Dragonhunter - Power Farmer
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Focused on: Farming
Designed for: Open World, Open World General and [[|]]
This build is a Farm Build which should be used for farming in open world meta events such as Silverwastes, Drizzlewood, Dragonstand, LS4 trains, and EOD Map Metas. This build features multiple options for specializations including Core Guardian, Dragonhunter, Firebrand, and Willbender. These builds all focus on farming with Power-oriented builds.
This build is a farm build and focuses less on high DPS and more on comfortable game play. If you are looking specifically for DPS builds, see Build:Dragonhunter_-_Power_Dragonhunter and Build:Willbender_-_Power_Willbender.
Template Code
Skill Bar
The default build uses the Dragonhunter specialization but doesn't actually use any Utilities unique to Dragonhunter. We primarily take Dragonhunter for access to Longbow, which is Guardian's best ranged weapon by far. Other specializations should be using Staff in Longbow's place, as the alternatives are quite poor for ranged applications.
Generic Options
The following options are specialization-agnostic and can be used regardless of the specialization chosen. Most of the Utility skills listed above can be changed out on preference, but
is by far Guardian's strongest heal and should not be swapped for anything else.- Greatsword can be swapped for Sword/Focus or Scepter/Focus. Mace and Shield should generally not be taken, as they provide little to no benefit over other options.
- - CC
- - condi clear, additional tagging capability.
- / - teleport with a long cooldown
Stability, especially good at some bosses.
- AOE - - reliable projectile hate
- - passive damage
- - selfish condi clear
- - strong invuln that resets cooldowns, especially strong for chaining into
- While Dragonhunter traps can be taken, they are often worse than taking and due to the mobile nature of zergs. For very high boss burst, take and alongside .
- Replace Longbow with Staff
- The default build above is recommended, however other utility skills may be notable.
Quickness to allies, especially if using gear with boon duration on it.
can be used to provide - is extremely powerful in a zerg and is highly recommended.
- Replace Longbow with Staff
- The default build above is recommended, however other utility skills may be notable.
- provides a low cooldown, reliable teleport.
- is one of the strongest CC options in Guardian's kit and comes highly recommended, as CC is often lacking in Open World.
Core Guardian
- Replace Longbow with Staff
Note Regarding SOTO Weaponmaster Release
With the release of Secrets of the Obscure, Guild Wars 2's next expansion, a mastery called Weaponmster is being added to the game. Once it is unlocked, this will allow the use of Longbow across all Guardian specializations. Once this takes place, Longbow will become the default ranged recommendation for all guardian specializations.
Build Keystones
The core of this build is Zeal, as this provides us with a strong base for our damage with Vulnerability and
Might uptime, regardless of having allies or not.
Honor provides us with extra defense through endurance regeneration, a bit of Might for us and our allies, an extra symbol for
Protection and
Vulnerability uptime, and extends our symbol durations with while making them larger. Notably, the increased Symbol radius is fantastic for tagging.
Dragonhunter is currently the best specialization for this build due to its access to Longbow, which is by far Guardian's best ranged option. Longbow has high DPS, fast projectiles, good CC, and easy tagging. While Staff is a decent option, Longbow heavily outclasses it. Dragonhunter also gives us access to
, an excellent mobility tool, and , a very powerful defensive cooldown.Firebrand
- Build Code
- Editor's Note: Heal Firebrand can also make an incredibly powerful farming build. See Build:Firebrand_-_Group_Support
While Firebrand lacks the mobility of Dragonhunter and has no access to Longbow, it can be an incredible option due to its very powerful Mantras, particularly Chapter 3 Heated Rebuke,
Epilogue Eternal Oasis, and practically everything in .
- is taken to assist with tagging. If you find yourself wanting more pages, take .
- Build Code
Willbender is by far the most mobile Guardian specialization and brings with it a host of powerful utility traits.
makes Staff a bit more competitive with Longbow. Some of Willbender's mobility, namely , can feel a bit offputting when zerging and will take some getting used to.Willbender can be paired with a Virtues variant for much higher boss DPS at the cost of AOE.
can be taken for AOE
Core Guardian
- Build Code
Core Guardian lacks the mobility of Dragonhunter or Willbender and the utility of Firebrand but remains a very strong option for farming in zergs due to Guardian's very strong base traits. Virtues is our strongest default option here, but if using the Dragon Gear variant below, Zeal/Radiance/Virtues becomes an incredibly powerful option.
- Ascended gear and stat infusions are not required; you can use exotic gear with the same stats.
Standard Equipment
Use this set for excellent damage while still maintaining a comfortable playstyle.
- Defensive runes such as are acceptable. For higher DPS, use . If replacing , swap to , or any other sigil of your choice.
- Use full
Knight trinkets for additional defense. Further pieces of
Knight can add more defense, but this has some diminishing returns; it isn't advised to go beyond full trinkets. Other defensive sets, such as
Marauder or
Dragon stats can be used; consult the Dragon variant below.
Dragon Equipment
Dragon gear can be utilized to provide a boost to our health at virtually no cost to our damage, but requires the Radiance specialization above to be taken. This works best on Core Guardian, where Radiance and Virtues can be combos for permanent Resolution, though this option works for any of the Specializations above.
- This set reaches 99.38% crit chance without food, which ensures we crit cap while freeing up our food slot for farming food.
- Any ascended food is superior to any other food you could use. Steak for power, flatbread for conditions. Budget versions of these foods exist and are acceptable.
- - farming'
- (and variants) - farming
Other options, such as Birthday Cake, Campfire Treats, Spicy Pumpkin Cookie, or other similar food is fine to use. The general goal is to prioritize the following:
- Flat % Experience
- % Karma Gain
- % Magic Find
- Experience from kills
- % Gold find
This assumes you are converting Karma and Spirit Shards to gold correctly. If you are not converting Karma or Spirit Shards, prioritize Magic Find.
- While mobile with this build, it is best to avoid using and instead focus on auto-attacks, , and .
- Use
Vulnerability and does quite a bit of damage.
to tag enemies or to open your Greatsword rotation. This ability provides significant - Use to keep up with the zerg, dodge AOE's, or heal yourself and allies.
- On static packs or bosses, swap to Greatsword and use and . Fill the time between these with auto-attacks, , , or . It is worth looking at proper raid rotations to learn how the Guardian Greatsword loop works.
- and can be treated like pseudo-invulnerability in most cases and can be chained together for the entirety of the greatsword loop to ensure your rotation is not interrupted.
- is one of the strongest heal skills in the game, but requires a bit of focus to use. After use, you will lifesteal HP based on the damage you deal, so focus on dealing lots of DPS. If you find yourself strongly disliking Litany, is an acceptable substitute.
- and are some of the best abilities in the game to help counter CC-spam from enemies. This is their primary purpose.
- is a decent heal
Firebrand features a massive number of new defensive skills, some of which are incredibly powerful.
Chapter 3 Valiant Bulwark - projectile hate
Chapter 4 Stalwart Stand - area stunbreak and resistance
Epilogue Unbroken Lines - massive defensive boost to allies
- - more stunbreaks
Epilogue Eternal Oasis - powerful healing boost
- ⇒
- Staff's only affects defiance bars if an enemy physically crosses it.
- (Dragonhunter)
- (Willbender)
Chapter 3 Heated Rebuke (Firebrand)

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