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Deadlock Abrams Build

Siphon Life
Shoulder Charge
Infernal Resilience
Seismic Impact
Abrams Counters
Grey Talon


Abrams is a straightforward tank hero to master, offering incredible natural survivability thanks to his passive ability and Siphon LifeSiphon Life. Abrams is one of the tankiest heroes in Deadlock and also remains a very easy to play hero that can be enjoyed by both new and more competitive players that are looking to play a melee heavy, close range tank that can easily turn the tides of any match and complimenting any team comp.

  • Easy to play.
  • Incredibly tanky when in close range.
  • Can easily bully enemies out of lane with superior health regen and early damage.
  • Amazing team fighting capabilities.
  • Is countered by players knowing how to parry.
  • Cannot do any damage or peel versus snipers like Vindicta and Grey Talon.
  • Stationary gameplay with long cooldowns that make Abrams vulnerable.


Early Game
Close Quarters
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Melee Lifesteal
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Sprint Boots
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Spirit Strike
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Melee Charge
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Restorative Shot
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Extra Stamina
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Healing Rite
Mid Game
Torment Pulse
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Duration Extender
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Enduring Speed
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Bullet Resist Shredder
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Bullet Armor
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Spirit Armor
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Point Blank
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Hunter's Aura
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Improved Spirit Armor
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Improved Bullet Armor
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Superior Stamina
Late Game
Phantom Strike
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Diviner's Kevlar
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Superior Cooldown
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Warp Stone
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Soul Rebirth
Ethereal Shift
Silence Glyph
Debuff Remover
Metal Skin

Ability Path

Siphon Life Siphon Life Ability unlock Ability upgrade 1 Ability upgrade 2 Ability upgrade 5
Shoulder Charge Shoulder Charge Ability unlock Ability upgrade 1 Ability upgrade 2 Ability upgrade 5
Infernal Resilience Infernal Resilience Ability unlock Ability upgrade 1 Ability upgrade 2 Ability upgrade 5
Seismic Impact Seismic Impact Ability unlock Ability upgrade 1 Ability upgrade 2 Ability upgrade 5


  • Siphon LifeSiphon Life — This is your bread and butter ability. While it is close range, it leeches HP off enemies and allows you to remain on top of them while being constantly healed with this ability as you fight them. Always use this during fights and try to remain in range of the enemy you are fighting! This skill is also fantastic for jungle camps as it drains HP from all enemies in front of you.
  • Shoulder ChargeShoulder Charge — Make use of the Shoulder ChargeShoulder Charge whenever you catch an enemy near a wall. Turning becomes more difficult during the ability but you should always try to smash the enemy into a wall to stun them. You should always try to start channeling this skill when you are close to an enemy, making it more difficult to dodge.
  • Infernal ResilienceInfernal Resilience — This passive increases your health and allows you to regenerate some of the damage you take which greatly increases your tankiness and allows you to come back into a fight with ease.
  • Seismic ImpactSeismic Impact — This skill not only provides you with Immunity throughout the entire ultimate, but it also launches you far into the air before you can smash down on enemies below, stunning them and allowing your team to catch them. It is best used on enemies that are stacked together and you should always try to catch as many enemies as possible. This skill can also be used as an escape from sticky situations by jumping away from your enemies.

Early Game / Laning Phase

In the laning phase you should focus on last hitting as many enemies as possible while building items. Make sure to use your powered melee attacks early to kill enemy troopers without creating the opportunity for enemies to deny them. Keep in mind that Melee LifestealMelee Lifesteal is much more effective against enemy players, and you should try to kite around pillars/the bridge while catching enemies by surprise with your charged Heavy Melee!

Also, do not forget about your gun attacks, blessed by Restorative ShotRestorative Shot and coupled with Siphon LifeSiphon Life, your left clicks become very powerful and allow you to win fights as long you don't take the fights in the middle of the enemy lane troopers. Try to stick as close to enemies as possible when fighting in order to maximize your damage and to make sure they do not run out of your Siphon LifeSiphon Life range.

Souls 500
Close Quarters
Close Quarters
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Souls 500
Melee Lifesteal
Melee Lifesteal
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Souls 500
Sprint Boots
Sprint Boots
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Souls 500
Spirit Strike
Spirit Strike
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Souls 1250
Melee Charge
Melee Charge
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Souls 500
Restorative Shot
Restorative Shot
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Souls 500
Extra Stamina
Extra Stamina
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Souls 500
Healing Rite
Healing Rite

Early Game Situational

If you are struggling in lane, Healing RiteHealing Rite can offer great healing but you must remain outside of enemy range as any attack you receive from enemies will cancel the item.

