- Arcane Thievery
- Blinding Tide
- Blink
- Blurred Frenzy
- Chaos Armor
- Chaos Storm
- Confusing Images
- Counter Blade
- Counterspell
- Cry of Frustration
- Deception
- Decoy
- Distortion
- Diversion
- Ether Blast
- Ether Bolt
- Ether Clone
- Ether Feast
- Evasive Strike (mesmer)
- Feedback
- Feigned Surge
- Illusion of Drowning
- Illusion of Life
- Illusionary Counter
- Illusionary Leap
- Illusionary Mariner
- Illusionary Riposte
- Illusionary Wave
- Illusionary Whaler
- Into the Void
- Jab (mesmer)
- Magic Bullet
- Mantra of Concentration
- Mantra of Distraction
- Mantra of Pain
- Mantra of Recovery
- Mantra of Resolve
- Mass Invisibility
- Mimic
- Mind Blast
- Mind Gash
- Mind Slash
- Mind Spike
- Mind Stab
- Mind Wrack
- Mirror
- Mirror Blade
- Mirror Images
- Null Field
- Phantasmal Berserker
- Phantasmal Defender
- Phantasmal Disenchanter
- Phantasmal Duelist
- Phantasmal Mage
- Phantasmal Rogue
- Phantasmal Swordsman
- Phantasmal Warden
- Phantasmal Warlock
- Phase Retreat
- Portal Entre
- Portal Exeunt
- Signet of Domination
- Signet of Humility
- Signet of Illusions
- Signet of Inspiration
- Signet of Midnight
- Signet of the Ether
- Siren's Call
- Slipstream
- Spatial Surge
- Spinning Revenge
- Stab (mesmer)
- Swap
- Temporal Curtain
- The Prestige
- Time Warp
- Veil
- Vortex
- Winds of Chaos
- Continuum Shift
- Continuum Split
- Deja Vu
- Echo of Memory
- Gravity Well
- Tides of Time
- Well of Action
- Well of Calamity
- Well of Eternity
- Well of Precognition
- Well of Recall
- Mirage
- Ambush Assault
- Axes of Symmetry
- Chaos Vortex
- Crystal Sands
- Ether Barrage
- Ethereal Chop
- False Oasis
- Illusionary Ambush
- Imaginary Axes
- Jaunt
- Lacerating Chop
- Lingering Thoughts
- Mirage Advance
- Mirage Mirror
- Mirage Thrust
- Mirror Strikes
- Phantasmal Seeking Axe
- Phantasmal Spinning Axe
- Reformed Mirage Mirror
- Sand Shards
- Sand Through Glass
- Split Surge
- Wave of Panic
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