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Catalyst - D/D Duelist

Part of the current metagame

Our curator decided this build is in the current metagame regardless of rating. The community gave this build a rating, making it top-tier: Great

Focused on: Strike damageSustain and Mobility

Designed for: PvP Conquest

Expansions required: End of Dragons builds

This build was last updated on January 17, 2025 and is up to date for the February 11, 2025 patch.


D/D Elementalist makes a return with a bunch of shiny new tools. A fast-paced, highly versatile duelist build with great sustain, mobility and damage.

Skill Bar


Skill Variants


  • over - Armor is a better defensive skill in general but it's on a longer CD. It's up to you to decide what's more important for you, a stronger defensive or more frequent access to a stunbreak. The Signet's Blind Blind could also be used proactively to avoid incoming attacks.
  • over - as a mobility tool/panic button Arcane Wave is worse than Lightning Flash, but it's better at everything else. Has multiple charges, good AoE damage, dazes enemies and even acts as a Blast finisher which is a highly valuable thing on Catalyst builds.
  • over - makes the build more tanky. The conjure's a versatile skill that can help you out in any situation as it has aura synergy, CC, invulnerability, block, even damage. The second conjure (which gets dropped on the ground) can also be used by allies.

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  • gives you higher uptime on important boons in exchange for becoming more vulnerable to CC due to the loss of some Stability Stability sources.

Specialization Variants

Dropping Earth Earth for Fire Fire sacrifices some of the tankiness for better damage and condi cleansing:



Equipment Changes


  • - coupled with or this would give you similar damage, but trade active sustain (healing) for passive (higher armor/HP).


  • - significantly boosts your cleansing. This is usually overkill, but because this relic acts very much like your current GM trait on Earth, taking this could free up that slot and allow you to take for even higher sustain.
  • - a damage bonus much like Isgarren's. You have more control over its effect, but Isgarren tends to have a higher uptime of the damage boost.
  • - adds a lot of extra healing to the build in case you're looking to improve survivability.
  • - similar to Nayos in terms of purpose, but Zakiros provides a more consistent type of healing throughout a fight while Nayos is better at burst healing when you really need it.


Elite specialization basics

  • Catalysts gain access to Deploy Jade Sphere which drops an AoE combo field with pulsing boons depending on the attunement they were used in.
  • The Jade Sphere costs energy to deploy, you build energy by hitting enemies or swapping attunements thanks to .
  • Jade Spheres are instant and can be used while casting skills or sitting in a CC.


  • Because of you should almost always be casting something for the passive healing, even if it's just an autoattack that's not even hitting anything. An exception to this would be having high enough Confusion Confusion stacks in which case you'd take more damage then the signet could heal.
  • (the elite) is used mainly to reset the CD of skills 3-5 of a given attunement:
    • Water for cleansing and healing.
    • Air for CC and an excellent mobility tool.
    • Earth for CC and combo finishers.
    • Fire for raw damage, combo fields and an evade frame with some mobility.
  • Jade Spheres do insignificant damage, but that can still be useful because these are instant skills. Dropping a new sphere to remove Aegis Aegis from an enemy or consume Blind Blind on yourself right as you're about to land an important attack can make all the difference.


  • You gain Stability Stability whenever you apply an aura to yourself. With the Fire spec you also cleanse 1 condition whenever you gain an aura thanks to .
  • grants an aura based on your current element when you execute a combo.
  • The spread of combo finishers on D/D isn't optimal for aura stacking with Elemental Epitome - it ranges from 0 on Fire to 4 on Earth (skills 3-5 + the dodge from ). This however can be remedied with good timing and a little bit of creativity by switching attunements at the right moment, causing some finishers to land in a different attunement.
  • Some examples for spreading out your finishers inside the Jade Sphere:
  • is the most reliable combo tool in the build - it's both a field and a finisher, so you're always going to get an aura when using this skills. In fact you can get 2 auras by swapping attunements while casting Frozen Burst, for example swapping to Air will give you a Frost Aura Frost Aura from the combo itself and a Shocking Aura Shocking Aura from Elemental Epitome synergy.
    • Carrying over combo finishers from other attunements to Water is optimal. This is because is the only finisher here, and it's one that's always going to give you a Frost Aura Frost Aura. Since auras of the same type don't stack, using this in Water doesn't give you an extra Frost Aura, so using Frozen Burst in Water wastes the Elemental Epitome proc. Either use it a few seconds after you've carried out a finisher into Water (ensuring that you'll get both Frost Auras) or use it as you're swapping out of Water.
  • Aura combos like this from can only happen once every 10 seconds per attunement, so while it's possible to swap attunements for a different aura keep the CD in mind!
  • There are also some less complicated ways of obtaining auras. Water #4 and Air #3 are skills that directly apply auras (and flip over into a chain skill which lets you transmute them for extra effects or more cleansing via ). Another easy one is to simply swap to for a proc. These are all instant and can even be done while casting skills or sitting in a CC, preventing enemies from piling more CCs onto you.
  • Combo finishers in the build:
    • Air's .
    • Water's .
    • Earth's skills 3-5 and the first dodge you perform after swapping to this element.
  • As the Jade Sphere is instant you could even drop a combo field in the middle of your dodge in Earth to obtain an aura.


