Herald vote
Hi, your rating for the following build has been removed: Build:Herald_-_Power_Shiro
Vote comment was:
Revenant as a whole is generally not worth using in PvP currently. Herald isn't bad as a team support but is out buffed by other classes and cannot match damage values from the current meta. Plus this class has a terrible time trying to avoid the current stun spam stacks, and has generally pretty low survivability. Best thing you can do is hide by your team and give buffs, or pick duels with very squishy people. In a mini-season you will be targeted in every fight first as you are the weakest link. Do not play this class.
Power rev is arguably the strongest build in its role with outstanding burst damage, and the build has a decent amount of sustain once you get used to it. You don't have to take my word for it, try convincing any top players that Herald is bottom tier and tell me if any of them agree. It's admittedly a very high skill cap build and the playstyle itself isn't for everyone and that's fine, maybe it's just not your thing. It's objectively great in its current state though, especially the damage. You kind of have a point for the miniseason, it's not the best thing to play there, but we rate builds based on their performance in Conquest, not the offseason modes. --Hanz (talk) 11:09, 23 September 2022 (UTC)
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