Untamed - Staff/Dagger Untamed Duelist
The community gave this build a rating, making it top-tier: Great
Focused on: Condition damage and Sustain
Designed for: PvP Conquest
This build was last updated on December 03, 2023 and is up to date for the February 11, 2025 patch.
A high-sustain PvP condition Untamed build made to win or stall smaller fights while also bringing some group healing and utility to the table.
Skill Bar

Skill Variants
- over - passive healing plus a stunbreak and mass cleanse instead of defense against strike damage.
Rock Gazelle can be replaced by:
Template Code
- makes you better at fighting boon-based bunker builds if you can give up some defense against conditions.
Elite specialization basics
Untamed Rangers have more control over their pets than regular Rangers, allowing them to manually control their pet's 3 special attacks.
- Unleash is the central mechanic of Untamed. At any given time either you or your pet is in the Unleashed state, and you get to flip back and forth on a 1s CD.
- When you're unleashed, your first autoattack is empowered. Staff's turns into while Dagger's becomes . Unleashing yourself makes you deal more damage.
- Unleashing the pet grants you damage reduction while their pet skills flip over to new ones:
- F1 becomes
- F2 becomes
- F3 becomes
- Dodge rolling is the most important part of your survivability and just because because of the obvious reasons. From traits you get
Protection (which also heals you every second) and remove 1 damaging as well as 1 non-damaging condition whenever you dodge, turning this mechanic into a great way of recovering from taking damage if you failed to prevent it.
- makes your Unleash ability remove 2 conditions every 10 seconds.
- Use for mobility when moving between capture points. In fights however always try landing on an ally or your pet, as healing someone else reduces the CD of this skill.
Stealth so you have some time to recover. It's also a stun break.
is for emergencies in case condition damage is starting to overwhelm you. Consider disengaging/repositioning right after or following up with
- is both a stun break and an excellent skill for damage mitigation. Hold onto it in case you get stunned if Mutate Conditions is on CD, otherwise you get to use it a bit more freely.
- is one of your best survival tools but also one that has good synergy with your more offensive abilities because of the CD reduction part. Skills like that can strike several enemies multiple times in just a few seconds can drastically reduce the CD of the elite.
- is great for repositioning your pet and making sure they can't be kited.
Slow but only if the target is CC'd. It's still useful for preventing them from counterpressuring you after the CC.
Chill makes it easy for you to kite enemies caught in it.
destroys projectiles while the
- heals more the lower your HP is, so it's worth holding onto until you get really low. As the skill negates incoming damage after being used you don't have to worry about using it on low HP, but you do have to worry about CC - if you greed and try to use it on 2-3k HP but get interrupted then you're probably going to die. Taking risks can pay off with this skill but always consider the situation you're in and what other CDs are available, for instance could bail you out against Power-based specs if you eat a stun at low HP so you're allowed to be more greedy when SoS is up.
- Dagger/Dagger is your more dangerous set, Staff is mostly defensive by nature.
- is the strongest skill on this set, it's a ranged gapcloser with decent damage and good condition variety. Always unleash yourself when you swap weapons because lets you use the ambush attacks right away.
is good at setting up other skills like because of the
- is best used after because it deals extra damage to movement-impaired enemies.
- On Staff the skills deal almost neglibile damage, combined with the auto spam is the best you can do.
- Pets are mostly for CC, Smokescale has 1 while Gazelle has 2 CC skills.
Top Streamers
- Twitch: Boyce

Really an excellent spec! Not the easiest to play, but extremely powerful. Not the most damage, but very good survival

Still holding up in the duelist role, even if it's no longer meta. The damage is rather low but that doesn't really matter much, it has the sustain to outlast just about any build in a 1v1. It's also very easy to play, so it's a good build to pick up if someone wants to get into Untamed which is seen as a harder spec to play.

I give this build....2x months worth of life before it gets nerfed behind average usage, it's a bunker spec...and it's a ranger bunker spec, anet won't let it fly like with the rest

The build could be a bit different, but the central idea of the build is very strong. This is a nightmare to play against. Strong sustain, projectile denial, damage, stealth, mobility - it's got it all.
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