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How to Unlock the Skyscale Mount

Skyscale Mount


Players must own all episodes of Living World season four, and have at least one character that has completed the third part of A Star to Guide Us: Legacy and the final part of War Eternal: Descent. You will also need 250 of each of the map materials. A total of 22 are needed for crafting, but you can also buy the crafted items directly off the trading post instead.

Some of the events required for these collections are group events. Don’t be afraid to ask for help in map chat (and tag up if you can), as there will usually be willing players around.

You will need the High Vault mastery on your springer, and the Shifting Sands mastery on your jackal. The griffon will also be very useful.

Starting out

After completing the final part of War Eternal, players will receive a mail from Gorrik. Visiting him in the Skyscale Eyrie will start the collections that eventually unlock the skyscale.

Newborn Skyscales

Talking to Gorrik will unlock two collections: Skyscale Scales and Skyscale Medicine. Throughout Newborn Skyscales you will need to travel around the map three times, gathering items. Unfortunately, you cannot do these collections simultaneously, but several item locations are repeated so it may be useful to remember where you’ve been.

Skyscale Medicine

This stage simple requires you to buy five items from the merchants around the Pact Command:

The other three items are purchased from the quartermasters near each lane’s entrance. These merchants are only unlocked once you have completed the following achievements: Putting Out Fires, Life in the Underworld, and Cutting Weeds for the Crystal Bloom, Olmakhan, and Mist Warden Quartermasters, respectively. These achievements involve doing 10 events for each of the lanes. Once complete, you can purchase:

  • from the Crystal Bloom Quartermaster.
  • from the Olmakhan Quartermaster.
  • from the Mist Warden Quartermaster.

Skyscale Scales

You must collect 21 Skyscale scales from all around Dragonfall. The map and table below details the suggested route:

Skyscale Scales Annotated.png

Throughout Dragonfall, you will find Skyscale Roosts that allow you to borrow a Skyscale. You can waypoint while mounted, so it will be extremely helpful to use them as much as possible while completing this collection.

# Hint Suggested Route (click to sort)
1 Gorrik could have picked this one up himself. 20 - Follow the shoreline south and east until you reach a sand portal. Take it and jump up the cliff immediately to the north to reach a scale very close to Gorrik.
2 On a small verdant island along a main road. 06 - Follow the channel of water eastwards, to the rocky spire. The scale is on the south-eastern edge of the base. Waypoint to Pact Command.
3 Far above the Pact Command. 07 - Use a springer to jump onto the top of the airship at Pact Command, then fly with a griffon or skyscale to the tall spire immediately south of you.
4 Protected by a severed wing. 14 - Jump back up to the top of the waterfall and east. Fly from the cliff to land on the Crystal Wing. Climb up to the top, then head south. The scale is hidden behind a tree at the very end of the cliff. Waypoint to the Olmakhan Camp.
5 In time, this verdant scale may be washed away. 13 - Head across the branches east from the previous scale and drop down past the top of a cliff to the top of Verdance Falls. The scale is on a tiny ledge just below the very eastern point of the waterfall - try not to fall.
6 On a moss-covered branch to the north of a moss-covered wood. 12 - Take the sand portal immediately to the west of the previous scale, and climb up the cliffs north-east of where you appear to reach a large branch. The scale is at the very end.
7 A root reaching out to the southern sea. 10 - Head south-east from the Mist Warden Camp and drop down onto the large root. The scale is at the very end.
8 Where the tooth of a god meets the waters of an ocean. 21 - Travel west along the shoreline, past the statue of Grenth, and look around the rocks to the south of the Mastery Insight, close to the water’s edge.
9 In the shackled grasp of a mighty dragon. 18 - Travel south and then east towards the heart of the brandstorm and look for the cave entrance that leads to Shackled Grasp. The scale is at the very back of the cave.
10 In the shadow of a pinned wing. 16 - Either fly back to the top of the cliff or drop down and take the sand portal up. Head east towards the Chaos Gate and look at the cliffs above the archways to find the scale.
11 On a necrotic coast, falling forever into the sea. 15 - From the Olmakhan Camp, head north-west to the edge of the Necrotic Coast and look for a rock floating above the water. The scale is on top.
12 Where a wing’s shadow ends and a wasteland begins. 03 - Climb up and over the cliffs to the south of the cave’s opening and look for the scale west of the thermal tube.
13 To the north of a road through a wasteland of fire. 02 - Follow the path east from Crystal Bloom Camp and look for an opening in the northern wall. The scale is inside the cave.
14 Search near the image of a fallen god. 01 - Head west from the Crystal Bloom Camp and drop down to find a scale next to the statue of Balthazar, near the water’s edge. Return to the waypoint.
15 On a branch where fire meets water. 09 - Follow the path underneath the tail and fly or glide north-east before the bridge. The scale is on the branches of one of the scorched trees on the northern shore. Waypoint to the Mist Warden Camp.
16 Under a dragon’s wing. 17 - This scale is practically next to the previous one, and can be reached by jumping up slightly to the east.
17 A dragon’s tail may soon sweep this one out to sea. 08 - Head west from Pact Command and look for the scale at the base of Kralkatorrik’s tail immediately after the first bridge.
18 In a stormy canal near a dragon’s spine. 05 - Continue east along the edge of the storm and drop down to the water. The scale is near the water’s edge at the base of the Gnarlgrove cliffs.
19 On a shore where a mossy forest meets a howling gate. 11 - Drop down from the root and follow the shoreline west then north to find a scale at the base of a waterfall.
20 In a bay overlooked by the god of death. 19 - Exit the cave and go up and over the cliffs to the south, heading for the Howling Gate. Drop down to the water and look beneath the floating island for the scale.
21 A scale of a lesser creature on the back of an Elder Dragon 04 - Head east, remaining wary of the Heart of the Brandstorm to find a scale on top of the tail on the edge of the storm.

