- Anguish Swipe
- Banish Enchantment
- Brutal Blade
- Coalescence of Ruin
- Debilitating Slam
- Devour Brand
- Diminish Solace
- Dome of the Mists
- Drop the Hammer
- Duelist's Preparation
- Echoing Eruption
- Embrace the Darkness
- Empowering Misery
- Enchanted Daggers
- Energy Expulsion
- Essence Sap
- Field of the Mists
- Forced Engagement
- Forceful Bash
- Forceful Displacement
- Frigid Blitz
- Frigid Discharge
- Grasping Shadow
- Hammer Bolt
- Igniting Brand
- Impossible Odds
- Inspiring Reinforcement
- Jade Winds
- Legendary Assassin Stance
- Legendary Centaur Stance
- Legendary Demon Stance
- Legendary Dwarf Stance
- Manifest Toxin
- Misery Swipe
- Natural Harmony
- Pain Absorption
- Phase Smash
- Phase Traversal
- Precision Strike
- Preparation Thrust
- Project Tranquility
- Protective Solace
- Punishing Sweep
- Purifying Essence
- Rapid Assault
- Rapid Swipe
- Rejuvenating Assault
- Release Hammers
- Relinquish Power
- Renewing Wave
- Resist the Darkness
- Rift Containment
- Rift Slash
- Riposting Shadows
- Rite of the Great Dwarf
- Searing Fissure
- Shackling Wave
- Soothing Stone
- Spear of Anguish
- Surge of the Mists
- Temporal Rift
- Unrelenting Assault
- Unyielding Anguish
- Vengeful Blast
- Vengeful Hammers
- Venomous Sphere
- Ventari's Will
- Warding Rift
- Burst of Strength
- Chaotic Release
- Crystal Hibernation
- Elemental Blast
- Envoy of Exuberance
- Facet of Chaos
- Facet of Darkness
- Facet of Elements
- Facet of Light
- Facet of Nature
- Facet of Strength
- Gaze of Darkness
- Infuse Light
- Legendary Dragon Stance
- One with Nature
- Renegade
- Bloodbane Path
- Breakrazor's Bastion
- Citadel Bombardment
- Darkrazor's Daring
- Dismiss Lieutenant Soulcleave
- Heroic Command
- Icerazor's Ire
- Legendary Renegade Stance
- Orders from Above
- Razorclaw's Rage
- Scorchrazor
- Sevenshot
- Shattershot
- Soulcleave's Summit
- Spiritcrush
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