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Renegade - Condi Renegade

The community gave this build a rating, making it top-tier: Great

Focused on: Condition damage

Designed for: Open World and Open World General

Expansions required: Path of Fire Builds

This build was last updated on February 12, 2025 and is up to date for the February 11, 2025 patch.


Condition Renegade offers great sustained damage and decent burst. Although shortbow offers ranged damage, the build performs better in melee range. Like all revenant builds, switching legends is a key aspect to recover your energy and continue using skills. As a downside, this build lacks boon generation, although some energy can be sacrificed to Heroic Command to gain Might Might.

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Weapon Variants

If you don't have access to land spear with Janthir Wilds, use mace+axe instead.
Shortbow can be replaced with mace+axe for higher damage but in melee range.

  • Mace Mace + Axe Axe - replaces spear for players without Janthir Wilds, or replaces shortbow for players who want more damage at the cost of ranged damage.


  • Charged Mists - provides higher damage over time but requires you to use all your energy before you weapon swap.
  • Vindication - sacrifices damage for some sustain.


Ascended gear and stat infusions are not required; you can use exotic gear with the same stats. This set uses gear that is very similar to Build:Renegade_-_Condi_DPS, making it excellent for general PVE


  • If you don't have access to land spear with Janthir Wilds, use mace+axe instead.
  • Shortbow can be replaced with mace+axe for higher damage but in melee range.
  • Players without Secrets of the Obscure will have to resort to Relic of the Nightmare.


Budget consumables are acceptable for use in open world.


  • Prioritize Flatbread Ascended food.
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  • Prioritize Flatbread Ascended food.
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  • (and variants)



Your damage is improved by Kalla's Fervor Kalla's Fervor, which you stack by gaining fury, striking a defiant enemy, striking an enemy's flank, or landing a critical hit.

  • Against large enemies use Citadel Bombardment any time you have spare energy.
  • Always enhance Razorclaw's Rage by casting any other Legendary Renegade skill first.
  • When solo, use Heroic Command to generate Might Might.


The spear playstyle revolves around Abyssal Raze. Hitting targets with it empowers the next Abyssal Rage. Try to acquire 3 stacks of this buff before you weapon swap.

Spam Abyssal Force and Abyssal Blot for damage and to reduce the recharge of Abyssal Raze. Save Abyssal Blitz for whenever you need an extra dodge.


Shortbow works great with the Legendary Demon Stance loop due to multihit synergy with Embrace the Darkness. Try to weave Shortbow auto-attacks between skill casts to maximize multihit. Try and watch your energy as it gets lower. If a skill would take you below 0 energy, it is usually better to auto-attack or cast something else. Timing energy consumption in the Mallyx loop takes practice.


  • Pain Absorption grants Resistance Resistance and breaks stun.
  • Abyssal Blitz is an extra dodge.

