- "Feel My Wrath!"
- "Hold the Line!"
- "Receive the Light!"
- "Advance!"
- "Save Yourselves!"
- "Stand Your Ground!"
- Bane Signet
- Banish
- Binding Blade
- Bow of Truth
- Brilliance
- Chains of Light
- Cleansing Flame
- Contemplation of Purity
- Holy Strike
- Empower
- Faithful Strike
- Hallowed Ground
- Hammer Bash (guardian)
- Hammer Swing (guardian)
- Hammer of Wisdom
- Judge's Intervention
- Leap of Faith
- Light of Judgment
- Line of Warding
- Litany of Wrath
- Merciful Intervention
- Mighty Blow
- Orb of Wrath
- Pillar of Light
- Protector's Strike
- Pull
- Pure Strike
- Purging Flames
- Purify
- Purifying Blast
- Ray of Judgment
- Refraction
- Renewed Focus
- Renewing Current
- Reveal the Depths
- Ring of Warding
- Sanctuary
- Shackle
- Shelter
- Shield of Absorption
- Shield of Absorption (sequence)
- Shield of Judgment
- Shield of Wrath
- Shield of the Avenger
- Signet of Courage
- Signet of Judgment
- Signet of Mercy
- Signet of Resolve
- Signet of Wrath
- Smite Condition
- Spear Wall
- Spear of Light
- Strike
- Sword Arc
- Sword Wave
- Sword of Justice
- Sword of Wrath
- Symbol of Blades
- Symbol of Faith
- Symbol of Judgment
- Symbol of Protection
- Symbol of Punishment
- Symbol of Swiftness
- Symbol of Wrath
- True Strike
- Vengeful Strike
- Virtue of Courage
- Virtue of Justice
- Virtue of Resolve
- Wall of Reflection
- Wave of Light
- Wave of Wrath
- Weight of Justice
- Whirling Wrath
- Wrath
- Wrathful Grasp
- Wrathful Strike
- Zealot's Defense
- Zealot's Embrace
- Zealot's Fire
- Zealot's Flame
- Zealot's Flurry
- Deflecting Shot
- Dragon's Maw
- Fragments of Faith
- Hunter's Verdict
- Hunter's Ward
- Light's Judgment
- Procession of Blades
- Puncture Shot
- Purification
- Shards of Faith
- Shield of Courage
- Spear of Justice
- Symbol of Energy
- Test of Faith
- True Shot
- Wings of Resolve
- Firebrand
- Blazing Edge
- Bleeding Edge
- Chapter 1: Desert Bloom
- Chapter 1: Searing Spell
- Chapter 1: Unflinching Charge
- Chapter 2: Daring Challenge
- Chapter 2: Igniting Burst
- Chapter 2: Radiant Recovery
- Chapter 3: Azure Sun
- Chapter 3: Heated Rebuke
- Chapter 3: Valiant Bulwark
- Chapter 4: Scorched Aftermath
- Chapter 4: Shining River
- Chapter 4: Stalwart Stand
- Clarified Conclusion
- Core Cleave
- Echo of Truth
- Epilogue: Ashes of the Just
- Epilogue: Eternal Oasis
- Epilogue: Unbroken Lines
- Flame Rush
- Flame Surge
- Mantra of Flame
- Mantra of Liberation
- Mantra of Lore
- Mantra of Potence
- Mantra of Solace
- Mantra of Truth
- Opening Passage
- Overwhelming Celerity
- Portent of Freedom
- Potent Haste
- Rejuvenating Respite
- Restoring Reprieve
- Searing Slash (firebrand)
- Symbol of Vengeance
- Tome of Courage
- Tome of Justice
- Tome of Resolve
- Unhindered Delivery
- Voice of Truth
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