  • Fire is where most of the damage comes from, followed by Air, Earth, and finally Water.
  • is a quick attack that drops a combo field and could quickly get some Burning on enemies to set up Fire Grab.
  • should only be used on burning foes as it does significantly more damage that way.
  • , and are more on the filler side of things in terms of pure damage but they are quite useful in their own right and much more versatile than most Fire skills.
  • Air's Jade Sphere grants Quickness Quickness which increases your DPS in general. This combined with spam can dish out some decent damage especially against downed and CC'd enemies.

Combo Examples

Low Risk Burst Rotation

  1. Optional - if you're not in melee range or if you need to get rid of Blind/Aegis quickly before the next step.
  2. for CC while evading attacks.
  3. for Quickness.
  4. and swap to Fire Attunement while casting it.
  5. for damage and to get back into melee range after having used Updraft. At this point Convergence (which has a delay) should also hit.
  6. . Now, if you have the energy for it then drop the Jade Sphere (F5) on Fire. If not, do it after swapping to Earth.
  7. Swap to Earth Attunement while still casting Drake's Breath.
  8. for evasion and an aura combo, which should give you Stability Stability and Immobilize Immobilize the target. These should make it easier to land the next CC.
  9. for CC.
  10. for damage. You could consider swapping to Water while casting CE for another aura combo, or stay in Earth for a bit more damage via the next step. If you stay in Earth you won't be able to carry a combo finisher over to another attunement though.
  11. Optional - if you're still in Earth. We call this a low risk rotation because you're using CC, evasion, defensive boons and debilitating conditions to make it harder for enemies to touch you while putting a lot of pressure on them.

Disengaging Safely (make sure you don't have a target selected)

  1. for evasion and to place a combo field.
  2. Swap to Earth in the middle of Burning Speed.
  3. immediately after BS to capitalize on the combo field of step 1. This is another mobility skill with evasion and you should be able to combo Magnetic Aura.
  4. Swap to Air.
  5. Optional - If enemies are still on you, use for more evasion and to CC whoever managed to follow you. Updraft makes you roll backwards, which is not the direction we want to go, so turn around before you use it then turn back before proceeding to the next step.
  6. without a target to get away from the fight.
  7. Either heal up in Water or wait a bit for out of combat regen to kick in, assuming you weren't followed. Using the elite for a CD reset just so you may use skills 4-5 again instead of swapping to Water is also an option, taking you even farther. If you use the elite definitely press skill 3 before you do, it's a "free" instant aura source.

Mass Cleansing/Healing (Fire spec only)

  1. While standing inside a combo field, carry a finisher over to Water attunement (either Convergence on Air or any of Earth 3-5). This will give you Frost Aura.
  2. while the Stability still lasts.
  3. Dodge for healing and cleansing
  4. You should have removed at least 7 conditions by now (8 if you got a Cleansing sigil proc) and healed for a decent amount.
  5. There are many ways to proceed based on what your situation is. If you're free from conditions and have time to cast longer skills without getting bursted, do . If you're still heavily pressured by conditions, use skill 4 twice (once to apply an aura and once to transmute it). If you're still focused cast while swapping to Air in the middle of it, this will give you 2 Auras (and cleanse 2 conditions) - Frost Aura will reduce incoming damage taken while Shocking Aura can give you some breathing room.


