Daredevil - Condi DPS
The community gave this build a rating, making it top-tier: Great
Focused on: Condition damage
Designed for: Raids and Fractals
The standard condition DPS build for Daredevil. This build spams venoms and Bleeding and
Poison. Due to evading for most of its rotation, it can easily avoid boss attacks. It also provides high utility to its squad with raid boss stolen skills.
Due to this build's high ramp-up time it's best used on raid bosses with no phases or adds. It performs poorly on any boss with invuln phases, or instant kill attacks that it has a chance to accidentally move into while using
Skill Bar
Weapon Variants
- Offhand Pistol can be taken in the second set to offer decent CC on demand.
- If using, you should swap the for a .
Skill Variants
Always keep as it is a significant portion of your damage. If you need to replace skills, replace .
- are in theory higher damage, but to gain full value the boss needs to remain in place for 10s so all ticks hit, and it will lose additional value on encounters with phases, as can be precast.
- (with ) could replace on encounters with high movement uptime.
- for a block and stun break.
- for extra mobility and stun break.
- Use for faster breakbar damage, on fights with multiple adds and on Matthias Gabrel, where has no effect on the encounter's breakbars.
- Use for fights that do not have breakbars.
Template Code
Equipment Variants
- You should use with .
and deal almost identical damage, so feel free to use whichever is most convenient.
- If you wish to benefit from ascended food effects, then use along with and (or equivalents).
- Equip your main hand dagger in your first weapon set and your second dagger in your second weapon set. This lets you weapon swap for without having to obtain 4 daggers.
Non-SotO Relics
There aren't any reliable core damage relics for condi daredevil, though there are a few options that might be good:
- - depending on the boss, you might be able to trigger this a lot, and it is theoretically stronger than the recommended relic.
Vigor uptime is bad, then more endurance is valuable.
- If your
- or for a cheaper alternative
Your goal is to maintain
and 15 stacks of while using your high-damage utility skills.
- during the cast of
- Dodge
- Use venoms during the dodge animation
- x3
- Dodge
- Auto-attack chain once
- Dodge
- Repeat from step 9
- Use
Weapon swap, venoms, and when they are off cooldown.
- Use before or after any auto-attack chain when you are out of endurance.
- During the main loop, you may find it easier to swap the order of and , instead jumping into your target with then dodging back out with .
- If you are inside the boss's hitbox and there are other enemies nearby, will deal up to triple damage to the boss.
- Be careful not to cancel the auto attack chain as deals more damage than and combined.
- You should try to use while you do not have full initiative in order to benefit from and .
- You should try to use while you do not have full endurance.
- You should only use venoms while four other allies are in range (This includes Mesmer clones, Necromancer minions, and Ranger pets).
Encounter Specific Tips
Spirit Vale

- The stolen skill from this boss is
Unstable Artifact, which can be used to save downs or recover from getting ported by blue circles.
For more information, see our Vale Guardian Guide.

The ghost events are mostly movement based.
- Consider equipping a Short bow, and/or using .
For more information, see our Spirit Woods Guide.

- The stolen skill from this boss is
Unstable Artifact, which can be used to shadowstep between adds during the split phase.
- During the split phases, you can use to cripple spirits from 900 range.
For more information, see our Gorseval Guide.

- The stolen skill from this boss is
Unstable Artifact, which can be used to move downed players out of the way of the flamewall.
- Be very careful not to leap over the boss using or while Flame Wall is active.
For more information, see our Sabetha Guide.
Salvation Pass

- The stolen skill from this boss is
Soul Stone Venom, which can be used to cleanse Slothasor's fear or if people get a lot of condis from the shake.
- If running , be careful not to hit a friendly Slubling with it.
- When fixated try not to jump over the boss with or .
- You have no way of blocking Slothasor's fear so either rely on others to break/cleanse it for you or equip or .
For more information, see our Slothasor Guide.

- The stolen skill from the champions is
Throw Magnetic Bomb, which can be used to do mortars and group up enemies.
For more information, see our Bandit Trio Guide.

- The stolen skill from this boss is
Detonate Plasma, which can be used to supplement boons and provide
Stability during the Ice phase or prevent the
Fear at the 40% phase transition.
- Use for mobility around the room.
- Bring for the breakbar.
- You can bring to block timed bombs, stunbreak the rain phase knockdown, and block some damage while running poison/plasma.
For more information, see our Bandit Trio Guide.
Stronghold of the Faithful

- The stolen skill from McLeod is
Detonate Plasma, which can be used to supplement boons.
- Be very careful when using and near mines.
- You can use to immobilize the wargs.
For more information, see our Siege the Stronghold Guide.

- The stolen skill from Keep Construct is
Unstable Artifact, which can be used for mobility when you get bombs. The stolen skill from the phantasms is
Detonate Plasma. The latter can be used to provide your squad boons at the beginning of each burst phase.
- You can pre-cast before the burn phase starts to increase your damage.
For more information, see our Keep Construct Guide.