Return to Gorrik after completing both the Medicine and Scales collections, and he will ask for your help administering the medicine - unlocking the Skyscale Fever collection.

Skyscale Fever

You now need to bring the medicine to 14 Sick Skyscales that are also scattered around Dragonfall. This collection does not have hints like the previous one, only directing you to the approximate area the skyscale may be found. The map and table below details the suggested route:

Skyscales like to nest on the edge of cliffs, so try to maintain your height when traveling between them. And as before, make as much use of the temporary Skyscale Roosts as you can.

Skyscale Fever Annotated.png

# Suggested Route (click to sort)
1 01 - Start by visiting the Sick Skyscale near Gorrik.
2 02 - Climb north-west to reach the skyscale above the path in Grenth’s Teeth.
3 03 - Continue heading north-west along the clifftops to find another skyscale past the wrecked airship.
4 04 - Fly east and look for the skyscale directly between Kralkatorrik’s claw.
5 05 - Fly north-west and down to find the skyscale near a burning tree on the southern edge of the burning forest. Waypoint to the Crystal Bloom Camp.
6 06 - Jump up the cliffs south-east of the waypoint and pass through the sand portal. The next skyscale is on the edge of the cliff east of where you arrive.
7 07 - Fly directly north to find a skyscale just below the vista.
8 08 - Fly south-east and climb up the cliff to find another skyscale perched on a rock. Alternatively, head east from the last skyscale and use the thermal tubes to gain height and glide across.
9 09 - Fly east to find another skyscale on top of a rocky pillar overlooking the bridge to the Pact Command.
10 10 - Fly across the gap into Melandru’s Domain. Jump up the cliff and follow the path into Gnarlgrove, then jump up the tree branches to reach the skyscale. You can also take the nearby bouncing mushroom or sand portal to reach to clifftops and glide down.
11 14 - Drop down past the wing to find a skyscale on the edge of a pool, near a statue of Melandru.
12 13 - Fly north-east and jump up the cliff (a bouncing mushroom on the cliffside close to the wing will take you even higher), then fly across to the tip of Kralkatorrik’s wing. Climb up the wing to the wounded section, then head inside to the south and drop down to find the skyscale - be careful not to fall too far.
13 12 - Continue flying east to reach a skyscale at the top of the Tower of the Third, near a crashed chopper.
14 11 - Keeping to the tops of the trees, fly south-east to reach another skyscale perched in the branches.

Return to Gorrik after completing Skyscale Fever, and he reveals that the previous step was basically pointless and you must now collect some eggs instead - unlocking the Skyscale Eggs collection!

Skyscale Eggs

Once more, you will need to traipse around Dragonfall to collect the 21 eggs. As with the previous collection, the hints only direct you to the approximate area, so see the map and suggested route below:

Skyscale Eggs Annotated.png

# Suggested Route (click to sort)
1 01 - Start by picking up the egg near Gorrik. Waypoint to the Olmakhan Camp.
2 03 - Fly north-west and collect the egg hidden between some rocks.
3 04 - Fly north and jump up the cliff to find an egg at the base of the tallest pillar.
4 05 - Keep flying north towards the burning tree at the edge of the Burning Forest, and look for the egg behind it. Waypoint to the Crystal Bloom Camp.
5 08 - From the Olmakhan Camp, jump up the cliffs to the south-east and take the sand portal. The egg is at the roots of a tree at the edge of the cliff, to the east of where you arrive.
6 06 - Jump up the cliffs to the west of the Olmakhan Camp. The egg is in the branches of a tree.
7 07 - Head north-east to find an egg on some rocks at the shoreline. You can get here quicker by jumping into the thermal tube near the previous egg, and gliding before you land in the next thermal tube. Waypoint back to the Olmakhan Camp (alternatively, you can make your way to the nearby thermal tube, and ride the system until you can glide out near egg #5. You may also collect egg #9 along the way).
8 10 - Fly east or south if you’re coming from egg #5 or #9, respectively. Jump up the cliff to find the egg beside a large rock.
9 09 - If you haven’t already collected this egg, fly north-east using the tree branches to maintain your height if necessary. The egg is directly west of a thermal tube, near the base of a tree
10 11 - Fly or glide to the north-east and look for an egg at the edge of a cliff, near some branded crystals.
11 12 - Fly south and head into the Gnarlgrove. Take the sand portal up to the top of the cliff and drop down just to the north-west to find the egg on a ledge directly beneath a tree.
12 13 - Fly or glide to the east to reach another egg near the top of a large branch.
13 17 - Drop down past the wing to find the egg part-way up a cliff on the edge of a pool, near a statue of Melandru. Waypoint to the Mist Warden Camp.
14 14 - Fly south to land on top of the nearby cliff, and follow it east before flying further east to another clifftop. Next, travel south-east and you will find an egg directly next to a crashed chopper.
15 15 - Fly east to land on top of Kralkatorrik’s wing. Make your way north and jump to the top (near the trees). Just to the east of the skyscale roost is another egg.
16 16 - Pass beneath the wounded area, and travel to the underside of Kralkatorrik’s wing to another clifftop with trees. The egg is hidden behind some glowing plants at the south-eastern edge.
17 20 - Fly or glide to the south-east and find another egg among the branches.
18 21 - Visible to the east of the previous egg, drop down to find the final egg on a large branch overlooking the Tower of the Third.
19 19 - Fly north-east, using the branches to maintain your height, and jump up high among the branches of a large tree, past a crashed chopper. Between a fork in the branches near the top, there is another egg.
20 18 - Scale the branches and cliffs to the south-west of the Mist Warden Camp and make your way to the cliff-top at the south-western edge of Melandru’s Lost Domain. At the edge of a west-facing cliff (one level beneath the highest point) is the egg.
21 02 - Jump up the cliffs to the south-west of the Olmakhan Camp to reach an egg perched on the statue of Grenth’s head.

Returning to Gorrik will complete the Newborn Skyscales achievement. There is a cooldown period of two hours before you can progress to the next stage (indicated by the Waiting for Gorrik buff), whereupon you will receive a mail from Gorrik informing you that he has relocated to Sun’s Refuge. This cooldown will tick in real-time, so you do not have to be in-game for this period.

Saving Skyscales

Upon finding Gorrik in Sun’s Refuge, you will be tasked with finding sources of magic to absorb into Skyscale eggs. This involves the completion of 12 small collections that unlock simultaneously. Some of the collection items are found within Derelict Delves, and therefore require finishing the Rune-Locked Doors achievement, or having another player port you to the locations.

Skyscale of Water

  • The Nature of Water - Speak with Grand Elder Water Djinn Khiafe or Grandmaster Elder Djinn Emine at Zagonur Cliffs in Domain of Vabbi. Defeat nearby foes to draw the djinn out.
  • Waters of Ntouka - Swim to the bottom of Ntouka Pond in the Domain of Kourna.
  • Waters of Castavall - Swim to the bottom of Flooded Castavall in Bloodtide Coast.
  • Waters of Derelict Delve - Swim in the water chamber in Derelict Delve in Desert Highlands.

Skyscale of Fire

  • The Nature of Fire - Speak with Grand Elder Fire Djinn Naayih or Grandmaster Elder Djinn Emine at Zagonur Cliffs in Domain of Vabbi. Defeat nearby foes to draw the djinn out.
  • Fires of the Legion - Get burned by lava in the Great Imperial Smelter in the Black Citadel.
  • Fires of the Mountain - Get burned by lava within Mount Maelstrom.
  • Fires of a God - Get burned by lava in the Hearth in the Domain of Vabbi.
  • Fires of the Depths - Get burned by lava in the fire chamber in Derelict Delve in Desert Highlands.

Skyscale of Ice

  • The Nature of Ice - Speak with Frigid Paw at Talabaroop Waves in Frostgorge Sound.
  • Ice of the Land - Expose your skyscale egg to the icy chamber in Derelict Delve in Desert Highlands.
  • Ice of the Sea - Expose your skyscale egg to the water of the ice flow in Thunderhead Peaks.
  • Ice of the Air - Become encased in an ice prison caused by ice storms in Bitterfrost Frontier or during the Claw of Jormag world boss event.

Skyscale of Earth

  • The Nature of Earth - Speak with Grand Elder Earth Djinn Bhozu or Grandmaster Elder Djinn Emine at Zagonur Cliffs in Domain of Vabbi. Defeat nearby foes to draw them out.
  • Sands of Sifuri - Take damage from quicksand in Crystal Oasis.
  • Sands of Prosperity - Take damage from quicksand in Drytop.
  • Sands of the Riverlands - Take damage from quicksand in Elon Riverlands.
  • Sands of Vabbi - Take damage from quicksand in the Domain of Vabbi.

Skyscale of Air

  • The Nature of Air - Speak with Grand Elder Air Djinn Dhizosai or Grandmaster Elder Djinn Emine at Zagonur Cliffs in Domain of Vabbi. Defeat nearby foes to draw them out.
  • Winds of the Waste - Get knocked down by a Dust Mite Twister, commonly found in arid desert-like areas.
  • Winds of the Garden - Interact with the Cluster of Winds in the Hidden Garden jumping puzzle in Mount Maelstrom.
  • Winds of the Storm - Get caught in the Brand tornado in Jahai Bluffs.

