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Spellbreaker - Strength Dagger

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Focused on: Direct damageBoon removal and Mobility

Designed for: PvP Conquest



A duelist Power Spellbreaker PvP build with a good mix of defense and offense.

Archival note: fell out of use, got overshadowed by the Defense variant

Skill Bar


Slot Changes


For the optional slot:

  • Endure Pain - a great defensive option against both burst damage and CC. Currently the most popular option.
  • Frenzy - a versatile skill which heals and restores some endurance through trait synergy, breaks stun, and even adds some extra burst.
  • Stomp - bit of a niche skill, not very popular right now but it's a short CD stun break with AoE CC, Peak Performance synergy, and even some Stability Stability which could be used to make Mending harder to interrupt. This CC also works on downed enemies which is great for disrupting skills like Signet of Mercy or just denying rez attempt in general even if the enemy has Stability Stability by knocking the downed enemy away from them.

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Specialization Variants

If you want higher sustain trade Strength for Defense:



Equipment Variants


  • - a more tanky option.


Elite specialization basics

  • Full Counter (FC) recharges your Burst skills Arcing Slice and Breaching Strike. Always try to use it when you can refresh their duration, except if you're under heavy pressure in which case you can use FC purely for defensive means.
  • Always try to make sure Full Counter goes off: briefly move into hostile AoE spells, tank Mesmer clones or Ranger pets, etc.
  • FC is both one of the best defensive and offensive skill in the build as it blocks, evades, grants Stability Stability, and performs an unblockable AoE CC attack when triggered.
  • Both burst skills and Full Counter cost adrenaline. If you only need a little more until you can use them then Versatile Rage can get you there.


  • Settings: disable auto targeting, otherwise it'd be impossible to use skills like Rush for disengaging.
  • Playstyle: this build is all about weaving hard hitting skills into chains of block and evade frames while tethering yourself to the target with Magebane Tether as often as possible. The combos aren't set in stone, rather you'll need to adapt based on what CDs are available. Minimize melee contact, dodge/block/evade as many things as possible, and spike targets when an opening shows.
    • Example: Bladetrail from outside melee range dodge to your target Arcing Slice Whirlwind Attack
    • Any burst skill can proc Magebane Tether, including Full Counter.
    • The goal is to maintain the tether as long as possible for the damage boost and Might Makes Right synergy.
    • Whirlwind Attack, Arcing Slice, and Breaching Strike are your main damaging skills, everything else is basically a filler or something that's used to set up burst / survive enemy burst.
  • Fast Hands reduces the CD of weapon swapping to 5 seconds, which keeps gameplay rather fast paced with minimal downtime. As a result you won't be auto attacking much unless you're cleaving a downed enemy.
  • Despite its range, Bull's Charge is best used in melee to make it harder to react to.
  • CCing a target removes a boon and deals damage/grants adrenaline via Loss Aversion.
  • All movement skills remove the Immobilized condition - list of movement skills in the build:
    • Greatsword: Whirlwind Attack and Rush. These two skills also provide excellent mobility both in and out of combat.
    • Dagger/Shield: Aura Slicer, Shield Bash, and the burst skill Breaching Strike. The Dagger skills are also excellent gap closers.
    • Rampage: Kick (Rampage), Dash, and Seismic Leap.
    • Utility: Bull's Charge
  • No Escape briefly roots enemies in place after you CC them. This turns skills like Full Counter and Disrupting Stab into great setup tools for your hard hitting abilities such as Arcing Slice or Breaching Strike.

Conditon cleansing & general survival

  • Brawler's Recovery and Warrior's Sprint will be used to manage condition levels before resorting to mass cleanses.
  • Mending cleanses 5 conditions and should be used pretty much on CD, assuming you're missing a large chunk of health or need to deal with conditions.
  • "Shake It Off!" (SIO) is both a stun break and a source of condition removal for you and your team.
  • Kite, a LOT. You want to run out of harm's way using mobility skills as much as possible before resorting to major defensive CDs.
  • Bull's Charge is great if you want to run away from pressure as it can build quite the gap while providing an evade frame.
  • If taken Frenzy breaks stun and refills some endurance in addition to a bit of healing thanks to Might Makes Right.
  • If taken Endure Pain is the best defensive skill you could have against direct damage but it has to be used preemptively (unless you used it to break stun). Keep in mind that you're still vulnerable to condition damage, CC, and even life steal from skills such as Enchanted Daggers!


