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Renegade - Alacrity Support Condi DPS

The community gave this build a rating, making it second-tier: Good

Focused on: Condition damage and Support

Designed for: Raids and Fractals

Expansions required: Path of Fire BuildsJanthir Wilds builds

This build was last updated on September 24, 2024 and is up to date for the August 20, 2024 patch.


The condition alacrity Renegade build for raids and fractals. The basic rotation is similar to the DPS build, but made slightly trickier by the need to adjust each section depending on whether Orders from Above will come off cooldown during it. It trades the CC of Power Alacrity Renegade for more DPS on long phases, as well as higher ranged damage.

In fractals, this build can also provide Might Might with Heroic Command.

Skill Bar


Weapon Variants

Currently Spear is so strong that you never want to swap off it. The second Spear is there to allow you to benefit from on-swap sigils, but it could be switched out for a utility option such as Shortbow or even Staff for CC (getting stuck on Staff would be a massive DPS loss though).

For players that don't own Janthir Wilds, the best weapons are Mace/Axe and Shortbow.

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Trait Variants

  • Taking All for One is a ~5% DPS loss, but provides your subgroup with a good amount of Protection Protection.


  • This setup provides ~42% boon duration.
  • In fractals you will gain extra boon duration from potions, so you can swap your food and utility to dps options, then replace Ritualist stats Ritualist stats gear with Viper stats Viper stats - make sure to keep yourself above 34% boon duration or you will not be able to maintain Alacrity Alacrity solo!

Non-SotO relics

Unfortunately none of the core damage relics are particularly strong for condi renegade. You could pick an option that offers some utility instead, or:

  • Relic of the Aristocracy is trivial to maintain on Spear, and it could work on Mace/Axe & Shortbow if you switch the pairings of legends and weapons, so that you can build stacks up in Legendary Demon Stance with Echoing Eruption, and Icerazor's Ire in Legendary Renegade Stance.
    • You should use (or ascended versions) with this.
  • Relic of the Krait wouldn't be completely terrible.



    • or the other ascended versions are also very close in damage



Spear Rotation

The concept of Spear is rather simple. All your Spear skills reduce the cooldown of Abyssal Raze, which in turn is your most powerful ability.

The gist of the rotation is then to spam Abyssal Force and Abyssal Raze, while fitting in other high-damage skills with your remaining energy and legend swapping when you get below 10 to trigger Charged Mists.

While Abyssal Blitz is useful for energy use and the cooldown reduction, it is a DPS loss to cast and could be skipped on Kalla if you're close enough to phasing the boss.

If using two spears, start on the set with Sigil of Superior Sigil of Doom and Sigil of Superior Sigil of Geomancy. If not using, just ignore any weapon swaps.

Below is guidance for the DPS rotation. These sections are those you follow when Orders from Above will not come off cooldown during that section.

Start in Legendary Renegade Stance.

  1. Icerazor's Ire - this buffs Razorclaw's Rage and makes it activate instantly
  2. Razorclaw's Rage
  3. Abyssal Raze
  4. Legendary Demon Stance
  5. Embrace the Darkness
  6. Weapon Swap Weapon Swap

The pulsing damage of Embrace the Darkness is boosted when a skill is used, though this effect can only be activated once per pulse. Due to the extremely low cooldown of Abyssal Raze, this can be triggered four times. A single autoattack is added after key skills to ensure that no pulses are wasted. This requires precision to avoid either cancelling Abyssal Strike, so if it may work out better to just use abilities as fast as you can.

Embrace the Darkness consumes ~65 of your total energy on the weapon. This leaves you with enough energy to use the following:

  • Abyssal Force twice
  • Abyssal Blitz once
  • Abyssal Blot once
  • Abyssal Raze four times

Once you get below 10 energy swap to Legendary Renegade Stance then weapon swap immediately after Icerazor's Ire.

Immediately after swapping, use Icerazor's Ire followed by Razorclaw's Rage. You want to get a second use of Icerazor's Ire in before swapping back to Legendary Demon Stance. As you want to be very aggressive with Abyssal Raze while in Mallyx, you use it less here, and should aim for the following:

  • Citadel Bombardment once
  • Abyssal Force twice
  • Abyssal Blitz once
  • Abyssal Raze once

Once you use Icerazor's Ire the second time (and assuming you're below 10 energy), swap to Legendary Demon Stance then weapon swap immediately after Embrace the Darkness.