Mid Game

Once Mid game begins and the Midboss spawns, you should look for opportunities to take down the first guardian and shoving the lane deeper, either while your lane enemy begins roaming or after you've scored a kill. Roaming becomes much easier for you and you should start clearing jungle camps close to your lane, looking for and destroying vending machines to boost up your souls. A good rule of thumb is to clear a wave of troopers before clearing the camp between where you killed the wave and your guardian/walker.

Focus on getting Torment PulseTorment Pulse first as it deals considerable damage to those close, allowing you to clear camps fast while also using your Siphon LifeSiphon Life. BerserkerBerserker should be your next item, letting you do more and more damage as you take damage. Because of your close range, its impossible not to take damage, which in turn will greatily improve your weapon damage, allowing you to clear camps and kill enemies quickly.

Make sure that you roam outside your lane whenever possible and whenever your lane isn't pushed in. Roaming across the map and taking jungle camps & vending machines from enemies remains a top choice allowing yourself and your team to pull ahead during the midgame. Collapse on lanes for fights but you should keep farming throughout the mid game without focusing too hard on team fights as they don't offer as many souls.

Both Point BlankPoint Blank and LifestrikeLifestrike will apply a slow, which makes it much easier for you to stay on top of your targets and in Siphon LifeSiphon Life range so they should be prioritized before upgrading both Bullet ArmorBullet Armor and Spirit ArmorSpirit Armor into Improved Bullet ArmorImproved Bullet Armor and Improved Spirit ArmorImproved Spirit Armor.

Souls 3000
Torment Pulse
Torment Pulse
Arrow right.webp
Souls 1250
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Souls 1250
Duration Extender
Duration Extender
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Souls 1250
Enduring Speed
Enduring Speed
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Souls 3000
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Souls 1250
Bullet Resist Shredder
Bullet Resist Shredder
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Souls 1250
Bullet Armor
Bullet Armor
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Souls 1250
Spirit Armor
Spirit Armor
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Souls 3000
Point Blank
Point Blank
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Souls 3000
Hunter's Aura
Hunter's Aura
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Souls 3000
Improved Spirit Armor
Improved Spirit Armor
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Souls 3000
Improved Bullet Armor
Improved Bullet Armor
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Souls 3000
Superior Stamina
Superior Stamina

Late Game

During the late game, you should focus on controlling Midboss and pushing lanes, always make sure that your lanes are pushed and the enemy cannot backdoor your base. As fights become more important, you should always look for opportunities to turn the fight into your favor. You shouldn't show yourself first to initiate fights either as this will make it much easier for enemies to dodge your Seismic ImpactSeismic Impact.

Phantom StrikePhantom Strike is your priority as it can be used to engage and disarm any enemy, rendering many heroes useless during the duration of the disarm and allowing you and your team to burst them down before they can react. Diviner's KevlarDiviner's Kevlar should be your second item as it offers great defense passively every time you use your Seismic ImpactSeismic Impact. Soul RebirthSoul Rebirth is a fantastic item too, allowing you to come back to life after dying while Superior CooldownSuperior Cooldown should be applied to Seismic ImpactSeismic Impact for a considerably shorter cooldown.

Souls 6200
Phantom Strike
Phantom Strike
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Souls 6200
Diviner's Kevlar
Diviner's Kevlar
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Souls 3000
Superior Cooldown
Superior Cooldown
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Souls 3000
Warp Stone
Warp Stone
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Souls 6200
Soul Rebirth
Soul Rebirth

Situational Items

These items can be bought up to counter certain heroes as they work perfectly for specific scenarios.

  • Ethereal ShiftEthereal Shift — Great to avoid high damage skills like Guided OwlGuided Owl.
  • KnockdownKnockdown — Cheap item to counter both snipers like Vindicta and Grey Talon by knocking them out of the air. This also works on Seven while he is ulting and he will also be stopped.
  • CurseCurse — This item interrupts spellcasting, silences and disarms a target while also making them incapable of using items for the duration. While it is expensive, it can help a lot vs Sevens ultimate, Dynamos ultimate and many more and its one of the most powerful items in the game.
  • Silence GlyphSilence Glyph — Buy this if you want to silence enemies and turn them into a quick kill. Works exceptionally well vs enemies that make use of short cooldowns like Lash or Pocket. It is also great for countering Yamato as the silence can stop her from using the ultimate.
  • Debuff RemoverDebuff Remover — This item removes all debuffs when pressed and can be amazing vs heroes like Bebop as it counters his Sticky BombSticky Bomb entirely.
  • Metal SkinMetal Skin — While not very useful against other heroes, this is very good vs Hazes ultimate, allowing you to reposition away from her while she uses it without taking any damage.

Souls 6200
Souls 3000
Souls 3000
Ethereal Shift
Ethereal Shift
Souls 3000
Silence Glyph
Silence Glyph
Souls 3000
Debuff Remover
Debuff Remover
Souls 3000
Metal Skin
Metal Skin
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