Skyscale of Life

  • The Nature of Life - Speak with the Priestess of Dwayna at the Plaza of Dwayna in Divinity’s Reach.
  • Giver of Life - Revive 3 allies while under the effects of Dwayna’s Directive.
  • Champion of Life - Revive 6 more allies while under the effects of Dwayna’s Directive.
  • Commander of Life - Revive 9 more allies while under the effects of Dwayna’s Directive.

Skyscale of Blood

  • The Nature of Blood - Speak with General Almorra Soulkeeper at Pact Command in Dragonfall.
  • Taker of Blood - Defeat 25 foes while under the effect of Almorra’s Directive.
  • Champion of Blood - Defeat 50 more foes while under the effect of Almorra’s Directive.
  • Commander of Blood - Defeat 75 more foes while under the effect of Almorra’s Directive.

Skyscale of Growth

  • The Nature of Growth - Speak with the teacher in the Omphalos Chamber above the Grove.
  • Growth of Strawberries - Place your skyscale egg in the dirt of the strawberry patch at Brightwater Inlet in Desert Highlands.
  • Growth of Artichokes - Place your skyscale egg in the dirt of the artichoke patch at the Necropolis in the Domain of Vabbi.
  • Growth of Cauliflower - Place your skyscale egg in the dirt of the cauliflower patch at Elon Flow in Elon Riverlands.
  • Growth of Carrots - Place your skyscale egg in the dirt of the carrot patch at the Bonestrand in the Desolation.

Skyscale of Death

  • The Nature of Death - Speak with Sister Lissa at the Necropolis in the Domain of Vabbi.
  • Death of the Exile - Visit the dead at Exile’s Rest in Elon Riverlands.
  • Death of the Conquered - Visit the dead at the Bone Palace in the Desolation.
  • Death of the Kings - Visit the dead at the Tomb of Primeval Kings in Desert Highlands.
  • Death of the Oppressed - Visit the dead at Champion’s Dawn in the Domain of Istan.

Skyscale of Spirit

  • The Nature of Spirit - Speak with Amaranda the Lonesome at Venlin Vale in Brisban Wildlands.
  • Spirit of the Lich King - Visit Palawa Joko’s tomb at the Central Brand Scar in Jahai Bluffs.
  • Spirit of the Centaurs - Visit the Ancestor Tree at the Ruined Procession in Jahai Bluffs.
  • Spirit of the Hero - Visit the shrine to Turai Ossa’s defeat at Deadlock Sweep in Elon Riverlands.
  • Spirit of the Prophet - Visit Prophet’s Fall in Desert Highlands.

Skyscale of Fear

  • The Nature of Fear - Speak with Orson at Demon’s Maw in Lornar’s Pass.
  • Astraphobia - Get hit by a Brandstorm.
  • Glossophobia - Teach the class at Vehtendi Academy in the Domain of Vabbi.
  • Alektorophobia - Get attacked by angry chickens at Ebonhawke in Fields of Ruin.
  • Acrophobia - Get to the very top of the wall in Blazeridge Steppes.

Skyscale of Courage

  • Courage in the Face of Death - Go to Fort Trinity in Straits of Devastation and tell your egg how you defeated Zhaitan.
  • Courage in the Face of Lost Will - Go to Camp Resolve in the Silverwastes and tell your egg how you defeated Mordremoth.
  • Courage in the Face of Shattered Faith - Go to King Joko’s Sky Garden in the Domain of Vabbi and tell your egg how you defeated Balthazar.
  • Courage in the Face of Oblivion - Go to Pact Command in Dragonfall and tell your egg how you defeated Kralkatorrik.
  • Courage in the Face of One's Self - Defeat your doppelganger at Augury Rock in Elon Riverlands.


To avoid having to revisit areas, you can complete the collection items in the following order:

  1. Start by picking up the buffs for killing enemies and reviving allies, as you can make some progress on both while completing the other collections.
    • Speak to Almora Soulkeeper at Pact Command. You must kill 150 enemies while under the effects of this buff, and can include enemy players in competitive game-modes or ambient creatures. While there, head north to the prow of the docked airship and interact with the concentration of magic to gain Courage in the Face of Oblivion.
    • Speak to the Priestess of Dwayna in the Plaza of Dwayna. You must revive 18 players or NPCs while under the effects of this buff.
  2. Speak with Amaranda the Lonesome at Venlin Vale.
  3. Speak to the Teacher in the Omphalos Chamber. To reach the chamber, take the elevator to the east of the Upper Commons waypoint in the Grove.
  4. Speak with Orson at Demon’s Maw.
  5. Speak with Frigid Paw at Talabaroop Waves.
    • While you are in Frostgorge Sound, if the Claw of Jormag is active you may head there and attempt to get frozen for Ice of the Air. Alternatively, you can head to Bitterfrost Frontier at any time and get hit by one of the Ice Storms.
  6. Head to the Market Ruins waypoint in the Domain of Vabbi, and travel to the Hanging Gardens. If the Grand Elder Djinn or Grandmaster Elder Djinn Emine are not present, you must kill the eight veteran djinn in the area to light eight braziers, which causes the four Grand Elder Djinn to appear. Speak to each of them (or Emine) to unlock the Natures of Water, Fire, Earth, and Air. While in the Domain of Vabbi, you can also collect the following:

The remaining items can be obtained in any order. The following is just a suggestion:

  • In The Desolation:
    • Travel to Joko’s Domain and enter The Bone Palace. The concentration of magic is located by the throne, and interacting with it unlocks Death of the Conquered. If The Bone Palace is inaccessible, you may use the stairs and cliffs at the western edge of the palace, along with a combination of the springer and griffon (or raptor, but it’s much harder) to bypass the green barrier by climbing above it. Alternatively, you can simply wait until the barrier disappears.
    • Travel due east from The Bonestrand waypoint across the water, and jump on to the northern edge of the first rocky area you reach to find a carrot farm. Place your egg among them to unlock Growth of Carrots.
  • In Elon Riverlands:
    • Keep an eye on the Path to Ascension meta while you are here. To obtain Courage in the Face of One’s Self you must kill either Josso Essher, your doppelganger during this event, or the legendary doppelganger at the end of the meta. This is contrary to the hint suggesting you must kill your doppelganger.
    • Jump into the quicksand to the north-west of Arid Gladefields to unlock Sands of the Riverlands.
    • Travel south-east of Arid Gladefields to Elon Flow (or north-east, if you are coming from the Desolation) and jump up to the cliffs south-east of Lonely Vigil. Look for the cauliflower farm near the harpies and place your egg there to unlock Growth of Cauliflowers.
    • Travel west of Arid Gladefields to Exile’s Rest and interact with the concentration of magic to unlock Death of the Exile.
    • Head to Ossa’s Defeat, in the north-west corner of the map, and interact with the concentration of magic to unlock Spirit of the Hero.
  • In Crystal Oasis, jump into the quicksand to unlock Sands of Sifuri.
  • In Desert Highlands:
    • Waypoint to Brightwater Inlet and head north-west to Pricklepatch Hollow. Follow the river upstream until you reach the strawberry farm and place your egg there to unlock Growth of Strawberries.
    • Travel east from Diviner’s Reach into Prophet’s Fall and look for a concentration of magic on a floating crystal at the western edge of the crater. This will unlock Spirit of the Prophet.
    • Head east from Aubern Hills to the Tomb of Primeval Kings. At the very back of the tomb, near The Portal, is a concentration of magic that will unlock Death of the Kings.
    • Travel to Fortune’s Vale and complete the Rune-Locked Doors achievement, if you haven’t already. Collect the Waters of the Derelict Delve, Fires of the Depths, and Ice of the Land from the water, fire, and ice chambers, respectively.
  • In Thunderhead Peaks, go south-east from Dredgeways to Ice Floe and dive down on the eastern side of the southernmost island to unlock Ice of the Sea.
  • In Mount Maelstrom:
    • Jump into the lava at Maelstrom’s Bile to unlock Fires of the Mountain.
    • Make your way into the Hidden Garden, and interact with the Cantle of the Sky in the north-west of the garden. Mounts are not disabled, so this should be easy to reach.
  • In Straits of Devastation, go to Fort Trinity and hop on top of the Alseta Generator just to the east of the waypoint. Interact with the concentration of magic to unlock Courage in the Face of Death.
  • In Bloodtide Coast, swim down into Flooded Castavall to the very bottom (beneath some krait structures just west of the opening from the waypoint) and interact with the concentration of magic to unlock Waters of Castavall.
  • In the Black Citadel, use Junker’s Waypoint and go south-east, using a mount to hop over the railing and jump into the Great Imperial Smelter to unlock Fires of the Legion.
  • In Blazeridge Steppes, use a springer to jump up the wall south of the Lowland Burns waypoint. You are aiming for the very highest point - up on top of a series of floating pillars. The jumps are quite precise, which can be difficult with a springer, so you may wish to ask a player that already has a skyscale to port you up. Interacting with the concentration of magic will unlock Acrophobia.
  • In Fields of Ruin, head to the Fallen Angels Garrison waypoint in Ebonhawke and go to the small farm south-west of the waypoint. Murder chickens until some angry chickens spawn. Taking damage from them will unlock Alektorophobia.
  • In Dry Top, jump into the quicksand next to Prosperity Waypoint to unlock Sands of Prosperity.
  • In The Silverwastes, go directly east from the Camp Resolve waypoint to find the concentration of magic that will unlock Courage in the Face of Lost Will.
  • In Jahai Bluffs:
    • Travel north from Venta Pass to reach the Ancestor Tree. Interact with the concentration of magic next to the tree to unlock Spirit of the Centaurs.
    • Travel to the Monument to the Return of Palawa Joko in the Central Brand Scar and interact with the concentration of magic next to the tomb to unlock Spirit of the Lich King.
    • Jump into a Claw of Kralkatorrik (the branded tornadoes) to unlock Winds of the Storm. Alternatively, you can jump into the similar tornadoes that spawn in Dragonfall.
  • In the Domain of Kourna, travel north-west from Allied Encampment to Ntouka Pond via the Secret Throughway. At the bottom of the pond, near Deeprift Brood, is a concentration of magic that unlocks Waters of Ntouka.
  • In the Domain of Istan, travel to Champion’s Dawn and head south-east to the Field of the Hopeful. There is a concentration of magic next to the PoI that will unlock Death of the Oppressed.