Crowd Control

  • Scorchrazor
  • Darkrazor's Daring
  • Abyssal Blot


This build has a rating of 5 stars based on 11 votes.
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5 stars
Yusoffb01 gave this build 5 stars • October 2021
Easiest class to solo champs due to healing from: 1) Devastation trait - Battle scarred: siphon health after using healing skill 2) Devastation trait - Thrill of Combat: gain battle scars healing while in combat 3) Devastation trait - Dance of Death: Applying vuln gives battle scars healing 4) Invocation - Rapid Flow: Heal every 5 sec while in combat 6) Superior Rune of Renegade 6th bonus: Heal 172hp after inflicting torment 7) Superior Sigil of Torment: Heals every 5 sec due to Rune of Renegade 8) Superior Sigil of Draining: Heal when interrupting enemy 9) Scoop of Mintberry Swirl Ice Cream 10) Using the healing skill itself
5 stars
NagaOni gave this build 5 stars • June 2021
Best class in my personal opinion. The best build and class for Revenant, this is it! Superbly easy to learn and play, plus its the most powerful and high sustain and survivalibility. Use trailblazer set up for extra defense! Its definately worth the gold, for a quick set just get them from TP if youre new and have no crafting masteries yet. Shortbow dps combined with spamming of charr renegade utilitise and heals, youll survive almost all open world content with little or no effort! Mace and axe is just there for extra dps. And Malyxx is used mainly when you need a heal spike! Generally you will just use Charr Renegade A must try! Play this and youll never want to play another class!
5 stars
Ruv gave this build 5 stars • May 2021
This is it. This is my favorite build in the game. What really makes this shine isn't it's damage, it isn't it's survivability. It's its versatility. This build can adapt to any situation - ANY situation - and perform stellarly. It is capable of stunning solo dps and surprisingly good group dps, competing even with some raid dps builds. It's healing capability and buffing potential is also quite shocking. This build also gives you the freedom to run almost anything you want. Almost any trait, almost any weapon, almost any legend. They're all great and work well. There is no wrong way to play this. If you're looking for THE master of jack of all trades, this is it. This is the one. Play this build.
5 stars
Onlywrin gave this build 5 stars • May 2021
Rev in general is basically the strongest open world spec. With renegade, it's even better. It's like the oxyclean commercials but real.
5 stars
Hyra Lenn gave this build 5 stars • May 2021
After having tested this on some champs, I can safely say that Celestial Renegade is the go-to option for solo play. It melts things, it stays alive, it melts things, it provides great support and, oh, did I mention it melts things? I'm doing Corruption-Devastation-Renegade with the Pact of Pain instead of Abyssal Chill and Mace/Sw + Shortbow. It really is a great selection for a lot of different content. Unlike other builds, don't be afraid to switch legends based on encounter. Believe me, it will help you out more if you do.
5 stars
Happybliss gave this build 5 stars • January 2021
Arguably the best open world build for soloing hard contents like legy bounties, fractal cm. Good damage, crazy sustain and tools to deal with variety of situations, simple-to-no rotation, great at tagging and it is range. The only cons of the build are lack of condi clease (maybe use cleanse sigil on weapon swap) and really low mobility when not using shiro.
5 stars
Jack Armstrong gave this build 5 stars • December 2020
This is a remarkable build. Not only does it combine excellent damage and burst (even with the Trailblazer version) with excellent sustain, but it does this with a ranged weapon which makes it nearly unique. It's not for everyone--some people won't like how many ground-targeted skills there are, at least with the Kalla/Renegade stance--but if you don't mind that or can get by with the other stances, you owe it to yourself to give this build a try.
5 stars
BeastNHisHarlot gave this build 5 stars • December 2020
This build is ridiculously good. With the Retribution trait-line, survivability is not an issue and the damage output of this build is immense. The rotation is simple and effective and allows for soloing of nearly all content in PvE so long as the gear is decent. Also, it can wield a Unicorn bow. I don't think there is too much else to want from a build.
5 stars
Gunster gave this build 5 stars • July 2020
Probably the easiest & one of the strongest open world rev build currently. Has fantastic burst & sustain and can solo most champions & bounties. Slight variants include running any sort of major traits you want in the renegade line and either invocation, corruption, or retribution. The only staple is devastation 333 and running as a renegade. With invocation 122 & renegade minor traits you will have permanent fury, 25 might stacks, & hitting close to 90%+ CC with TB or dire making this build have great mixed damage. Icerazor's ire combined with DoD + battle scars ensures you immediately heal up to full every switch to Kalla. Be sure to avoid trying to solo any content where icerazor's (and your autos) won't hit, as you will lose a large chunk of your sustain but beyond that, go nuts.
5 stars
Linera gave this build 5 stars • July 2020
In my opinion this is the strongest open world rev build at the time of writing. Has excellent burst, good sustained damage, and ridiculous self-sustain when paired with runes of tormenting. This build can solo most champions comfortably provided you know the champions attacks. Overall an absolute powerhouse of an open world roamer.
5 stars
Onlywrin gave this build 5 stars • July 2020
Renegade is one of the strongest open world classes at the moment due to its insane sustain and relatively high damage. Shortbow has fast projectile speed and innate area damage on its autos, so this build can perform well in a zerg while also being capable of soloing legendary bounties and even dungeons. To really make the class shine you need to be familiar with all the tools at your disposal and swap out legends based on your situation, but its low input requirements make it a comfortable class to play for long periods of time.


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