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Herald - Condition Mallyx Roamer

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Focused on: Condition damage and Sustain

Designed for: WvW Roaming



A tanky condition focused Herald build designed for WvW Roaming.

Archival note: Cele is more popular

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  • Demonic Resistance can be taken for a more tanky option.

Every Grandmaster tier trait is viable depending on the situation:

  • Diabolic Inferno adds some AoE pressure, you're free to take it if you're not afraid of incoming condition pressure.
  • Fiendish Tenacity works best against builds with heavy condition pressure but no boon removal.
  • Permeating Pestilence is somewhere inbetween the other two traits, mixing both defense and offense. Best option when facing condition builds with heavy boon removal, such as Necromancers and other Mallyx players.


  • Take Cleansing Channel if conditions are a bigger problem for you than CC.



Equipment Variants


  • The build has a few pieces of Rabid gear to make it easier to proc Sigil of Generosity even when you don't have Fury. If you want to go for a different sigil fell free to replace the Rabid gear with Dire or Trailblazer.

Budget option

  • At the time of writing this guide, a full set of exotic Dire Dire armor costs ~2g on the trading post and is a perfectly fine thing to run if you can't afford Trailblazer Trailblazer gear. As for the trinkets, try to use the stat swappable ascended WvW trinkets for easy access to Trailblazer.
    • Dire Dire and Trailblazer Trailblazer are very close to each other in terms of viability when it comes to this build. This is due to the fact that the build doesn't really need the extra condition duration provided by Trailblazer, but overall it's still the tankier and safer set. If you want to squeeze out a bit more damage, or you can't afford Trailblazer, Dire pieces provide a viable alternative.



  • - optimal ascended food.
  • - budget DPS option.
  • - cheaper version of the ascended food.


  • - optimal
  • - budget option, comes from Canned Food Crates found in Skirmish Chests.



  • Invoking a legend resets energy to 50, procs various traits such as Invoking Torment or Spirit Boon, and could even trigger the sigils of your active weapon set (if they are not on CD) among other things. Swapping legends is basically the main resource management tool in the build - swap whenever you're out of CDs or low on energy. That's not all however, on Mallyx builds legend swapping may also be used to do AoE burst damage or manage conditions on yourself.
  • Start on Dragon stance (Glint) and while still in the base activate the following 4 upkeep skills for party buffing:
    • Facet of Nature (use its active when your energy is about to hit 0)
    • Facet of Elements
    • Facet of Strength
    • Facet of Darkness
  • In combat Facet of Nature is used for dealing with conditions. On Mallyx True Nature (Demon) transfers conditions to nearby enemies, while on Glint it extends the duration of boons on nearby allies, which is best used when you have Resistance Resistance.
  • Swapping legends deactivates the upkeep skills of that legend without sending them on full CD.
  • Chaotic Release can be used to knock downed opponents away from their rezzing teammates, or to knock them off of capture points - this allows you to take the cap while bleeding them out, delaying their respawn.


  • Most of the damage coems from Mace and Mallyx.
  • Chain Searing Fissure Echoing Eruption in order to stack Might Might. Use these two weapon skills on CD.
    • Temporal Rift is great for setting up this combo, making sure both skills hit your target.
  • Banish Enchantment is a strong and cheap offensive ability, not only removing boons but also pressuring targets via Abyssal Chill procs. Spamming this could set up a kill for your allies as you're getting rid of all the target's boons, while in mirror matchups this gets rid of Resistance on your opponents while also occasionally giving you Resistance through Demonic Defiance.
  • Call to Anguish is the best CC skill in the build, capable of balling up an entire team or pulling enemies off the highground. While it doesn't do much damage on its own, if you have enough allies around you may consider abusing this skill as much as possible to harass the enemy team and set up kills.
    • Banish Enchantment is a great followup for CoA. While generally viewed as a single target ability, it's capable of hitting multiple foes if they are close enough to each other.
  • Embrace the Darkness is another great dps skill, maintaining this for a few seconds while unloading some of your weapon skills in melee can be a significant addition to your burst damage.

Self Sustain & Disengaging

  • Every Mallyx skill has a chance to proc Resistance Resistance on a 5s ICD. Other sources of Resistance include swapping legends with Fiendish Tenacity.
  • Shield:
    • Crystal Hibernation is basically your third healing skill. It heals for a fair amount, blocks attacks and cleanses conditions.
    • Envoy of Exuberance aimed at your character heals for a small amount and grants Protection.
  • Pain Absorption is the most reliable skill to use if you want quick access to Resistance Resistance. It's also a great support skill in general, removing conditions from allies and granting them Resistance.
  • Call to Anguish will be your best mobility tool and on some maps can be used to leap to places where enemies can't follow (or at least, not easily).
  • Facet of Light's chain effect Infuse Light is your jail free card - makes you immortal for the duration by converting all incoming damage into healing. Some players may stop pressuring you once Face of Light's been activated, in this case you should just wait a couple of seconds before using Infuse Light. Make sure you get at least 10k healing out of this skill, try to predict when burst is coming and use Facet of Light in advance - FoL has a cast time thus cannot be used while stunned, while Infuse is instant.


Related Builds

Condition Mallyx (sPvP) - Conquest PvP version.


This build has a rating of 4 stars based on 5 votes.
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5 stars
Hanz gave this build 5 stars • August 2022
Although a shadow of its former self, I still feel like it's very underrated right now. This used to be one of the strongest roaming builds, and even dozens of nerfs later it's dangerous in the right hands. Surviving now actually takes effort, but making the build harder to play doesn't meant it's not viable anymore. The burst is as good as ever.
4 stars
Onlywrin gave this build 4 stars • May 2021
I'm not a great WvW player, but tried this build out last night and had no real issues with it. I can't help but feel the recent votes are trying to play the build based on how it USED to be played and not adapting to the new way it's played (with cleanses).
2 stars
MechaOG gave this build 2 stars • May 2021
After the recent update, the damage of this build has been severely reduced for one simple fact: No one stands still in WvW. Additionally, the change of retaliation takes away the biggest sustains that this build had. Pain absorption which is a stun break and Demon Stance - Facet of Nature on this build will hit you hard if you are with even one another in condi fight (33% reduction is very less). Once the king, it has now been toppled over and smashed in the ground.
2 stars
Zeromias gave this build 2 stars • May 2021
As i already said earlier, condi herald came to a point of being not relevant in roaming anymore. With the current patch, it got almost killed completely. Its damage, which mainly came from torment, got halved. Its sustain, coming almost completely from resistance, got removed completely due to the Boon-change. (its still a condi tank meta) + its mobility is still really bad. Gonna be even worse in smallscale, due to not being able to stand the conditions pulled of the allies.
5 stars
Staub gave this build 5 stars • February 2021
Melts anyone who is brave/stupid enough to come in its proximity. Bad chase and subpar disengage potential, but practically unkillable in small scale/solo roaming context.


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