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Difference between revisions of "Renegade - Power Renegade"

Revision as of 19:38, 12 February 2025

The community gave this build a rating, making it top-tier: Great

Focused on: Strike damage

Designed for: Open World and Open World General

Expansions required: Path of Fire Builds

This build was last updated on February 12, 2025 and is up to date for the February 11, 2025 patch.


Power Bombardment is a powerful roaming build for Renegade, performing very well in large events such as Bjora Marches or Dragonfall while also being capable of farming in fast-paced zergs and even soloing champions.

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Skill Bar


Weapon Variants

Skill Variants



Ascended gear and stat infusions are not required; you can use exotic gear with the same stats.

This set uses gear that is broadly applicable in PVE, making it an excellent general set.




Budget consumables are acceptable for use in open world.






This build camps Greatsword Greatsword for its damage and uses Staff Staff for CC. For a rotation, we use a series of short loops.

Burst Opener

Open in




when you have spare energy. This will never line up with any one loop. On large hitboxes, you should prioritize over .

There are also some short burst loops to use. You can use these on low-health enemies to kill them very rapidly.

Burst Loop 1
Burst Loop 2
Burst Loop 3
Large Hitboxes


Crowd Control


This build has a rating of 5 stars based on 10 votes.
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5 stars
Linera gave this build 5 stars • April 2021
Great renegade build. It has burst, sustained damage, sustain, and AOE all in one neat package. Its much simpler to play than its condi counterpart, and has better burst and aoe damage, it does however fall slightly behind in self-sustain. Overall, easy 5/5 from me.
5 stars
Paradoxoglanis gave this build 5 stars • February 2021
Quite possibly the best open world build at the moment. It is capable of all types of open world content and there are plenty of variations to the build. Damage: Has incredibly strong burst damage, sustained damage, and aoe damage. Sword/sword are the bread and butter of power revenant, but shortbow has some impressive burst potential and staff serves as a very strong utility weapon. Sustain: The relatively recent change to the devastation traitline with battle scars has given revenant a huge boost to their self healing and sustain. Its not even necessary to take all three bottom traits. Dance of Death alone is strong enough to keep yourself alive in most situations. Performance: Revenant has a high skill cap due to energy management and legend+weapon swapping. While this keeps gameplay more engaging than most other builds, power renegade can be played very casually and still perform well. Some other things to note: This build has good self buffing and is capable of near-permanent 25 might and fury. Song of the mists is a decent trait alternative to roiling mists if you dont need the additional crit chance. Assassin stance is a very strong alternative to dwarf or renegade stance.
5 stars
Happybliss gave this build 5 stars • October 2020
Best power revenant build for soloing openworld stuff. I successfully solo 90% HoT HPs and most core tyria champions without asking for help.
5 stars
Burnlit gave this build 5 stars • July 2020
Woah! IDK what I'm even doing in combat. I'm just mashing everything off cooldown and everything dies while I have full health. This built is really good and noob friendly.
5 stars
Scifit gave this build 5 stars • July 2020
I've been noobing around with my Reaper for so long that I wanted something new, but also wanted something could survive and kill just as well in OW. This build is so fun! And great! Lots of sustain, health, protection and general survivability, while dealing even more damage than my Reaper and the skills feel more dynamic. Revenant has a lot of skills, but they are surprisingly easy to get the hang of. Even for a semi-lazy player like me. This might become my new main!
5 stars
Dasov gave this build 5 stars • July 2020
I'd say the most versatile build I've played. Has great DPS, good range with shortbow. You can swap to demon for boonstrip. You can swap to assassin for speed and DPS, dwarf makes you super tanky. Plenty of CC for breakbars as well. This build makes soloing HPs in VB and AB a breeze. The amount of sustain (as long as you deal damage) makes you unkillable as long as you dodge one-shot abilities. When you doing group event you can do a bit support with some might, alacrity, Soulcleave Summit and heals. And after switching All for one to Heartpiercer you get great tagging ability with shortbow and legends being ranged AOE skills. (Assassins works well here for additional movement speed) In contrary to @WeinerDog I'd say it's a little point to play other classes when Renegade can perform so well in all aspects of Open World ;)
5 stars
Dshaq94 gave this build 5 stars • June 2020
Loving this build
5 stars
Shp182 gave this build 5 stars • May 2020
Great spec all around, I run this exclusively. For harder fights and champions start with Jalis, Forced Engagement -> Citadel Bombardment -> Vengeful Hammers to bring energy below 10, swap legend and spam all summons, when Jalis is recharged you'll be just about 0 energy, perfect swap, start with Hammers, Forced Engagement, Citadel Bombardment, use Sword 4 to burn energy and self-heal, swap legend, rinse and repeat, use heals if needed in between. I find it the most optimal rotation and in many cases you can just facetank champs. Most of the time, I actually run this spec in lazy mode with short bow Shiro/Kalla, Impossible Odds is just too convenient for quick movement and spamming autoattack.
5 stars
Jack Armstrong gave this build 5 stars • April 2020
Best open world build I've tried for soloing or small groups; useful in large groups too. My absolute favorite at the moment: weak enemies melt, most strong ones pose no problem. High burst and good sustained damage, excellent self-sustain--what's not to like?
5 stars
Kanok gave this build 5 stars • March 2020
This is a great build to run in OW especially against champions. Use Battle Scared along with Dance of Death while using Icerazor's Ire to have a really effective and almost overpowered self-heal. Switch to Ogre instead of Scholar to save some money and use Assassin's Presence to gain back that 125 Ferocity that you are missing from Scholars, plus an extra 25. Your power will suffer a bit, but crits are what you want anyway. While I still prefer Power Glint, this one is a fantastic build and I run it all the same. Use with Jalis for maximum CC on short cooldowns with those Impact sigils. You really can't go wrong. Champs will melt and you won't really notice the damage being done. Still need to side step and back away to not take damage, since you just cannot face tank without a dedicated healer on you, but this is as good as it gets. You save your endurance for Brutal Momentum and still stay alive while pumping out some amazing damage. Do yourself a favor and run this if you really want to shine with a power build in OW.


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