You will need to wait another two hours after completing Saving Skyscales before you can speak to Gorrik again.

Raising Skyscales

Gorrik will send you another mail, calling you back to Sun’s Refuge.

One of the Skyscale eggs has hatched! You must now feed them up, as well as collecting a few toys. This starts three more collections, which may be completed in any order. Note that Skyscale Care has a minimum three-day timegate.

Skyscale Care

The first step of Skyscale care is to create a by combining the following in the Mystic Forge:

  • 2
  • 1
  • 5
  • 25

You will need a total of 12 of these items, and they may also be bought from the trading post (useful if you have trouble obtaining .

Approaching the hatchling will allow you to Feed Feed it a up to four times a day. If the hatchling won’t eat, you may need to Play Play with it first.

Skyscale Treats

In addition to the food from Skyscale Care, you will need to provide some additional treats to the hatchling by killing certain creatures from around Tyria for their meat. The drop-rate is rather high, so it shouldn’t require much time to obtain each one.

Except for the Karka, all the required creatures can be found near two locations: The Skimmer Ranch, and Fortune’s Vale.

Treat Hint Example Location
Defeat karka to obtain a treat for your skyscale. All over Southsun Cove, north-east of Owain’s Refuge, for example.
Defeat sand lions to obtain a treat for your skyscale. West of the Skimmer Ranch.
Defeat iboga to obtain a treat for your skyscale. On the cliffs south of the Skimmer Ranch, in Skimshallow Cove/Shallows of Despair.
Defeat desert insects to obtain a treat for your skyscale. North of the Skimmer Ranch.
Defeat jacaranda to obtain a treat for your skyscale. West of the Skimmer Ranch.
Defeat sand eels to obtain a treat for your skyscale. North of the Skimmer Ranch, in Champion’s Gap.
Defeat rock gazelles to obtain a treat for your skyscale. North-east of the Skimmer Ranch.
Defeat sand sharks to obtain a treat for your skyscale. East of the Skimmer Ranch.
Defeat bats to obtain a treat for your skyscale. Inside the cave in the south-west corner of Prophet’s Path (due north of the mastery insight).
Defeat skales to obtain a treat for your skyscale. South-east of the Skimmer Ranch.
Defeat skelks to obtain a treat for your skyscale. East of the Derelict Delve waypoint.
Defeat spiders to obtain a treat for your skyscale. South of the Derelict Delve waypoint.
Defeat minotaurs to obtain a treat for your skyscale. On top of the cliffs to the west of the Derelict Delve waypoint.
Defeat wyverns to obtain a treat for your skyscale. On top of the rocky spires south of the Skimmer Ranch.

Skyscale Toys

To keep the hatchling entertained, you must purchase the following toys from around Tyria:

You will also need to craft a , or purchase one from the trading post.

Once you have the items, you can take bring them back to your hatchling to unlock the relevant collection items.

Troublesome Skyscales

After the previous three collections have been completed, return to Gorrik to complete Raising Skyscales. Once again, you will need to wait two hours before you receive another mail from Gorrik, informing you that the Skyscale has escaped.

Skyscale Lost

To track down the missing skyscale, you will need to follow it to 21 different locations. Upon reaching each of the locations, it will appear, and interacting with it causes it to run away again. You will also receive a . Using this within a relevant map will cause the skyscale to appear, completing the closest location automatically. It is highly recommended that you save the free treat for the Branded Ley-Line Anomaly, as other people are rarely around for this group event.

You will also be given the recipe to craft additional treats from the following ingredients:

Note: Crafting additional treats is completely optional, and allows you to skip one step per treat

The treats can be crafted by a level 300 chef, or purchased from the trading post. A total of 20 (in addition to the free one) will therefore enable you to skip the vast majority of this collection, though you will need to travel to each of the maps in question.

