Chronomancer - Rifle Mantra Support
This build was last updated on October 06, 2024 and is up to date for the February 11, 2025 patch.
A support Chronomancer build utilizing the latest addition to the Mesmer arsenal, the Rifle.
Skill Bar
Skill Variants
For the optional slot:
Chaos Aura access and could even be used as a mobility/anti-condition tool when traited. Currently the most popular option.
- high anti-projectile uptime, quite useful against specs like Rifle Deadeyes or Longbow Dragonhunters. It's also a combo field for more
- - another stunbreak and extra healing via .
- - if more condition cleansing is needed.
- - the CC could help set up kills for the team.
- Torch over Shield - with Torch you'll be able to disengage better and even gain a boost to your condi cleansing, but Shield is better at standing your ground in a teamfight as it allows you to tank more hits (assuming the enemy team isn't full of specs with unblockable damage like S/D Thief or condi Reaper).
- Spear over Sword/Torch - some prefer to use Spear because of its offensive capabilities. You get to contribute more pressure in a fight, which is especially relevant in smaller skirmishes like 2v2s, but your sustain's going to take a massive hit if you drop Sword/Shield. Spear raises the difficulty level of the build and requires the Janthir Wilds expansion.
Template Code
- is another viable option, improving various clone related traits and skills. It's also the only real option when you're NOT playing with and .
Equipment Variants
Alacrity allows you to spam your heals a bit more often.
- lowers your burst healing by giving up Flock's healing proc, but the extra
- - trades group healing for better boon duration (up to ~17%). The relic has no internal cooldown and multiple stacks of the same boon can grant you several stacks of the Herald bonus, which makes this very easy to utilize with shatter skills that are boosted by various traits and can apply 5 or more boons in an instant. Consider taking a boon duration rune like or .
Elite specialization basics
Chronomancers gain access to brand new Shatter skills that are more or less the same as the old Shatter skills. F1 is still the power damage one, F2 still has
Confusion and F3
Dazes targets.
- In the F5 slot Chronos gain a new Shatter that's unique to them: and its chain skill . More about these later.
- provides a passive movement speed bonus, rendering movement focused runes unnecessary.
- While Rifle adds a strong ranged option to the build, many of your important healing, cleansing and boon sharing tools like mantras and shatters still have to be used in melee range of allies.
Resistance on top.
- Alternatively you can use this as sort of a "distress call". If you activate the portal while being chased by enemies, you give your team a chance to randomly take the portal and show up at your location to peel for you.
creates a portal for a brief period of time which allows allies to teleport to your location, but in ranked games (especially solo) without voice communication the odds of someone actually reacting in time and taking the portal are virtually 0. View this as a ranged barrier sharing tool with extra
- With Rifle you can afford to stay in range and support your team from a safe distance. When Rifle skills are used up you're going to have to go melee and provide support with mantras and shatters. The Sword/Shield set allows you to spend time in melee and survive enemy focus for some time.
Stability from shatter skills to protect it. This mantra unlocks the skill .
(MoR) has quite a long cast time when you have to charge it up - either block line of sight for enemies by hiding behind objects or obtain
- There's some decision making involved when you're using charges of
Alacrity. If you end up using the 2nd charge before gaining back the 1st one, all the time you've spent waiting for the 1st charge to come back will be lost and will go on full CD. For this reason it's often beneficial to use both charges back-to-back if your allies are taking heavy damage and you feel like you couldn't wait for the 1st charge to come back before having to use the skill again, since using both charges together allows MoR itself to start recharging sooner. The downside is that you're losing out on an instant reactive heal when this mantra is on CD.
. Upon pressing this skill 1 charge is consumed and immediately starts recharging, but you'll still have a second charge available. The recharge time is 20 seconds but you can speed it up with
- You're allowed to spam shatters more freely while is available. This signet is mainly taken for its active, reseting all of the F1-4 shatters with the press of a button.
- Every shatter skill grants a small amount of
Stability. Timing here is key, but since shatters are all instant that's not a problem. This Stability could be used to negate interrupts (which is especially useful when channeling a rez, an important skill or a shield block). It's just enough to walk or dodge out of area-denial skills like too.
Superspeed and
Resistance coupled with being an instant cast ability makes this a great skill to use for kiting opponents. Being able to move and dodge while
Immobilized could save your life!
- This skill could even be used offensively, as the
Superspeed helps your melee teammates chase after enemies and the
Resistance lets them ignore conditions that could negatively impact their damage such as
Blind or
(when traited with ) isn't just an anti-projectile tool - the - This skill could even be used offensively, as the
- Ideally you should have 2-3 clones out before pressing as the recharge of this skill scales with the number of clones shattered, but even without that the skill offers great value with all the trait synergy baked into it.
- Shatter skills grant
Alacrity. Consider using (F1 shatter) while roaming between capture points in order to speed up the recharge of your other abilities. It's not much, but still a better use of resources than doing nothing at all.
- Every shatter skill grants a bit of
Quickness and
Stability. Consider using shatters to cover important casts while pressured.
- Rifle has 3 ranged support skills (not counting the auto): , and .
- heals the least amount of the 3 but is the quickest to go off, making this the most reactive support skill on rifle.
Blind and
Weakness and is the only source of condition removal you have aside from shatters and your healing skill.
is slower, has a travel time and creates a combo field on the ground called . You heal allies by detonating Abstraction. Abstraction is a mix of raw healing and damage mitigation through
- doesn't heal but rather it grants a higher amount of barrier than what the other skills could heal for. This can be used proactively to shield allies who are expected to take damage, or it could buy you time to heal low HP allies.
- The 2 main sources of healing outside Rifle are mantras and shatters. Both of these have to be used in melee range, hugging allies.
- On top of healing allies shatter skills also cleanse conditions and grant various boons via
- Shatter healing scales with the number of clones you have. Try using shatters after skills that spawn clones, like .
- Try to maximize
Chaos Aura uptime! Chaos Aura sources in the build:
- 's chain skill (Rifle #3) - this is also shared with allies within range.
- (Shatter #2)
- Executing leap or blast finishers inside Ethereal Fields such as or
- Note: auras don't stack in duration! Wait for one to run out before applying a new one whenever possible.
- While the build may lack a mass condition cleansing tool, it has plenty of instant smaller cleanses you could chain together:
- Using any shatter skill removes 1 condition.
- Every charge of cleanses 1 condition via .
- (Rifle #3's chain skill) removes 2 conditions.
- Glamour skills such as
Resistance when traited, allowing you to ignore conditions like
or can grant - is your time-out button, shielding you from any form of damage (except for fall damage).
Continuum Split (CS)
- allows you to use your skills twice.
- It's best used for double elite activation and allied healing. Press CS just before you finish casting
- Note: has an aftercast duration. If you don't have any clones and have to use a short you should actually activate CS right after Time Warp's cast bar has filled up. This isn't very intuitive, but if the aftercast is still playing after CS has ended, Time Warp will go on full CD and won't reset back with the rest of your skills even if the Time Warp field was created during the active CS window. Essentially the only thing that matters for this interaction is the period during which the aftercast takes place - therefore if you activate CS after placing Time Warp you're still going to get the cooldown reset as long as you activate CS before the aftercast finishes.
then unload as many Shatters, Phantasms, Mantras, Wells and skills in general as you possibly can while CS is active.
- (for Chaos Aura), (for Stability) and are top priority skills to use while CS is active. These are relatively high impact instant skills you should have no trouble fitting into even a ~1s CS window alongside your elite, although Rewinder and Distortion share a global cooldown which means you can't press them at the same time and might have to choose between them if it's an extremely short CS.
- Important: CS prevents capture point contribution, same as . If you're the only one holding a point, sometimes you might want to try keeping the time spent in CS to the bare minimum.
- Phantasms, combo fields, auras and applied boons will still persist after CS has ended. Spam as many skills as possible while CS is active for the extra bonuses like
Alacrity. While your HP's going to revert back to what it was at the time when you've activated CS, you get to keep everything else (boons, fields, auras) and teammates even get to keep the healing.
- If you absolutely have to, even itself could be used defensively. It reverts your HP back once it has ended, so if you can activate it right before taking damage then it acts like a healing skill with a delay. You'll also be returned to your original position, allowing you to pull off things like using CS before jumping off a wall and teleporting back with once the enemies have jumped after you. This however is a bit predictable and could even backfire, as you're inevitably going to return to your starting position in a few seconds so they could just wait it out and burst you when CS ends.
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- Twitch: Misha

