Firebrand - Quickness Support Healer
The community gave this build a rating, making it top-tier: Great
Focused on: Support, Healing and Utility
Designed for: Raids and Fractals
A Firebrand support build for raids and fractals, providing permanent Quickness and high
Fury and
Might uptime. This build brings a massive amount of healing, and a wide range of defensive utility including
Stability, heavy condition cleanse, and projectile destruction.
This build will usually be paired with a DPS-focused source of Alacrity, and it is especially popular in fractal groups as it doesn't have to give up any utility in order to provide healing.
Key to a guardian's strength is its versatility, so be sure to read the skill and trait variants to know what you should be bringing.
Skill Bar
Weapon Variants
- Sword also generates
Fury to your subgroup with , and provides a teleport on a low cooldown, useful on fights like Matthias where you move around a lot.
- Spear is an option for players that own Janthir Wilds. It offers the most healing of the weapons, along with
Resolution and even some condi cleanse. The
Might generation is lower than Staff, its ranged capabilities are less impressive, and it lacks the utility of Shield, but the three weapons are all very strong and you can swap between different setups depending on the encounter.
Other weapon variants sacrifice your Fury or
Might generation, so make sure someone else is covering these boons before using!
- Hammer provides a knockback,
immobilize, and , useful on fights like Samarog where pushing/CC is required. The auto chain also drops a symbol, providing a lot of healing and
Protection for your subgroup.
- If using , Hammer becomes your second strongest healing weapon (after Staff) as every skill becomes a heal.
- Greatsword provides an AoE pull and good mobility, useful on fights like Slothasor for pulling adds and dropping poisons.
- Scepter is your only ranged weapon, useful for kiting mechanics like poison on Siax or flak on Sabetha while offering a bit of
Might on the symbol. (But try not to kite if you can help it, as Firebrand loses a lot of effectiveness when not with the main group.)
- Mace provides an extra block and improved healing to your subgroup, as well as easy access to
Protection and
Skill Variants
As Firebrand is a defensive support, it's important to swap skills to fit the encounter. All of the following utility skills and elite skills are viable depending on the situation:
Stability for your team. Longer duration, but harder to use than .
- A source of pulsing Stability.
- Instant AoE stun break and Regeneration and Condition Cleanse.
- Popular choice for raids. Provides tons of - - alternative signet if the DPS in your subgroup deal mainly condition damage.
- - if you think a ranged revive will be needed.
Protection and
Regeneration uptime.
- more Aegis in a larger AoE than , or for more
Aegis uptime in general.
- could be used if you need to apply - - destroys projectiles in fights like Arkk. Isn't always reliable as the shield has very low health and can be killed easily.
Chapter 3: Valiant Bulwark is not enough for the fight.
- reflects projectiles. Take it if - - even more CC.
- Subject 6 in Thaumanova Reactor Fractal, prevents mini oozes from coming to subject 6 when your teammates take down Veteran Ooze.
- Elite Molten Flame Shaman(before crossing bridge)/Champion Molten Effigy in Molten Boss Fractal.
- Abyss chamber and Last boss prevent spectral flames from reaching your team / The Voice in Deepstone Fractal.
- Siren's Reef (Black Peter,Deposit treasure, last 3 bosses)
- very strong CC. Also works well in situations where mobs heavily outnumber your team:
- - multiple instant AoE stun breaks and stability (and quickness if is traited).
- - personal invulnerability and cooldown reset on tomes.
Template Code
Trait Variants
- if you're running consecrations.
- adds a moderate AoE heal to every CC, immobilize or chill you perform. This synergises well with a lot of your kit, but in particular Hammer.
Might uptime for slightly better heal potential. Popular choice for Raids.
- Worse - if your party can't stay stacked in your symbols.
Regeneration and
Protection though.
gives you more pages to use for utility. Make sure you're still providing enough Protection for your party.
if you want more - great trait for speedy reviving.
Quickness though.
if you want spam a lot of tome skills. Make sure you're still providing enough
Minstrel Variant
This version gives you more toughness and vitality for surviving or tanking.
- (if you use minstrel variant in raids).
