Either Barry
Hey, I deleted your rating on this page since it was a question and not a comment. There is no way to reply in the rating section, so use either the comment section below or ask in the discord in future. The text was as follows:
Given that most FB's are secondary healers and are depended on primarily for stability, why not concentration/healing power food/oil as opposed to healing power/concentration food/oil? I'm just curious.
To answer your question, there are couple reasons: with Signet of Mercy you need at least 33% outgoing healing to negate poison and guarantee all rezzes land. Secondly with full minstrel's, concentration infusions and healing/conc food FB already sits at ~68% boon duration. 68% is enough that every important boon you can apply is already much more likely to be stripped than time out because of duration, with quickness being a possible exception. Lastly the outgoing healing modifiers are much bigger relative increases to healing than the boon duration modifiers are to boon duration.
While you always need the healing modifiers if you take signet, with mantra either option would be ok. The choice comes down to how much you value extra healing on a secondary healer versus fairly minimal extra boon duration that often doesn't make a difference into strips.
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