  • How you deal with conditions depends on your specializations. With Earth Earth you cleanse conditions whenever you successfully perform combos using leap and blast finishers, while on Fire Fire spec much of your cleansing comes from applying and transmuting auras. There's some level of overlap between the two playstyles though. For example using a leap finisher in a fire field gives you a fire aura - with Earth this cleanses a condition because it was a leap finisher combo, while on Fire this'd also cleanse a condition because you've gained an aura from it. Same results, different reasons.
  • Water and Earth are the most defensive elements here as usual, but Fire and Air have a couple of defensive CDs as well such as evade frames on and .
  • Simply swapping to Earth can already help you out against direct damage as you'll gain Protection Protection from . Earth Jade Sphere grants the same boon plus Resistance Resistance.
  • Water is the best element if you want to cleanse or heal.
  • is a simple but effective heal that also cleanses conditions. A lesser version of this skill procs on your first dodge after entering Water Attunement, healing for a similar amount but only cleansing 1 condition.
    • Both of these are AoE skills so if you see an ally in need you can provide some support for your team.
  • 's passive mitigates direct damage while transmuting it (using the chain skill) cleanses 2 conditions on Fire spec.
  • is still a good heal but slower than the other skills, making it worse in emergency situations.
  • Water Attunement's Jade Sphere is, you guessed it, a Water field. It's best used shortly before switching to Earth where most of your combo finishers are. Unloading Earth 3-5 + the dodge is a great way of recovering a large chunk of health. The sphere itself pulses Resolution Resolution to help mitigate condition pressure.
  • is the only stunbreak in the build so use it wisely, but all the Stability synergy with the auras should help you deal with CC.
  • When damage starts to overwhelm you D/D offers quite a few escape tools. Most obvious one is , just make sure you don't have an enemy targeted. Chaining into would be a good idea too, these are 2 mobility skills with evade frames that also have combo synergy - Burning Speed leaves behind a fire field while Earthen Rush is a leap finisher. This results in both a Fire Aura and a Magnetic Aura!
  • If taken is for buying time and surviving heavy pressure. With a block, a Magnetic Aura, a CC and an invulnerability frame this could bridge the gap in your defenses until your other CDs come back up or help arrives.

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This build has a rating of 5 stars based on 11 votes.
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3 stars
Gw2 so dead gave this build 3 stars • January 2025
better Marauder still .cuz any strip boon bomb ez kill this
5 stars
Crowfang gave this build 5 stars • December 2024
I just played it once and I managed to do a decent job and I never play ele. I'll try that this season but it already appears to be busted.
5 stars
DegenerateGamer gave this build 5 stars • December 2024
Absolutely cooks. Expect to die a few times if you're unfamiliar with Ele rotations. With the Heretic amulet you are glass, but you have so much boon access, mobility, evade windows, healing, damage, CC, like literally everything. You can live for a very long time while providing your team with boons and massive healing on water. Very rewarding spec to learn with a high return on investment.
5 stars
Scortcho gave this build 5 stars • December 2024
Insane build high skill cap. If you want something to learn and be rewarded for doing so play this. 5 stars
4 stars
Ethan gave this build 4 stars • November 2024
The best ele build right now, but not sure if it really qualifies as a meta pick. I don't see this anywhere in my ranked games, granted I'm mid gold, but when I do see it, it gets folded over by other duelists despite the tanky traits and stats. Maybe my view of it is bad since I've been climbing using condi virt which is basically this builds biggest counter but I'm not sure, in practise when I play this it also just feels not great. Since spear Wb can take 1v1's cause of how busted it is, I almost feel like it's better at locking nodes down that this is, and it's just awkward because the only element you have kill potential in is fire, so inbetween fire and everything else you basically just try to cc in air and do alittle bit of damage in earth, but it's kind of an ele thing with some builds, like how staff tempest basically has no healing outside of water.
5 stars
Eddieknj gave this build 5 stars • November 2024
Very strong right now, I prefer to use arcane brilliance with flock relic for more reliable healing after being chunked, as well as removing a condi with the blast finisher. I also prefer armor of the earth over blink for much needed on-demand stability, as well as arcane wave for more condi cleanse, healing, cc, and a nice movement ability to weave between fire burst reset with elite inside quickness sphere. Without arcane wave it can be tough to land a kill using heretic and warrior.
5 stars
Guirssane gave this build 5 stars • July 2024
with the recent buffs to dagger and water, the build is better than ever. For a more duelist role, i'm taking water trait now. Some have been buffed and i'm playing 3-1-3 water instead of arcane. Insane healing and survivability with water and still good damage.
5 stars
Glasstone gave this build 5 stars • April 2024
I don't think it's any worse than hammer for sidenodes. D/D just feels soo good to play, one of the best designed sets in the game. D/D ele personifies what this class was meant to be, a swiss army knife for any situation, highly adaptable. And it's still as sturdy as ever. While I play FA Cata more these days D/D will always have some good ol' nostalgia factor for me.
3 stars
BlobTheBob gave this build 3 stars • March 2024
Decent duelist/roamer. Problems with the build are it has no range and you will struggle to do damage vs targets you cant lock down with cc. Also its pretty bad in teamfights.
5 stars
Velkix gave this build 5 stars • May 2023
High kill potential in a 1v1 fight. Solid duelist build, but it is not good at team fights. Try to 1v1 and take the number advantage. You have strong mobility to rotate.
5 stars
Hanz gave this build 5 stars • October 2022
This and the hammer version are two sides of the same coin, very similar builds with a similar power level. Excellent damage and sustain, decent mobility. Very solid in the current meta and fans of the old D/D cele ele will be enjoying this one a lot.


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