  • Rampage is what you use when you quickly want to burst/CC a target, or desperately need mobility to either chase down someone, or run away from a fight. Bonus points if you manage to attach Magebane Tether just before using your elite.
  • CC skills barely do any damage anymore, most of the damage in this form comes from autoattacks and Dash.
  • Throw Boulder is a popular opener, allowing you to CC targets from range and then either follow up with Dash for burst damage or Seismic Leap to keep the CC chain rolling.
  • Using Frenzy before Rampage can enhance your burst significantly.

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This build has a rating of 4 stars based on 10 votes.
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2 stars
InCyan gave this build 2 stars • February 2023
Thought this build is usable before I actually gave it a try. Comparing to the defense build, not only the sustain is not as good, the adrenaline gain is also a problem. If I can make up the sustain by healing myself more frequently due to the shorter physical cooldown, the build lacks a way of gaining adrenaline, which is pretty important to spellbreaker since you wanna spam your burst spell to gain advantages.
2 stars
Mazadard gave this build 2 stars • May 2022
I play it because i looove the concept, and its my main spec, but it's outshined by almost every other class/spec in the game. You are average/low duelist, low/average teamfighter, average roamer, and very low dps. It is still fun to chain CC ennemies, but since the nerf of CC damage, you wont do anything else. So yeah play it for fun.
2 stars
Yerloq gave this build 2 stars • April 2022
Garbo, don't play unless just for fun in unranked. Full counter is gutted and tether is all it has going for it. Condi destroys it, as does sustain. Weakness/blind spam shuts it down in every way, and with Resistance post nerf it's just beating a dead horse. rip
4 stars
Kindness gave this build 4 stars • April 2022
Strong, high apm war, not the top tier but definitely good. Lot of parry / dodge, lot of cc, good damage, decent Condi cleanse
4 stars
Hanz gave this build 4 stars • August 2021
Warrior was heavily nerfed, can't keep up with the current meta. Not unplayable but certainly not top tier. August update: still having trouble finding its place in ATs, it's more of a tech optionagaisnt stuff like Prot Holo, but I think people don't give this build enough credit in ranked. It's really not that bad, Warrior's just always been in this weird spot in PvP where it's either super oppressive or borderline irrelevant. If your goal isn't to win the monthly tournament or finish top 1 in ranked, don't be discouraged.
5 stars
Vinimuniz gave this build 5 stars • December 2019
I experienced this build and is very effective but now i want to change and use defense along with spellbreaker, which specialisation will adapt better with defense and spellbreaker? Discipline or strength, or if you have something to add other possible changes that I am not seeing, but actually want to keep defense and spellbreaker and just want something that fits the best possible.
3 stars
Alexmercy gave this build 3 stars • October 2019
wouldnt say it's meta now, as side noder, fire weaver and symbalbrand shits over spellbreaker and for team fight it is simply not that strong
5 stars
Nebo grey gave this build 5 stars • October 2019
Really good build is sadly extremely underpowered in AT’s because spellbreaker utilization is most effective when against players who do not understand basics of rotation and you punish them hard by taking out numbered fights and win/stall. But a positive note is that you don’t have to run dagger, axe and sword do work just dagger has the highest potential when used in practice but axe does make you hit harder you just have less control with axe when compared to dagger
5 stars
Rievly gave this build 5 stars • March 2019
Really excellent variant of tetherbreaker, I found that because of the bonus sustain, I would sustain longer than I normally did with the original tetherbreaker and therefor contribute more to team fights / last longer in duels.
5 stars
Rugesun gave this build 5 stars • February 2019
I'll use this build for days and it's my fav. I'll ive 5 stars. One add: you can use hammer instead of GS for more control points. GS -> Roamer Hammer -> Standing in point


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