Fitting Into Party Compositions
- As you provide
Fury and
Might, you can be paired with any
Alacrity-provider. However, if they are able to provide
Fury or
Might then this opens up your options for traits or weapons.
- If you’re planning to play Support Firebrand in high-level fractals, the high movement uptime can result in lower
Might uptime as is harder to use. It might be worth ensuring your
Alacrity-provider also provides some
Might to fill in the gaps.
- An important note is to make sure your teammates know you are a Support Healer and not Quickness Support Condi DPS or Condi DPS. This lets your group adapt their builds and avoids awkward moments where you have to explain why you're lowest on the DPS meter.
General Tips
- Know you should use
Aegis via mob/boss attack (example: Ensolyss use his Upswing (orange AoE), Lunge, etc...)
- You don't have to use all charges on your books. Often using 1-3 abilities is enough and often more efficient.
- Use F2 for heavy pressure situations and Condi cleanse (Skill 2 and 5 remove conditions).
- Use F3
Stability, Reflects and bonus toughness for your group from
Epilogue Unbroken Lines.
for - Use F1 in low pressure situations for additional damage.
- Get your party to stack as closely as possible to you so they get the full benefit of your heals and mantras.
- In order of healing, your strongest heals in are:
- While
Epilogue: Eternal Oasis is nice if there are condis to cleanse, the 33% healing buff will probably be lower healing than if you'd spent those two pages on
Chapter 1: Desert Bloom instead.
- Your basic healing rotation consists of swapping between staff and axe/shield and using
Might and
and as much as possible to maintain - For burst heals use
- If a period of sustained healing is required, you can do 3-1-4, then exit and combo
Chapter 4: Shining River.
with the water field from
, , and .
- If a period of sustained healing is required, you can do 3-1-4, then exit and combo
- The most powerful tool you can provide as a firebrand is
Aegis. Watch for big incoming hits, then mitigate them with , , or .
- This also improves your healing due to .
- Cleanse conditions if needed with
Epilogue Eternal Oasis (convert up to 5 condi to boon) or
Chapter 2: Radiant Recovery, , or + Light Field from your weapon/utility skills.
- Depending on your rotation, you can output 9-12 stacks of
Might from , and ~15 from . You can also dip into to fill gaps in might via and
Epilogue: Ashes of the Just.
Fury to your subgroup or party. You can also generate a lot with on Spear, just make sure it is Illuminated before use.
or will pulse - Use
Quickness and
Fury. The build is perfectly capable of providing both without this elite though.
to cover gaps in - Try to dip into
Chapter 3: Azure Sun regularly (whenever you hit max pages, for example). This is sufficient to maintain
Regeneration and
and use Protection uptime, and provides just under 40%. The easiest way to make it permanent is to occasionally jump into and use
Chapter 1: Unflinching Charge.
generates close to 50%
Pre-stacking Buffs (Fractals only)
You have to prestack buffs for your party before entering boss fight. Prestacking is done near Mistlock Singularities to abuse the skill reset after using it. Don't use mistlocks before prestacking. Fractal meta is heavily dependant on prestacks!!!
- 0. Take and position yourself near Mistlock Singularity while facing your teammates.
- 1. Use to provide a fire field for blasting. <-- This is also a signal for your teammates to also start prestacking.
- 2. Use (Staff 2) to blast Fire field then cast .
- 3. While channeling , spam and use 1 charge of .
- 4. Use .
- 5. Take Mistlock Singularity.
- 6. Replace with your previous skill if needed.
- 7. Use 1 charge each of and .
- 8. Run for the boss as fast as possible.
Often in pug groups teammates might run towards the boss too soon or too late. To prevent that you can do step 7 while running towards the boss or when the fight is about to start. Remember to always use it on your allies.
Baseline CC:
If you need more CC:
- - pulsing knockback for 5 seconds
- - 2 charges of knockdown
- and if using hammer
- if using greatsword
- if using staff against non-boss mobs
- if using scepter
General Tips
- Be careful of using
Epilogue Unbroken Lines because it will grant 300 toughness to yourself and nearby allies, potentially interfering with tank aggro.
Chapter 3: Heated Rebuke can be used to pull adds together.
or - Use
Stability is needed.
, , , or if - Use
Chapter 3: Valiant Bulwark, , or to counter projectiles.
, - Use when running between encounters.
Encounter Specific Tips

