Harbinger - Celestial Elixir Roamer
The community gave this build a rating, making it top-tier: Great
Focused on: Hybrid damage and Mobility
Designed for: WvW Roaming
A Celestial Harbinger WvW build designed for roaming known for its high sustain, strong damage and decent mobility.
Skill Bar
Skill Variants
There are several viable options for the off-hand slot. Torch however requires the Secrets of the Obscure expansion so if you don't have access to it then you're forced to pick one of the following weapons (except Sword, which also requires SotO):
- Warhorn - this is mostly taken with a
Swiftness sources in the build however are scarce and with long CDs, which makes this vulnerable to boon removal. The unblockable CC of Warhorn 4 can be good value too but it has a shorter range than the one on Torch. Warhorn also makes it easier to drop movement speed runes for something with higher stats.
for improved mobility. The
- Focus - adds a great boonrip skill with high damage, it's the most bursty option (and the lowest sustain one).
- Dagger - a defensive weapon with extra condition removal and damage mitigation through
Blind and
- Sword - primarily a defensive/CC focused weapon. The Weakness and Fear make it valuable even if its damage is on the lower end.
Viable choices for the optional slot (or even in place of
):Resistance is useful against
Blind spamming specs like Holosmith or D/P Thief.
- low CD stunbreak with damage mitigation, and the
- - stunbreak that could also be used as a mobility tool, it's especially useful at scaling difficult terrain and kiting to the highground. The downside is the long cast time, especially when you're trying to set this up as an escape tool while disengaging.
- - if you need more cleansing.
- - area denial skill that could ward off attackers or trap enemies inside.
Template Code
- Take if you want more passive survivability.
- lets you share your elite's boons with allies, something that's worth considering if you're roaming with a group.
Specialization Variants
Taking Soul Reaping instead of
Death Magic for more condition damage, better Life Force management and unblockable Staff Marks is also a viable (albeit much less popular) choice. This however is a high risk/reward option, as your sustain is going to be considerably lower:
Stats: a Ritualist Amulet + 1 ring coupled with would give us roughly 25% boon duration and 10% condi duration, among other things. These Ritualist pieces also sacrifice some passive tankiness (mainly Toughness) and strike damage (lower Power/Precison/Ferocity), shifting the build a bit more towards active sustain and condi damage. You can still keep playing full Cele if you prefer the Power bursts of Harbinger shroud or the slightly higher passive sustain, the difference isn't anything major either way. This is just something you can refine and tinker with. Going more into the Ritualist direction could also work, but with each Cele piece you sacrifice you become more squishy and your direct damage drops further.
Equipment Variants
Traveler is mainly taken for its passive mobility and boon duration. Other viable options include:
- - keeps the passive mobility boost and boon duration but focuses more on strike damage. Consider going full Cele with no Ritualist pieces in order to further lean into the Power angle.
- - solid offensive option if damage is all you care about.
Quickness uptime and good stats.
- way higher
Poison spam and higher healing reduction from it, which is especially useful when fighting other high sustain builds.
- more
- - more bursty than Demon Queen but in longer fights the healing reduction could be better than the extra Poison stacks. Worth considering when playing with 1-2 utility elixirs.
- - boosts both your strike damage and condition pressure while being easy to maintain.
- - extra survivability.
- over Cleansing - slightly worse condition removal for increased pressure. In most cases Generosity should be enough, but Cleansing is the safest and most forgiving option.
- - passive damage mitigation and great stats.
- - budget version
- active damage mitigation.
- for a condition focused approach, or for a direct damage focus.
- Budget: s or purchased from the Permanent Portable Provisioner. either from Canned Food Crates found in WvW
- Alternatively you could use a for an even more tanky build, especially if you've sacrificed some of it for Ritualist pieces.
Elite specialization basics
- doesn't replace your health bar! Unlike other Necromancer shrouds, Harbinger Shroud can't be used to soak damage, which makes this spec more squishy by default. Death Magic should offset this a bit.
- You can enter shroud even with no Life Force to use, but staying inside still drains your LF each interval.
- is unique in a sense that it doesn't require Life Force to activate - this skill even gives you LF! Because of that LF management is much less of a concern on Harbinger builds.
- is one of the more versatile skills in the build:
- On Staff always try to use
Weakness combo.
AFTER for a free
- This part of the build is rather straightforward, there aren't any complicated burst chains you have to learn. It's all about keeping the target constantly pressured.
- In terms of damage, Shroud > Pistol > Staff. Staff is mainly a utility/defensive weapon.
- Elixirs apply Blight to you and Shroud skills can consume Blight, empowering them. Consider using elixirs right before entering Shroud. is especially good at kicking off burst combos. You always get the boon of elixirs you use, but enemies must be inside the impact area to get the negative effects.
- fires quickly and with little to no animation, which makes it hard to dodge for enemies. Use it to set up abilities that have longer cast times like or high importance such as .
- should always be used in melee range to ensure that all the projectiles hit the main target.
- serves as an ideal setup for other shroud skills (except for which could "stunbreak" enemies as the daze overrides the stronger CC of Vital Draw).
(shroud auto) is the best filler in the build, capable of delivering some serious damage if left unchecked especially with the passive
Shroud burst combo example:
- to get into melee range.
- to deliver damage while avoiding incoming attacks and dazing the target, making it harder for them to prevent the next step of the chain. It's also yet another mobility skill in case you were still not in melee range.
- for CC.
- at point-blank range for maximum effectiveness.
- spam.
Pistol burst combo example:
- could serve as an opener as it has a very low cast time and doesn't really require setup, but it could also be used after Vile Blast.
Superspeed or mobility skills could even escape the ring before the skill finishes. If they manage to leave the ring in time they'll avoid the CC.
to set up Oppressive Collapse (OC), which has a much more visible animation and would be harder to land. Note: OC in general works best against slowed/stunned targets - the AoE ring spawns under your target the moment you press OC, so enemies with
Weapon swap and Staff
- in melee.
- Swap to Staff to proc and
- (Staff #3)
- (Staff #4)
- (Staff #5)
- and do your shroud rotation.
- Both entering and staying in shroud removes conditions thanks to and .
- Entering Shroud triggers
Weakness and damage reduction as a defensive measure. The Weakening Shroud proc can even trigger for some cleansing and additional counter-pressure.
and reduces incoming damage via . If you're CC'd and getting focused you can enter shroud for the
- Removing and applying conditions generates Carapace stacks from Death Magic, reducing direct damage taken. At 25+ stacks
Protection for further mitigation. This boon also reduces condition damage taken thanks to (if taken).
- grants Carapace even if the condition was removed through other means, like .
is going to start pulsing
- Activate SW ⇒ jump off a cliff while being chased ⇒ when your enemies jump after you.
- Activate SW ⇒ (Flesh Wurm skill) ⇒ teleport back when they catch up to you. This works for stomping downed enemies as well, the channeling isn't interrupted by either of these teleports!
(SW) is great for preventing condition pressure from ramping up on you. Activating its chain skill which "ends" Spectral Walk does not stop the cleansing. This skill has many uses, for example:
- provides much needed vertical mobility, allowing you to teleport to the highground if you need to escape or chase someone.
- Harbinger has better mobility than the average Necromancer build which could prove useful when it comes to surviving damage. and are both great for building (or closing) gaps.
- and are the closest things you have to a mass cleanse.
Related Builds
- Harbinger - Pistol Curses - Conquest PvP version of the build.

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