Map Hint Location
Skyscale Lost 1.png Find your Skyscale at the Displaced Tower jumping puzzle in Jahai Bluffs. On the level beneath the vista.
Skyscale Lost 2.png Find your Skyscale at the top of Loyalist Warren in Domain of Kourna. On the wide ledge beneath the top of the tallest rocky spire.
Skyscale Lost 3.png Find your Skyscale in the Eastern Complex in the Sandswept Isles. Next to the Griffon Expert adventure.
Skyscale Lost 4.png Find your Skyscale in the Buried Archives jumping puzzle in Cursed Shore. Outside the room containing the grand chest.
Skyscale Lost 5.png Find your Skyscale in the Spelunker’s Delve jumping puzzle in Caledon Forest. Next to the splendid chest at the end of the jumping puzzle. Mounts can be used to skip straight to the end.
Skyscale Lost 6.png Find your Skyscale in the Goemm’s Lab jumping puzzle in Metrica Province. On the platform next to the splendid chest at the end of the jumping puzzle. The entrance is south of Cuatl Morass.
Skyscale Lost 7.png Rescue your Skyscale from the Shadow Behemoth in Queensdale. The Shadow Behemoth must be defeated first.
Skyscale Lost 8.png Find your Skyscale in the Fawcett’s Bounty jumping puzzle in Harathi Hinterlands. Found at the exit from the jumping puzzle. Mounts can be used to reach this location from outside.
Skyscale Lost 9.png Find your Skyscale in the Shattered Ice Ruins jumping puzzle in Frostgorge Sound. On a platform with a Veteran Chromatic Ooze, just before the end of the jumping puzzle.
Skyscale Lost 10.png Find your Skyscale in the Rebel’s Seclusion Mini-dungeon in Fireheart Rise. Down the hill from the splendid chest at the end of the mini-dungeon. Mounts can be used here.
Skyscale Lost 11.png Find your Skyscale in the Griffonrook Run jumping puzzle in Lornar’s Pass. Near the nests just before the end of the jumping puzzle.
Skyscale Lost 12.png Find your Skyscale in the Coddler’s Cove jumping puzzle in Timberline Falls. Next to the grand chest at the end of the jumping puzzle.
Skyscale Lost 13.png Rescue your Skyscale from the Inquest Golem Mark II in Mount Maelstrom. The Inquest Golem Mark II must be defeated first.
Skyscale Lost 14.png Find your Skyscale near the Highjump Ranch in Desert Highlands. On top of the tallest rocky pillar.
Skyscale Lost 15.png Find your Skyscale high in the sky above the Desert Highlands. Near the mastery point above the salt flats. A sand portal north of the location needs to be taken to reach it.
Skyscale Lost 16.png Find your Skyscale above Maculate Fringe in Crystal Oasis. Take the sand portal near the hero challenge and follow the path to the end.
Skyscale Lost 17.png Find your Skyscale near Glint’s Legacy in Crystal Oasis. On top of the roof of a building. To reach it you will need to pass through the Fortunate Strike mine.
Skyscale Lost 18.png Find your Skyscale in the Sanctum of Nabkha in Crystal Oasis. On top of one of the pillars at the end of the Sanctum of Nabkha.
Skyscale Lost 19.png Find your Skyscale in the Hall of Ascension in Elon Riverlands. At the very top of the Hall of Ascension. Augury Rock must be open.
Skyscale Lost 20.png Find your Skyscale in Skimshallow Cove in Elon Riverlands. In one of the bushes as the top of the Pillars of Supremacy.
Skyscale Lost 21.png Rescue your Skyscale from the Branded Ley-Line Anomaly in the Domain of Vabbi. The Branded Ley-Line Anomaly must be defeated first. The anomaly is found at the end of the branded gauntlet, the entrance to which is north of the Grand Court of Sebelkeh. As this is a here.

After completing Skyscale Lost, Gorrik suggests that you might prevent it from escaping again if you train it. This unlocks Skyscale Stealth and Skyscale Reflexes, which can be completed in either order.

Skyscale Stealth

For Skyscale Stealth, you need to play hide-and-seek with the Skyscale on each of three difficulties, by interacting with your Home Base. The skyscale will not hide too far from the Home Base (indicated by the orange circle on your compass), and there are several assistances to help you find them. First, the skyscale will make a sound when nearby. Second, it will ping the map if you take too long to find it. Finally, you can call target on the skyscale before beginning the game which can make it easier to spot. The skyscale will hide again after being found, and you must find it six times per difficulty. Finding the skyscale for the final time will complete this collection.

Skyscale Reflexes

Interacting with the nearby ball will begin a game of fetch with the skyscale. After you throw the ball, the skyscale will catch it and throw it back to you. A small white area indicates where the ball will land, and you must stand in it to catch the ball and throw it back to the skyscale. This process repeats until you have caught the ball 12 times. It may be worth using movement skills to help. Finishing this process on all three difficulties will complete the collection.

Riding Skyscales

After finishing Skyscale Stealth and Skyscale Reflexes, return to Gorrik once more to complete Troublesome Skyscales and start the final two-hour timer.

Skyscale Saddle

Gorrik will send a mail, asking you to visit him in Sun’s Refuge. He wishes to craft a saddle for the skyscale, which involves buying components from each of the Living World Season 4 maps. This step costs a total of 35 gold, 500 trade contracts, 1500 volatile magic, and 250 of each map material:

If you have not yet completed the Living World Return achievements for the maps in question, they are a very good way to earn the currency.

Head to Jahai Bluffs once the saddle is complete, and look for Gorrik on top of a bluff to the north-east of the Fortress of Jahai (you can use a Jackal Portal just north of Gorrik’s location to reach him):

Skyscale Flight.png

After providing the saddle, Gorrik suggests a test flight. Interact with the skyscale just south-west of Gorrik and fly to the reality tear above and north-north-west of your location. You will automatically interact with the tear by hovering close to it, completing A Lesson in Flying, and unlocking Skyscale Flight, the final collection required to unlock the skyscale.