- Bring both and in wisp stage for condi cleanse and stunbreak from traps for teammates

- Bring to block Ensolyss' slams.
- Avoid dying during Ensolyss' capture phase as you will have to charge your mantras again.

- Bring stability for Skorvald via skills and if No Pain No Gain is active as your Renegade should be boonstripping with Mallyx.
- During Skorvald's last phase, provide stability to the group. Enter either or both of and .
- You can use
Chapter 3: Valiant Bulwark in to reflect Arkk's Solar Fury (the red balls).
Spirit Vale

- Make sure not to face Seekers when using to ensure you don't pull them into the group.
- can be used to quickly recover after a skipped green, or at the end of the split phase.
- If you are skipping greens, players getting teleported and downed is often a death sentence. can help you quickly recover them.
- can be used to knock away Seekers that get too close.
For more information, see our Vale Guardian Guide.

For more information, see our Spirit Woods Guide.

- can be used to block Gorseval's slams.
- can be used to pull the little spirits into Gorseval to they can be cleaved down.
- Use during the break bar to help out-heal the returned damage.
- Outside of the break bar, the healing requirement is low on this encounter. Therefore it might be effective to bring
- Place on your group to heal them while you CC.
to end it quickly.
For more information, see our Gorseval the Multifarious Guide.

Stability during the flamewall attack.
can also be used to provide - If it's available, use
Epilogue Unbroken Lines in when Karde spawns, to provide toughness and protection for his flamethrower attack.
For more information, see our Sabetha the Saboteur Guide.
Salvation Pass

- Use to pull slublings (NOT the friendly slubling) into the stack.
- Unless it's being covered by other people, bring
Stability for the
Fear attack after Slothasor's defiance bar is broken.
to provide - can be used to quickly cleanse conditions if people are hit by the shake attack}}
- If slubling pressure is too high, then
Chapter 3 Valiant Bulwark in can reduce it, though some slubling attacks are unblockable.
For more information, see our Slothasor Guide.

- is worth taking to reduce general annoyance from the various bandit CCs.
For more information, see our Bandit Trio Guide.

- You can be the group's primary reflect if you bring . Note that you must place the wall inside Matthias' hitbox, or the targeted person will need to remain still in order to ensure all the shards are reflected correctly.
- if you are not the main reflect, you can be a backup by using
Chapter 3: Valiant Bulwark in .
- If your group's CC is bad, take to easily break the sacrifice. Matthias will no longer try to sacrifice players in the abomination phase, so you can use it to block the Shards of Rage attack instead (make sure not the block the bubble attack).
- Matthias will
Fear the whole squad when transitioning into the abomination phase. If it's available, enter and apply as much
Stability and
Resolution to your group as possible to protect against this.
- can be used to block shards from Matthias' jump attack (make sure not to block the shards from the bubble attack).
For more information, see our Matthias Gabrel Guide.
Stronghold of the Faithful

- is worth taking to reduce general annoyance from the various White Mantle CCs.
For more information, see our Escort Guide.

- can be used to pull the orb into a rift.
For more information, see our Keep Construct Guide.

- is worth taking to reduce general annoyance from the various White Mantle CCs.
For more information, see our Twisted Castle Guide.

- Use to pull adds into the stack.
- Use
Swiftness, and
during the split phase and on the "puzzle islands" to clear condis, provide
keep everyone alive.
For more information, see our Xera Guide.
Bastion of the Penitent

- Bring to help your group if you are skipping greens.
- If you are skipping greens and
Stability to your subgroup instead.
is not off cooldown, you can use to provide some
For more information, see our Cairn the Indomitable Guide.

For more information, see our Mursaat Overseer Guide.

Epilogue Eternal Oasis in can be dropped on the target of Brutalize to boost healing to them during the break bar.
- If your group's CC is lacking, you can bring . Try to drop it on the target of Brutalize to provide healing as well as CC.
- can be used to knock Rigom into Samarog.
For more information, see our Samarog Guide.

- can block the pizza attack, as well as Mind Crush in an emergency (or CM).
- When blocking Mind Crush rather than hiding in the dome, you will take ticking damage for 10 seconds afterwards, so will be useful to keep people alive.
- can be used for quick ressing - especially useful on the hand kiter.
For more information, see our Deimos Guide.
Hall of Chains

- Make sure not to pull the Tormented Dead into the group with .
- After the Tormented Dead has been knocked, you can use to prevent it from returning to the group.
- You can also knock the Tormented Dead away with
- can be useful in dealing with conditions if people are hit by scythes or the Tormented Dead AoE.
- You could take to help with CC.
For more information, see our Soulless Horror Guide.

- You could bring as an emergency heal.
For more information, see our River of Souls Guide.

For more information, see our Statues of Grenth Guide.

- You can use
Epilogue Eternal Oasis at every Greater Death Mark to convert the
For more information, see our Dhuum Guide.
Mythwright Gambit

- Use to pull in swords and CC shields.
For more information, see our Conjured Amalgamate Guide.

For more information, see our Sorting and Appraisal Guide.

- As it's hard to maintain DPS during Nikare's charge, use
or to heal and clear condis, or provide extra toughness and - The breakbar attack fires out projectiles than can be blocked with
Chapter 3: Valiant Bulwark.
For more information, see our Largos Assassins Guide.

- can be used to pull Magma Elementals (either into the group or away, depending on strategy).
- If the squad is really struggling to prevent the Lava Elementals from reaching Qadim, you could consider bringing as this will prevent them from being able to enter his hitbox for five seconds. Be aware that this will also push Magma Elementals out, so be very careful when you use it.
For more information, see our Qadim Guide.
The Key of Ahdashim

- is a good choice here as Sabir cannot be damaged during one of his defiance bars, so breaking it quickly is a group DPS increase.
For more information, see our Cardinal Sabir Guide.

Chapter 3: Valiant Bulwark in can be used to protect against the hand knockback in the split phase by camping the tome to keep using it. Note that will not be up for every split phase (unless you are very slow) so you will either need to alternate with another player, or just keep it as a backup.
For more information, see our Cardinal Adina Guide.

- You should bring to protect everyone from the knock-back attack at the start of each phase.
For more information, see our Qadim the Peerless Guide.

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