Providing Alacrity
Each of the sections above (excluding the opener) will change if Orders from Above comes off cooldown during that section:

  • On Mallyx, you skip Abyssal Blitz and Abyssal Blot
  • On Kalla, replace Citadel Bombardment with Abyssal Blot.

In all rotations, you should be using Orders from Above as soon as it comes off cooldown.

Mace/Axe & Shortbow Rotation

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Below is the DPS rotation. These sections are those you follow when Orders from Above will not come off cooldown during that section.


Start in Legendary Renegade Stance and on Mace/Axe.

  1. Icerazor's Ire
  2. Razorclaw's Rage
  3. Echoing Eruption
  4. Legendary Demon Stance
  5. Embrace the Darkness
  6. Searing Fissure
  7. Orders from Above
  8. Weapon swap Weapon swap


The stronger effect of Embrace the Darkness can only be activated once per pulse, so a single autoattack is added after key skills to ensure that no pulses are wasted. This requires precision to avoid either cancelling Shattershot or delaying your legend swap, so it may be better in practise not to worry about it.

  1. Bloodbane Path, Shattershot
  2. Spiritcrush, Shattershot
  3. Sevenshot
  4. Bloodbane Path
  5. Shattershot until Bloodbane Path is available
  6. Bloodbane Path
  7. Sevenshot
  8. Spiritcrush
  9. Legendary Renegade Stance
  10. Icerazor's Ire - make sure to cast this first, so that it enhances Razorclaw's Rage
  11. Razorclaw's Rage
  12. Weapon swap Weapon swap


  1. Searing Fissure
  2. Echoing Eruption
  3. Auto-attack chain
  4. Searing Fissure
  5. Auto-attack chain twice
  6. Searing Fissure
  7. Temporal Rift
  8. Citadel Bombardment
  9. Echoing Eruption
  10. Legendary Demon Stance - Don't delay this step or you might allow your energy to creep above 10
  11. Embrace the Darkness
  12. Searing Fissure
  13. Weapon swap Weapon swap
  14. Repeat from Shortbow

Video example

Providing Alacrity
Each of the sections above (excluding the opener) will change if Orders from Above comes off cooldown during that section:

  • On Shortbow, you Resist the Darkness at step 6, then reactivate it again at step 9 (essentially as soon as you are able to).
  • On Mace/Axe, replace Citadel Bombardment at step 9 with Icerazor's Ire.

In all rotations, you should be using Orders from Above as soon as it comes off cooldown.

Providing Might
Thanks to the combo of Searing Fissure and Echoing Eruption, you generate ~7 Might Might for your subgroup. If you want to provide more, you will need to replace some skills with Heroic Command:

  • On Shortbow replace one use of Bloodbane Path.
    • Replacing Bloodbane Path means that you spend five more energy per loop - if you are slow this may result in you not having enough energy for the final Sevenshot. If you are finding this is the case, you could replace one Spiritcrush instead.
  • On Mace/Axe replace the Searing Fissure at step 4, as you don't blast it.

General Tips

  • You will want to delay Orders from Above slightly if the group is not stacked together (for example, if it comes off cooldown near the end of the split phase at Vale Guardian, you should save it for when everyone is back together).
  • Charged Mists is the reason we run Invocation, and it requires you to be under 10 energy when you switch legends. If you reach the point when you need to switch, and are above 10 energy for whatever reason, you can use Heroic Command to quickly expend some.
  • While in Mace/Axe, always try to let your Auto Attack chain finish, as the last hits are very strong.
  • On most fights, there are going to be moments when you can't hit the boss, but you'll still gain energy. During these phases, use Heroic Command and Orders from Above to help keep boons up.


  • Temporal Rift
  • Scorchrazor
  • Darkrazor's Daring
  • Call to Anguish (costs a lot of energy for comparatively little CC, so only as a last resort)
  • Frigid Blitz deals ~300 soft CC (assuming the target doesn't already have Chill Chill and Slow Slow)


This build has a rating of 3 stars based on 1 votes.
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3 stars
OfficerAndyGentleman gave this build 3 stars • May 2023
A good alacrity source for condi-favoured fractals, and able to bring good ranged DPS with some utility from Kalla. Struggles more in raids though as it only really offers alacrity, which restricts your options for quickness supports.


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