
- is both an excellent defensive and offensive skill (more about that below). As far as defense goes, this can be used to block important attacks even while stunned. Always try to use it in a symbol (a Light field) for AoE condition cleansing.
- is the main burst skill in the build, make sure it lands - do an unexpected ranged burst with , or use it after pulling targets in with .
- When in combat, always try to combo
Light Aura. Few things to note when using this for mobility:
- If you're OOC (out of combat), swap weapons just before the leap finishes in order to cancel the final part of the skill which would otherwise bring you to a halt.
- In combat this can be used for jumping away from the fight to avoid damage. To do that simply just detarget (click anywhere on your screen that's not an enemy player) before using the skill, and make sure that auto-targetting is disabled.
in a Light field such as for
Stability and thus cannot be pulled. The damage over time part of this skill is decent, and you could time it in a way that the target's stability runs out before binding blade does, allowing you to pull them in later. Note: the skill itself can be dodged, but once the blades are attached, you can pull targets out of any kind of evade frame! Last but not least, the blades seek out enemies even if they are
is useful even when the target has
Main burst combo (preferably executed from a safe distance):
- If possible, have an active
Aegis to gain the damage bonus from .
- should be activated before the combo. Try not to get hit because you'll need it to explode for damage. Wait until only ~1 second remains of its duration then quickly proceed with the rest of the combo.
- Weapon Swap (in combat this also triggers your sigils).
- - start casting it from range.
- to teleport to the target right before WW starts doing damage.
- the moment you get into melee range in order to gain Resolution from .
- Optional: to get rid of conditions like Weakness or just to squeeze in a tiny bit of extra damage.
- Steps 5-7 should happen before the first strike from connects to the target
Top Streamers
- Twitch: Naru
Related Builds
- Guardian - Radiant GS Roamer - WvW Roaming version of the build.
- Guardian - Radiant Hammer - a very similar build with Hammer instead of GS.

Completely outclassed by the Willbender version, but it's still a playable F2P build that does well in lower ratings. It does keep getting buffed though, we'll wait and see where this is going.

Esta build es la mejor para aprender a usar guardián en pvp, muy recomendada para jugadores fanáticos del pvp que están iniciando en el hermoso mundo de guild wars 2. Si la masterizas llegaras a elos altos en pvp

worst guardian build in the current meta, super bad above gold 3. I played this shit for like 200 games reached p1-p2 at max when i could just have played support, follow my monkey team and autowin.

Great build, has a lot of damage with the combo with skill 2 of the Greatsword, and also has resistance with the virtues, and utility skills that clean up conditions and leave you invuneravel. I loved the build, I highly recommend it.

Been enjoying this build for a long time, actually the first build i played as a guardian and it feels easy to use and powerful if in the right hands.

it's a very solid and fluid build that compensates the lack of mobility of the Radiant hammer. but it has its drawbacks: whirling wrath is a very slow skill and this prevents it from performing an unexpected burst, this is a very serious disadvantage especially in the high ranks (from plat2, plat 3) however it is an almost equal build of the hammer variant and if you know how to use it it can become even more effective than the Radiant hammer. for it's burst and it's mobility, 4 star rating.

Top tier soloq build, I see them in every game. Has the burst needed to carry.

Take sigil of energy on both sets rather than exposure on GS, since it really helps with survivability, and those extra 5 stacks of vuln don't do enough to be worth it imo. Retribution rather than Lesser Signet of Wrath 100% of the time; just time your burst for when they can't dodge it all ;) Also rune of the Scholar over lynx on smaller maps, since you have enough mobility with sword 2, GS 3, and judge's intervention. Otherwise, top tier build that outshines most in the current meta due to high burst, decent sustain, and ridiculous amounts of condi removal.
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