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Weaver - Fresh Air Roamer

The community gave this build a rating, making it second-tier: Good

Focused on: Strike damageMobility and Control

Designed for: WvW Roaming

Expansions required: Path of Fire Builds

This build was last updated on July 09, 2024 and is up to date for the October 8, 2024 patch.


S/F Fresh Air is a WvW roaming build which focuses on burst damage whilst avoiding damage by utilizing Superspeed Superspeed, projectile hate, CC and invulnerabilities to make up for its squishiness.

Skill Bar


Skill Variants


  • Ether Renewal - better cleansing but has a longer cast time and no boons.


  • Arcane Wave over Lightning Flash - Arcane Wave is a worse mobility tool/panic button than Lightning Flash, but it's quite powerful in its own right. Good AoE damage, CC, always crits so it can be used to recharge Air and Immobilizes targets via trait synergy.

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Note: if you don't want to invest into Ascended Dragon's stat pieces, Exotics from the Trading Post will do just fine. The trinkets are relatively cheap, here's a list of them from the official wiki.

Second set: you may have noticed a Focus on the second set, this one's for the tryhards. While Elementalists can't swap weapons in combat, they can still stack Bloodlust on random PvE mobs before fights using the second set then switch back to the first set once they're ready to PvP. The Bloodlust stacks will remain active without the need to sacrifice a sigil slot on the PvP set. It's enough to put 1 weapon into the second set as they'll inherit the missing one from the main set. If you have no intention to stack Bloodlust before fights then you don't need the 2nd set! It's not mandatory.



There are plenty of viable choices, including:

  • - highest possible damage option, great stats plus armor ignoring damage/healing procs.
  • - passive damage mitigation and same stats as the Cilantro Lime one.
  • - highest damage non-ascended option.
  • or - armor ignoring damage and a bit of extra healing/precision, decent budget option.
  • - defensive option with more evasion.


  • or , whichever is cheaper at the moment.


Elite specialization basics

  • Weaver allows the Elementalist to attune to 2 elements at the same time, and skills 1-5 will be decided based on both. Let's call them primary and secondary attunements.
  • If you swap to Fire Attunement then fire becomes your primary attunement and weapon skills 1-2 will be fire skills. Afterwards if you switch to Air Attunement then air is now your primary attunement and fire's moved to secondary - now skills 1-2 are air and 4-5 are fire. Skill 3 is a dual skill influenced by both active attunements fire + air for example is Plasma Beam.
  • The order of the attunements doesn't matter here, water primary with fire secondary has the same dual attack as fire primary and water secondary. Attuning to the same element twice has its own dual skill.
  • It's possible to attune twice in a row to the same element, and doing this with Air Attunement is going to be a part of your burst rotation.


  • The build makes little to no use of Water Attunement.
  • Keep swapping in-and-out of Air Attunement repeatedly while roaming in order to maintain Swiftness Swiftness.
    • Note: attuning to air twice in a row doesn't give swiftness the second time.
  • Conjure Fiery Greatsword's purpose is twofold.
    • Mobility: Fiery Whirl and Fiery Rush are excellent movement skills that can help you disengage from fights if your defensive CDs ran ou, or if you need to chase after someone.
    • Cleave: AoE in the build is rather clumsy, except for Fiery Whirl and Firestorm. Use these whenever you need to cleave down a downed enemy.
  • Glyph of Elemental Harmony is best used in earth for the Protection Protection.
  • Arc Lightning isn't interrupted when you change attunements. Starting the channel in air and swapping to any other attunement is an excellent way of recharging air through Fresh Air as this skill hits multiple times in a short period of time. This is also a great filler in general.

Burst damage

  • This build bursts by rapidly unloading instant cast abilities on top of a channeled one.
  • The 3 main channeled skills you're going to use in bursts are Plasma Beam, Earthen Synergy and Fracturing Strike.
  • All of your hard hitting abilities should go off after double attuning to Air Attunement.

Notable burst combos

These are some potential combos you can use based on the techniques outlined above. The quicker you pull these chains off, the better.

From Fire primary Air secondary:

  1. Fire Shield Transmute Fire for the Might Might
  2. Dragon's Tooth
  3. Plasma Beam
  4. Air Attunement
  5. Arcane Blast
  6. Air Attunement
  7. Lightning Strike

From Earth primary Air secondary:

  1. Rock Barrier
  2. Earthen Synergy
  3. Hurl
  4. Air Attunement
  5. Arcane Blast
  6. Air Attunement
  7. Lightning Strike

From Earth primary Fire secondary:

  1. Rock Barrier
  2. Fracturing Strike
  3. Hurl
  4. Air Attunement
  5. Arcane Blast
  6. Air Attunement
  7. Lightning Strike


  • One with Air makes it easy to kite most specs. Avoid melee range at all costs!
  • CCs can be used for shaking off pursuers.
  • Shatterstone is a source of spammable Chill Chill which you can even place behind your back when running away. Chill is great at building distance.
  • Abuse spots on maps that break teleport skill pathing when the enemy team has Thieves, Revenants, and other such specs with teleports. Use the terrain to your advantage in general, it's very important for builds as squishy as this one.
  • Magnetic Wave and Swirling Winds provide excellent protection against enemies who use projectiles. These however do not work against unblockable projectiles, and some ranged builds - such as this one - are mostly unaffected by projectile reflects and blocks.
  • Obsidian Flesh is your last resort defense in situations where neither CC nor projectile counters will keep you alive. You should only use it when other options are either unavailable or not going to suffice.
  • Blinding Flash is great at avoiding crucial skills by blinding enemies, and it also shuts down Power-based specs in general with the Weakness.

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This build has a rating of 4 stars based on 3 votes.
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4 stars
Hanz gave this build 4 stars • August 2022
A decent roaming build with high burst damage that's part of GW2 history. I'd consider this to be one of the hardest builds to play, so wouldn't recommend it for everyone, but that's what makes it so rewarding to master.
4 stars
Paradoxoglanis gave this build 4 stars • November 2019
A fast paced burst build with a high skill cap. It struggles against condi pressure and high mobility builds, but makes up for it with devastating, quick burst combos.
5 stars
Cactusbodyslam gave this build 5 stars • March 2019
While this build can seem a little gimmicky, it is capable of a staggering damage burst that will frighten most players. The true test of a Fresh Air Weaver comes after the opening combo, as the limited survivability of Weaver leaves the player open to counterattack if their opponent was not downed immediately. Still, the build provides enough tools to avoid reprisal between bursts, keeping melee specs in check with Superspeed and avoiding ranged attacks through Twist of Fate, Swirling Winds, Magnetic Wave, and dodge rolls. If any part of the kit fails, players can bail themselves out with Final Shielding while chaining together Lightning Flash, ToF, Obsidian Flesh, and Fiery Greatsword to get far away from the opponent. This build has some unfavorable match-ups, namely Herald and Mesmer, as the burst is capable of fully healing a Herald when they use Infuse Light, and Mesmer clones can be difficult to destroy without cleave (the best cleave abilities are Plasma Beam and Arc Lightning, but additional targets need to be lined up between the opponent and the player to be hit). Fortunately, FA Weaver more than makes up for its shortcomings with an opening combo that is capable dismounting enemies in the blink of an eye.


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