- Air Attunement
- Air Bubble
- Air Pocket
- Arc Lightning
- Arcane Blast
- Arcane Brilliance
- Arcane Power
- Arcane Shield
- Arcane Wave
- Armor of Earth
- Blinding Flash
- Boil (elementalist)
- Burning Retreat
- Burning Retreat (Lava Axe)
- Burning Speed
- Chain Lightning
- Churning Earth
- Cleansing Fire
- Cleansing Wave
- Comet
- Cone of Cold
- Conjure Earth Shield
- Conjure Fiery Greatsword
- Conjure Flame Axe
- Conjure Frost Bow
- Conjure Lightning Hammer
- Crashing Waves
- Crippling Shield
- Debris Tornado
- Deep Freeze
- Discharge Lightning
- Dragon's Claw
- Dragon's Tooth
- Drake's Breath
- Dust Charge
- Dust Devil
- Dust Tornado
- Earth Attunement
- Earthquake
- Electrified Tornado
- Electrocute
- Elemental Requiem
- Eruption
- Ether Renewal
- Explosive Lava Axe
- Fiery Eruption
- Fiery Rush
- Fiery Whirl
- Fire Attunement
- Fire Grab
- Fire Shield
- Fireball
- Firestorm
- Firestorm (Glyph of Storms)
- Flame Barrage
- Flame Burst
- Flame Leap
- Flame Wave
- Flamestrike
- Flamewall
- Forked Lightning
- Fortify
- Freezing Gust
- Frost Aura
- Frost Fan
- Frost Volley
- Frozen Burst
- Frozen Ground
- Gale
- Geyser
- Glyph of Elemental Harmony
- Glyph of Elemental Harmony (air)
- Glyph of Elemental Harmony (earth)
- Glyph of Elemental Harmony (fire)
- Glyph of Elemental Harmony (water)
- Glyph of Elemental Power
- Glyph of Elemental Power (air)
- Glyph of Elemental Power (earth)
- Glyph of Elemental Power (fire)
- Glyph of Elemental Power (water)
- Glyph of Elementals
- Glyph of Elementals (air)
- Glyph of Elementals (earth)
- Glyph of Elementals (fire)
- Glyph of Elementals (water)
- Glyph of Lesser Elementals
- Glyph of Lesser Elementals (air)
- Glyph of Lesser Elementals (earth)
- Glyph of Lesser Elementals (fire)
- Glyph of Lesser Elementals (water)
- Glyph of Renewal
- Glyph of Storms
- Grasping Earth
- Gust
- Healing Rain
- Heat Wave
- Hurl
- Ice Globe
- Ice Shards
- Ice Spike
- Ice Storm
- Ice Storm (Glyph of Storms)
- Ice Wall
- Impale (elementalist)
- Lava Axe
- Lava Chains
- Lava Font
- Lightning Cage
- Lightning Flash
- Lightning Leap
- Lightning Storm
- Invoke Lightning
- Lightning Strike
- Lightning Surge
- Lightning Swing
- Lightning Touch
- Lightning Whip
- Magma Orb
- Magnetic Aura
- Magnetic Current
- Magnetic Grasp
- Magnetic Leap
- Magnetic Shield (elementalist)
- Magnetic Surge
- Magnetic Wave
- Meteor Shower
- Mist Form
- Murky Water
- Obsidian Flesh
- Phoenix
- Renewal of Air
- Renewal of Earth
- Renewal of Fire
- Renewal of Water
- Ride the Lightning
- Ring of Earth
- Ring of Fire (Lava Axe)
- Ring of Fire (elementalist)
- Rock Anchor
- Rock Barrier
- Rock Blade
- Rock Spray
- Sandstorm
- Shatterstone
- Shield Smack
- Shield Smash
- Shock Wave
- Shocking Aura
- Shocking Bolt
- Signet of Air
- Signet of Earth
- Signet of Fire
- Signet of Restoration
- Signet of Water
- Static Field
- Static Field (Lightning Hammer)
- Static Swing
- Steam
- Steam Vent
- Stomp (Glyph of Elementals)
- Stone Kick
- Stone Shards
- Stone Sheath
- Stoning
- Swirling Winds
- Thunderclap (Lightning Hammer)
- Tidal Wave
- Tornado
- Undercurrent
- Unsteady Ground
- Updraft
- Vacuum
- Vapor Blade
- Vapor Form
- Water Arrow
- Water Attunement
- Water Blast
- Water Fist
- Water Missile
- Water Trident
- Whirlpool
- Wind Blast
- Windborne Speed
- "Aftershock!"
- "Eye of the Storm!"
- "Feel the Burn!"
- "Flash-Freeze!"
- "Rebound!"
- "Wash the Pain Away!"
- Cyclone
- Dust Storm
- Heat Sync
- Lightning Orb
- Overload Air
- Overload Earth
- Overload Fire
- Overload Water
- Sand Squall
- Tidal Surge
- Water Globe
- Wildfire
- Weaver
- Absolute Zero
- Aqua Siphon
- Aquatic Stance
- Ashen Blast
- Breaking Wave
- Call Lightning
- Cauterizing Strike
- Charged Strike
- Clapotis
- Crystal Slash
- Crystalline Strike
- Crystalline Sunder
- Earthen Synergy
- Earthen Vortex
- Elemental Compression
- Fiery Frost
- Fire Strike
- Fire Swipe
- Flame Uprising
- Fracturing Strike
- Gale Strike
- Glacial Drift
- Grinding Stones
- Hydrothermal Vent
- Katabatic Wind
- Lahar
- Lava Skin
- Lesser Stone Resonance
- Molten Burst
- Monsoon (weaver skill)
- Mud Slide
- Natural Frenzy
- Pile Driver
- Plasma Beam
- Plasma Blast
- Plasma Burst
- Plasmic Strike
- Polaric Leap
- Polaric Slash
- Pressure Blast
- Primordial Stance
- Pyro Vortex
- Pyroclastic Blast
- Quantum Strike
- Riptide
- Rust Frenzy
- Searing Slash (weaver)
- Seiche
- Shearing Edge
- Sodden Swath
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