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Mirage - Celestial Signet Roamer

The community gave this build a rating, making it second-tier: Good

Focused on: Hybrid damage and Sustain

Designed for: WvW Roaming

Expansions required: Path of Fire Builds

This build was last updated on November 21, 2024 and is up to date for the October 8, 2024 patch.


An easy to play, hybrid Cele Mirage build for WvW roaming that focuses on spamming dodges and Distortions for both defensive and offensive purposes.

Skill Bar


Skill Bar Variants


  • Signet of Midnight over Blink - Blink is a staple Mesmer skill in almost any roaming/PvP build and replacing it is generally not recommended. SoM however has great synergy with many things in the build and adds an instant source of Distortion/Stealth/mass cleanse on top of breaking stuns. Your mobility and chase potential will be much lower however.

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  • Auspicious Anguish causes Distortion to cleanse 2 conditions, which also applies to all of your Signets thanks to Blurred Inscriptions. The price of this is lower condition damage and longer CDs on Staff skills.


  • Elusive Mind lowers your burst damage in exchange for even more cleansing.



Equipment Variants


  • Rune of Superior Rune of the Traveler - passive mobility and increase to boon/condition durations, minor overall stat boost.


  • Sigil of Superior Sigil of Doom over Cleansing - if you feel like you can get away with giving up some defense against conditions for more pressure, condition diversity, and some healing reduction on enemies.


  • Relic of Antitoxin - if you don't own the Janthir Wilds expansion.



    • is a cheaper version of Orrian Truffle and Meat Stew and sufficient enough in most cases.


  • Optimal:


Elite specialization basics

  • Dodge rolling is replaced by Mirage Cloak, which is more or less the same thing but allows you to cast skills and grants access to ambush attacks over its duration: Chaos Vortex for Staff and Imaginary Axes for Axe. Ambush skills replace the autoattack of the weapons for 1.5 seconds.
  • You can dodge while casting skills or stomping/rezing, but you can't dodge while CC'd.


  • Always do your boon stacking rotation on CD!
    • Rotation: Chaos Vortex Shatter Signet of Inspiration Chaos Vortex. Consider using your shatter in the middle of channeling the signet, as shatters are instant but the signet has a cast time. Just make sure to shatter before the signet goes off.
    • This combo is important for both damage and sustain, playing a key role in achieving a high uptime of Vigor Vigor, Regeneration Regeneration and Might Might as well as Alacrity Alacrity from the relic. All of these are very important for the build.
    • Any shatter will do, as the main goal is to prolong the Vigor granted by Nomad's Endurance. Each shatter however also grants a unique boon from Bountiful Disillusionment which you could capitalize on with the signet.
  • Try to send your Phantasms on CD before using Signet of the Ether as your healing skill partially recharges them.
  • Aim to either have no endurance, or low endurance right before swapping weapons. Both sets have a Sigil of Energy which refills your entire endurance bar, so let's not waste it.
  • Signets give you Distortion which allows you to use Ambush attacks while it lasts.
    • This however has no synergy with Infinite Horizon as these Ambushes don't come from Mirage Cloak.
  • Using Signet of the Ether has a chance to drop a Chaos Storm at your location via the trait Method of Madness. Both sets can take adventage of the combo field created by Chaos Storm and combo Chaos Armor:
    • Phase Retreat on Staff.
    • Axes of Symmetry on Axe/Torch.


  • There are several condition management tools in the build:
    • (If taken) Weapon swapping to Staff removes 3 conditions via Sigil of Cleansing.
    • Signet of Midnight is your mass cleanse, removing a total of 5 conditions with Blurred Inscriptions.
    • Due to Sympathetic Visage Phantasms take 1 condition from you when summoned.
    • Mender's Purity removes another one when you use your healing skill.
    • The Prestige cleanses when activated.
  • Every signet grants Distortion.
  • Blink is an excellent panic button and mobility tool that instantly yeets you across the battlefield whilst breaking stuns.
  • Your strongest option against damage in general is Distortion, granting you immunity to any form of pressure including CC and conditions that are already on you.


  • Use Phase Retreat for mobility while roaming or chasing after targets. PR teleports you in the opposite direction of where you're facing, so in order to teleport "forward" simply turn around and use it then turn back. We recommend that you set up a bind for about face to do this in a fluid manner (Options ⇒ Control Options ⇒ Movement).
    • About face Phase Retreat about face is the rotation.
    • Make sure that you don't have an enemy targeted when doing this!


  • Cry of Frustration is the strongest shatter skill here when it comes to damage, followed by Mind Wrack. These 2 will help you burst.
  • Staff is for sustained damage and survival while Axe is where your burst damage comes from.
  • Chaos Vortex spam puts out decent pressure from a safe distance whilst stacking important boons.
  • There are 3 ways to gain access to Ambush attacks:
    • Dodging.
    • Picking up a Mirage Mirror created by the Desert Distortion empowered Distortion. Each shattered clone will place one on the ground.
    • Gaining Distortion, which you can do by using your F4 ability or activating any of your signets.
  • Don't be afraid to use Signet of Illusions if you need to keep the pressure up but you're all out of shatters. This signet also lets you be a bit more wasteful of your shatters, knowing that you can recharge them anytime.


This build has a rating of 4 stars based on 4 votes.
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3 stars
Zenn gave this build 3 stars • April 2024
Sadly past its glory days now. Nerfs, reworks and trait reshuffles killed or removed many of the synergies or made us choose which parts to keep. Still good if you want to shut your brain off and still kill stuff but if you're willing to learn the class properly there are stronger builds.
5 stars
Atr gave this build 5 stars • September 2023
Typical Cele Noob build. If you're really bad at the game play this and press random buttons. Boon and Condi spam will save ur life.
4 stars
Hanz gave this build 4 stars • July 2023
This was 5/5 when it had perma Alacrity and 25 Might uptime with distortion spam that also offered ambush synergy. Now that the Might stacking got nerfed and we have to choose between having any Alacrity at all and having ambush attacks on Distortion, this build lost a lot of power lately. It's still decent, but the damage is rather low now which might be a problem against high sustain Antitoxin Cele specs. At least you don't die to them either.
5 stars
Eucelyptes gave this build 5 stars • December 2022
Huge fan of this build. After frustratingly playing PU Power Virtuoso with a GS and losing even 1v1's (I'm probably just bad), switching to this I can much more easily win 1vX's. Walked over 2 people at a Guard zone a few minutes ago in WvW. Not as great at Range fights since there's a travel time on Orb, but still a very solid for any occasion.


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