- Consider equipping a Short bow, and/or using .
- Consider equipping a as a low-cooldown stunbreak.
For more information, see our Twisted Castle Guide.

- The stolen skill from this boss is
Soul Stone Venom, which can be used as an emergency cleanse.
- Be very careful not to leap off the edge using and .
For more information, see our Xera Guide.
Bastion of the Penitent

- The stolen skill from this boss is
Unstable Artifact, which can be used to shadowstep downed allies towards you, recover from being teleported, or move into greens at the last moment so you can maintain DPS for longer.
- Stacks of Unseen Burden will change the behavior of , make sure to adjust your rotation to account for this.
- This fight has no breakbar, bring .
For more information, see our Cairn Guide.

- The stolen skill from this boss is
Detonate Plasma, which can be used to provide your squad with boons.
- Be very careful not to leap onto spikes or unclaimed tiles using and .
- This fight has no breakbar, bring .
For more information, see our Mursaat Overseer Guide.

- The stolen skill from Samarog and Guldhem is
Throw Magnetic Bomb. This can be used to help break the frequent breakbars.
- Rigom provides
Unstable Artifact, which is far less useful but can be used to keep him immobilised inside Samarog.
- Rigom provides
- You can use for extra immobilizes during the split phases.
For more information, see our Samarog Guide.

- The stolen skill from Deimos is
Unstable Artifact, which can be used to help immobilize prides. The stolen skill from the Sauls is
Throw Magnetic Bomb, which can be used to help with their breakbars or cleave prides and greeds.
- Be very careful not to jump into the Rapid Decay fields by using and
- The breakbar in this fight is too fast and too small to for , bring instead.
For more information, see our Deimos Guide.
Hall of Chains

- The stolen skill from this boss is
Soul Stone Venom, which can be used to recover from the extreme boon corruption from scythes or tormented dead AoEs.
- Be very careful not to dodge into danger if your tank insists on keeping the boss near the platform edge or near a tormented dead AoE.
For more information, see our Soulless Horror Guide.

- The stolen skill from this boss is
Unstable Artifact, which can be a lifesaver by porting downed players to yourself, or used for mobility, e.g. during Soul Split or to get to a green if you need to do them.
- If you take
- This is very dangerous, and if you mess it up you'll likely die.
, you can maintain DPS during the Greater Death Mark by chaining dodges and followed by and then back to dodges and . This should allow you to survive inside the damaging AoE underneath Dhuum.
For more information, see our Dhuum Guide.
Mythwright Gambit

- Conjured Amalgamate itself does not have a stolen skill, however its adds do. Conjured Swords give
Unstable Artifact and Conjured Shields give
Throw Magnetic Bomb. The latter in particular is extremely useful for CCing and cleaving down Conjured Shields.
For more information, see our Conjured Amalgamate Guide.

- The stolen skill from Nikare is
Soul Stone Venom, and the stolen skill from Kenut is
Detonate Plasma.
- Save
Soul Stone Venom for after the charge, to quickly clear
Chilled and
Slow from people.
- Save
- A CC elite will be useful as the bosses cannot be damaged until they are broken. Closing to melee for might be dangerous though.
For more information, see our Largos Assassins Guide.

- The stolen skill from the Pyres, Ancient Invoked Hydra, and Wyvern Matriarch is
Detonate Plasma. The stolen skill from Qadim, Apocalypse Bringer, and Wyvern Patriarch is
Throw Magnetic Bomb.
- Steal from the pyres before every DPS phase to give your squad boons immediately with
Detonate Plasma.
- Use
Throw Magnetic Bomb to cleave the Lava Elementals and help break the frequent breakbars. At the 100%-66% DPS phase, save at least one cast to help CC the Apocalypse Bringer. Once it appears, use it once, and if steal is off cooldown, steal again and it use to help break the three Reapers of Flesh that spawn.
- You can precast Basilisk Venom before the Apocalypse Bringer appears.
For more information, see our Qadim Guide.
The Key of Ahdashim

- The stolen skill from the boss is
Detonate Plasma, which can be used to teleport over the shockwave without losing the damage buff.
- In CM, it can also be used to teleport downed players to more convenient locations, as ressing takes a lot longer.
For more information, see our Cardinal Sabir Guide.

- The stolen skill from the boss is
Detonate Plasma, which can be used to supplement boons and provide extra
Stability to defend against the hands in the split phase.
- You can use to quickly get back to the boss from pillars.
For more information, see our Cardinal Adina Guide.

- The stolen skill from the boss is
Unstable Artifact, which can be used to save yourself if you get knocked back, or to save allies who get downed in magma.
For more information, see our Qadim the Peerless Guide.

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