- "Guard!"
- "Protect Me!"
- "Search and Rescue!"
- "Sic 'Em!"
- "Strength of the Pack!"
- "We Heal As One!"
- Aqua Surge
- Barrage
- Bonfire
- Call Lightning (ranger)
- Call of the Wild
- Cold Snap
- Concussion Shot
- Coral Shot
- Counter Throw
- Counterattack
- Counterstrike
- Crippling Shot
- Crippling Talon
- Crippling Throw
- Crippling Thrust
- Crossfire
- Dart
- Entangle
- Evasive Strike (ranger)
- Feeding Frenzy (ranger)
- Flame Trap
- Frost Spirit
- Frost Trap
- Healing Spring
- Hilt Bash
- Hornet Sting
- Hunter's Call
- Hunter's Shot
- Ink Blast
- Jab (ranger)
- Lick Wounds
- Lightning Reflexes
- Long Range Shot
- Man O' War
- Maul (ranger greatsword)
- Mercy Shot
- Monarch's Leap
- Muddy Terrain
- Nature's Renewal
- Path of Scars
- Point Blank Shot
- Poison Volley
- Power Stab
- Precision Swipe
- Quick Shot
- Quickening Zephyr
- Quicksand
- Rapid Fire
- Ricochet
- Serpent's Strike
- Sharpening Stone
- Signet of Renewal
- Signet of Stone
- Signet of the Hunt
- Signet of the Wild
- Slash (ranger greatsword)
- Slash (ranger sword)
- Slice (ranger)
- Snowball Trap
- Solar Flare
- Spike Trap
- Spirit of Nature
- Splinter Shot
- Splitblade
- Stab (ranger)
- Stalker's Strike
- Stone Spirit
- Storm Spirit
- Sun Spirit
- Swirling Strike
- Swoop
- Throw Dirt
- Throw Knife
- Throw Torch
- Thunderclap (ranger)
- Troll Unguent
- Viper's Nest
- Water Spirit
- Whirling Defense
- Winter's Bite
- Ancestral Grace
- Astral Wisp
- Celestial Avatar
- Cosmic Ray
- Glyph of Alignment
- Glyph of Alignment (Celestial Avatar)
- Glyph of Alignment (non-celestial)
- Glyph of Equality
- Glyph of Equality (Celestial Avatar)
- Glyph of Equality (non-celestial)
- Glyph of Rejuvenation
- Glyph of Rejuvenation (Celestial Avatar)
- Glyph of Rejuvenation (non-celestial)
- Glyph of Unity
- Glyph of Unity (Celestial Avatar)
- Glyph of Unity (non-celestial)
- Glyph of the Stars
- Glyph of the Stars (Celestial Avatar)
- Glyph of the Stars (non-celestial)
- Glyph of the Tides
- Glyph of the Tides (Celestial Avatar)
- Glyph of the Tides (non-celestial)
- Lunar Impact
- Natural Convergence
- Rejuvenating Tides
- Release Celestial Avatar
- Seed of Life
- Solar Beam
- Sublime Conversion
- Vine Surge
- Soulbeast
- Bear Stance
- Beastmode
- Bite (soulbeast bear)
- Bite (soulbeast feline)
- Brutal Charge (soulbeast canine)
- Brutal Charge (soulbeast porcine)
- Call Lightning (soulbeast)
- Charge (soulbeast gazelle)
- Charging Bite (soulbeast)
- Chomp (soulbeast armorfish)
- Chomp (soulbeast drake)
- Crippling Leap (soulbeast)
- Dark Water (soulbeast)
- Deadly Delivery
- Defy Pain (soulbeast)
- Devourer Retreat (soulbeast)
- Dolyak Stance
- Double Arc
- Entangling Web (soulbeast)
- Fear (soulbeast)
- Frenzied Attack (soulbeast)
- Griffon Stance
- Groundwork Gouge
- Harmonic Cry (soulbeast)
- Healing Cloud (soulbeast)
- Instinctive Engage
- Kick (soulbeast)
- Leading Swipe
- Leave Beastmode
- Maul (soulbeast feline)
- Maul (soulbeast porcine)
- Moa Stance
- One Wolf Pack
- Photosynthesize (soulbeast)
- Poison Gas (soulbeast)
- Prelude Lash
- Primal Cry
- Protection (soulbeast)
- Quickening Screech (soulbeast)
- Rain of Spikes (soulbeast)
- Serpent Stab
- Sharpen Spines (soulbeast)
- Smoke Assault (soulbeast)
- Spiritual Reprieve
- Swoop (soulbeast)
- Tail Lash (soulbeast Wyvern)
- Tail Lash (soulbeast devourer)
- Tail Lash (soulbeast)
- Tail Swipe (soulbeast)
- Takedown (soulbeast)
- Unflinching Fortitude
- Vulture Stance
- Wing Buffet (soulbeast)
- Worldly Impact
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