Skyscale Flight

Interacting with the reality tear in Jahai Bluffs unlocked the first part of the collection, and to complete it, you must interact with 27 tears across 27 Living World Season 4, Path of Fire, and Core Tyria maps. There are multiple tears on each map that will unlock the achievement, the following is just a recommendation. Near each tear is a “flying lesson” location that allows you to summon a skyscale, which will be necessary to reach most of them.

Note that while the collection items are somewhat grouped by region, the ordering of the Elonian maps, in particular, is strangely scattered.

Location Recommendation Directions
Jahai Bluffs Fortress of Jahai This should be unlocked already. If not, return to the tear next to Gorrik.
Domain of Vabbi Vehtendi Academy Immediately visible just south of the waypoint.
Sandswept Isles Reserve Generator Site Directly above the waypoint. You will need to fly from the top of the rocky arch to the east to reach it.
Domain of Kourna Arkjok Farmlands Travel north from Allied Encampment and jump up to the roof of the building south-east of Palawa’s Benevolence. The tear is south-west from the rooftop.
The Desolation The Bonestrand The flying lesson is on top of the west-most building in the Village of Purity (one with a windmill), and the tear is west of this.
Domain of Istan Chalon Docks The tear is visible from the waypoint, just north of the docks.
Thunderhead Peaks Dredgeways The tear is above the tower just north-east of the waypoint.
Elon Riverlands Skimmer Ranch The flying lesson is on the small island in the quicksand south-east of the waypoint, and the tear is south-west of this.
Dragonfall Pact Command The tear is just over the cliff edge north-west of the waypoint, and the flying lesson is on top of the rock structure south of the waypoint.
Dry Top Uplands Oasis The tear is just above the ground to the east of the waypoint. You can investigate the tear just by standing on the nearby dune without needing the skyscale.
Crystal Oasis Elona Reach The tear below the broken bridge east-north-east of the waypoint. The flying lesson is on the bridge itself.
Silverwastes Camp Resolve Jump up to the top of the cliffs immediately south of the southern exit from Camp Resolve to find the flying lesson, and the tear is south-west of here.
Blazeridge Steppes Lowland Burns Immediately visible just north of the waypoint.
Diessa Plateau Reaper’s Corridor The tear is at the top of the rocky structure north-west of the waypoint. You can stand on top of the cliff here to investigate the tear without the skyscale.
Fireheart Rise Simurgh Timberland The tear is immediately visible just south of the waypoint, and the flying lesson can be found on a clifftop a small distance to the west.
Iron Marches Monger’s Sink The flying lesson is on top of the tower south of the waypoint, and the tear is west of this.
Frostgorge Sound Wayward Climb The flying lesson is at the edge of the cliff north-west of the waypoint, and the tear can be found by flying north.
Dredgehaunt Cliffs Kolkorensburg The flying lesson is up the hill south-west of the waypoint, and the tear can be found above the ruined building to the north-west (the one leading to the Forsaken Fortune mini-dungeon).
Lornar’s Pass Frostgate Falls Head east from The Godspurs past the dredge to the top of the stone arch to find the flying lesson. The tear will be just below you, to the south-west.
Timberline Falls The Iron Veil The tear is immediately visible just east of the waypoint, and the flying lesson can be found a small distance to the south.
Sparkfly Fen Karinn’s Passage The flying lesson is on the cliff-top east of the waypoint, and the tear is south-west of this.
Mount Maelstrom Treacherous Depths The tear is immediately visible just south-east of the waypoint. The flying lesson can be found on the rocks to the north, just past the wooden wall.
Bloodtide Coast Stormbluff Isle The flying lesson is at the very top of the cliffs overlooking the waypoint. The tear can be found on the western side of the bridge that leads north off the Isle.
Harathi Hinterlands Wynchona Woods The tear is immediately visible just south-east of the waypoint, and the flying lesson can be found on the cliff immediately south of the waypoint.
Desert Highlands Stampede Uplands The flying lesson is on a clifftop west of the waypoint, and the tear is just to the west of the nearby vista.
Straights of Devastation Fort Trinity The flying lesson is on the cliffs at the northern edge of Fort Trinity, and the tear is west of this.
Cursed Shore Winterknell Shore Travel east of Gavbeorn’s waypoint to Bakkir Sarayi. The tear is between two ruined buildings just south of the PoI, and you can investigate it by standing on the wall just to the south.
Malchor’s Leap Theater of Delight The flying lesson is on top of a building just east from the Colonnade waypoint, and the tear is south of this.

Investigating the final reality tear will complete Skyscale Flight and unlock your very own skyscale mount!

Ruler of the Skies

Upon unlocking the second mastery in the Skyscale Mount line - Rift Repair - you will be able to return to these tears (and others) and close them. Interacting with these tears by hovering close by will spawn a trail of floating volatile magic. By following this trail and collecting all the magic, you will close the rift. Progress is indicated by the Rift Resonance buff, which indicates how many nodes are left in the trail.

There are explorer achievements for completing the reality tears in each of: Ascalon, Elona, Kryta, Living World Season 4, Maguuma Wastes, Ruins of Orr, Shiverpeak Mountains, and Tarnished Coast. Closing all 100 rifts will award the Ruler of the Skies achievement and title.


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