Herald - Condition Mallyx
The community gave this build a rating, making it top-tier: Great
Focused on: Condition damage, Utility and Boon removal
Designed for: PvP Conquest
This build was last updated on November 24, 2024 and is up to date for the February 11, 2025 patch.
A condition-based PvP Herald build with decent boon removal, pressure, and utility. The current version specializes in teamfighting, putting constant pressure on the enemy.
Skill Bar
Skill Variants
- Spear over Staff - a more offensive setup for people who own the Janthir Wilds expansion.
- Off-hand Axe over Shield - this cuts back on sustain significantly in exchange for more CC and mobility. Higher risk/reward option. Take
Template Code
- helps you deal with conditions. However giving up increases the chance of getting your interrupted after breaking stuns, which prevents the condition transfer and boon application from happening.
- trades mobility for an improved F2.
Equipment Variants
- - helps against conditions and has good stats.
- - makes the build even more tanky.
Poison procs.
- extra healing reudction and a few more
- - better condition cleansing, works especially well with Glint's instant .
- this works as both a defensive and offensive pick. Adds a bit of extra damage plus the CC on elite could be used to set up other skills. Glint's elite could also proc it while you're CC'd, potentially saving your life by getting enemies off you with
- Invoking a legend resets energy to 50, procs various traits such as or , and could even trigger the sigils of your active weapon set (if they are not on CD) among other things. Swapping legends is basically the main resource management tool in the build - swap whenever you're out of CDs or low on energy. That's not all however, on Mallyx builds legend swapping may also be used to do AoE burst damage or manage conditions on yourself.
- Start on Dragon stance (Glint) and while still in the base activate the following 4 upkeep skills for party buffing:
- (use its active when your energy is about to hit 0)
- In combat
is used for dealing with conditions. On Mallyx transfers conditions to nearby enemies, while on Glint it extends the duration of boons on nearby allies, which is best used when you have
- Swapping legends deactivates the upkeep skills of that legend without sending them on full CD.
- can be used to knock downed opponents away from their rezzing teammates, or to knock them off of capture points - this allows you to take the cap while bleeding them out, delaying their respawn.
- Most of the damage comes from Mace and Mallyx.
- is a core part of any burst combo, offering significant AoE damage especially when combined with Mace skills. Even just a few seconds of this upkeep can apply a lot of pressure. If your main goal is to do damage, you can ignore all the other Mallyx skills for the time being and maintain this upkeep while unloading weapon skills.
- Chain ⇒ in order to stack
Might. Use these two weapon skills on CD.
- Legend swapping is also a significant part of burst combos - and apply a lot of conditions, and legend swapping while on the Mace set could even proc and .
- Glint's is a cheap but powerful AoE skill with good condition variety. You could also use it to poke from range and cover an entire capture point on some maps without having to go into melee.
Chill and synergy can still pressure targets by softening them up or preventing them from building distance.
might not do a whole lot of damage but a ranged, unblockable boon removal with
- is a great followup for CoA (if you have the energy for it). While generally viewed as a single target ability, it's capable of hitting multiple foes if they are close enough to each other.
- Consider activating
Dark Aura.
right before doing a CoA jump, as CoA is a leap finisher and EtD is a Dark field. By combining them you can grant yourself
(CoA) is a rather strong CC skill, capable of balling up an entire team or pulling enemies off the highground. While it doesn't do much damage on its own, if you have enough allies around you may consider abusing this skill as much as possible to harass the enemy team and set up kills.
- Both elite skills can proc , which is something you should attempt to do once every 30 seconds. Targets right below the eye can be hit by the beam multiple times so gains even more value with - try pulling multiple enemies under the eye whenever you can.
Self Sustain & Disengaging
- Every Mallyx skill has a chance to proc
Resistance on a 5s ICD.
- The build doesn't have any mass cleanses, but every weapon set and legend offers something to deal with conditions:
- The F2 on Mallyx transfers conditions to enemies.
- Glint has which you can use to bounce back to max HP.
- Shield skills cleanse conditions.
- Staff has .
- is basically your third healing skill. It heals for a fair amount, blocks attacks and cleanses conditions.
aimed at your character heals for a small amount and grants
- Staff is the defensive set of the build, swap to it when you're getting overwhelmed. (block) and (evade) could quickly stabilize you.
Resistance. It's also a great support skill in general, removing conditions from allies and granting them Resistance.
- As with all stunbreaks with a cast time, the second part of this skill can be interrupted and instead of just going on CD, you'll lose all the energy for nothing.
Stability to cover the channeling.
could help with that - if you break stun with Pain Absorption you'll gain just enough
is the most reliable skill to use if you want quick access to - As with all stunbreaks with a cast time, the second part of this skill can be interrupted and instead of just going on CD, you'll lose all the energy for nothing.
- will be your best mobility tool and on some maps can be used to leap to places where enemies can't follow (or at least, not easily).
- 's chain effect is your jail free card - makes you immortal for the duration by converting all incoming damage into healing. Some players may stop pressuring you once Face of Light's been activated, in this case you should just wait a couple of seconds before using Infuse Light. Make sure you get at least 10k healing out of this skill, try to predict when burst is coming and use Facet of Light in advance - FoL has a cast time thus cannot be used while stunned, while Infuse is instant.
Top Streamers
- Twitch: ShaoAZ
Related Builds
- Condition Mallyx Roamer - WvW Roaming version.

Condi rev is still going strong and is dominant in the meta. While the spear version is definitely better in most situations, if you don't own Janthir Wilds, this is a close contender. Boonrip on demand, high chill uptime, decent condition variety, a heal that makes you immortal and decent into condition mathups, unlike most reventants.

This build should be updated for the new patch. Now with corruption & salvation. Relic of rivers gives this build the much needed CD reduction on heals and shield abilities.
Spear is fantastic condi damage, ranged, has a pull AND an evade movement ability. With the barrier for boons trait, relic of rivers, dodging, and then using true nature dragon stance, you can extend the alacrity for another second.
I use rabid/Orr or rabid/trapper. I think it's top 10 builds currently.

Still seems fine, great AoE damage and decent sustain with a bit of CC sprinkled on top. Lack of mobility is probably my biggest issue with it.

Very strong and adaptale build with enough chill to ruin eles days. The constant buffs have helped it become a very usable build. A decent pick into condi cata and tempest as you can shut down their condi cleanse with your cc abilities.

The best build for rev. Tanky and very good damage. In teamfight performs perfectly, with mallyx u can absorb conditions from allies and giving them back to enemies. + the boon sustain with glint. Amazing

After having problem with conditions and healing. This helped a lot during fights.

Really strong build atm. Absurd damage, really tanky, good sustain...
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