All the doomers saying this build is cooked because of a few nerfs, as if every spear build hasn't seen nerfs. This is still a great option, and brings different utility than core Guard is capable of. Haters gonna hate, doomers gonna doom, but this shit is still pretty sick.

Still not a fan of the healing output but the build does see success in tournaments, when they eventually nerf mesmer spear, this build is going down with it, the weapon is so OP that it allows the build to act as a bruiser instead of a support, and it even won some duels in the finals on EU. Once that strength is gone, get ready for core guard meta to come back

old day build here too need update new . na eu plat rank all Invulnerability META like wb Just as disgusting . but if vs 5 spear chrono or 5 spear wb ill dodge chrono...

This is still the only support build I'm seeing in ranked even after all the nerfs. Brings a lot of value to the team and it's hard to shut down because so much of the support is instant or close to it, with lots of stability and quickness applications.

Everyone is coping. This build is still really strong at high level PvP but you pick spear over sw/shield now which adds a lot of damage to the build.

It's no longer that good unfortunately, the healing is underwhelming. It's like Anet wants to kill the variety in this game and make it dull and boring to death. Just pick core Guard like everyone else, because screw having fun and having options.

Edit: with the 08/10/24 update, the overall healing dropped from 20/30%. There is no reason to pick this anymore. Core guard is a lot better, and other supps are also better.

Still insane after the nerfs and very easy to play. Maybe the easiest support ever made. I'm especially loving the superspeed, makes this so much more survivable and it's funny to speedboost allies as they're chasing the enemy team. Like unleashing some rabid dog on the enemy team lol. Gravity Well can be a lot of value at times too but Time Warp is just such a good fire and forget ability, you can never go wrong with it. Shame the rifle portal doesn't have a longer duration or a more visible animation, would make this build even better.

Underrated this build at first due to the lack of a ranged rez or even rez traits, but the sheer healing and utility value makes up for it as demonstrated during the March mAT.
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