Deadlock Seven Build

Seven is a great choice for new players as the hero is one of the easiest heroes to understand and play in Deadlock. While Seven is easy to learn, the skill ceiling is considerable as timing abilities and chaining them together is required to perform well. Seven is capable of dealing high burst damage and dominate the laning phase through the use of Static Charge in order to stun the enemy and then blast damage while they cannot fight back.
The AOE damage dealt by Seven shouldn't be forgotten either as Lightning Ball can clear out jungle camps quickly and allows you to roam the map then snowball into a beast during the mid game and late game parts of the match. While
Storm Cloud is a fantastic ability, this build focuses on
Power Surge damage to kill enemies quickly, especially in the early and mid game.
- Easy to Play.
- High burst damage and incredible AOE
Storm Cloud damage.
- Great jungling clear speed.
- No mobility skills, leaving Seven vulnerable if positioned badly, especially in the laning phase.
- The
Storm Cloud can be easily countered by Knockdown.

Ability Path
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Lightning Ball — Use this skill to clear out waves during the laning phase and later while you jungle and kill neutral camps. This skill is a good follow-up on top of enemies stunned by
Static Charge. Keep in mind that the ability is sent to wherever you aim and only stops once it collides with environment. You can also use
Lightning Ball against Guardians as it locks onto the guardian to deal maximum damage.
Static Charge — Use this when you dive enemies to stun them before following up with
Lightning Ball and
Power Surge damage which will lock down the enemy and allow you to do high damage unhindered. This is particularly powerful during the Laning Phase.
Power Surge — This skill buffs your gun's attack damage by adding spirit damage to every attack and making the damage hit multiple enemies near the target you initially hit with your burst fire. This is particularly useful while you jungle, helping a lot with your clear speed.
Storm Cloud — Use the skill to deny areas of the map as
Storm Cloud has a long reach and you gain Bullet Resist when channeling it while also healing through the use of Spirit Lifesteal. This skill is best used during team-fights to force enemies off or to help secure Midboss but it can also be used to defend or attack a Patron in the end of a match. Make sure to be as high in the air as possible while using this. You must maintain line of sight with enemies though as
Storm Cloud doesn't hit through walls.
Early Game / Laning Phase
While in the Laning Phase, Seven is a fantastic lane bully, capable of being offensive and abusing the range of Static Charge and stunning enemies to catch them off guard so you can take them out by following up with both
Lightning Ball and burst damage from your gun while under the effect of
Power Surge. Using this combo on cooldown is important for forcing your enemy out of lane and getting a souls advantage.
Keep in mind that Lightning Ball can also be used to quickly clear out small jungle camps between lane clears on the side of the lane, netting you extra souls.
Basic Magazine is a very cheap power spike and increases your raw weapon damage while also offering you extra ammo to go along with Power Surge while
Mystic Reach helps a lot in landing your
Static Charge on the enemy laners. Enduring Spirit, Sprint Boots and Extra Spirit (later upgraded to Improved Spirit) are great defensive items that help you dominate the lane with extra health, health regen and stamina.
The final items for the early game are Enchanter's BarrierCombat Barrier as they both greatly increase your damage while you have Bullet and Spirit Shield active and use your weapon while under the effect of Power Surge.

Early Game Situational
If you are struggling in lane, Healing Rite can offer great healing without requiring you to go back to the base but you must remain outside of enemy range as any attack you receive from enemies will cancel the item. You should sell this later into the game as its value lowers while the game advances.
Infuser increases your damage as well but it also adds spirit life steal, helping you with regaining health when you are laning against a difficult lane. Same as with the Healing Rite, you should sell this later when the game progresses.
Mid Game
Once Mid game begins and the Midboss spawns, you should look for opportunities to take down the first guardian and shoving the lane deeper while looking for the perfect opportunities to gank other lanes. While Seven doesn't have mobility skills, its use of Fleetfoot helps a great deal when moving around the map and ganking.
Try to secure all vending machines as they provide a large amount of souls and it is preferable to take them from the enemy side of the map when possible, especially after pushing a lane or killing the enemies on a lane. With the use of Fleetfoot, Seven is also a very strong urn carrier as you can use the item right before collecting the urn and you can make it on the other side to deliver very quickly.
Focus on getting Warp Stone next as early as possible so you can use it to engage enemies and also protect yourself against bullet damage and have an easier time tanking bullet based heroes like Haze and Wraith. The mid game is the best time to pull ahead of the enemy team and farming souls should be your top priority alongside taking down Guardians and Walkers whenever possible. Try to force team fights and make use of your Storm Cloud, especially if enemies try to steal the Midboss as
Storm Cloud covers the entire room. Both Soul Shredder Bullets and Spirit Lifesteal help with your survivability, further boosting your lifesteal and allowing you to use
Storm Cloud more often without dying and also 1v1-ing enemies and pulling ahead.
Suppressor help you a lot with winning fights and becomes great at chasing down and killing targets once its upgraded to Mystic Slow.
Surge of Power and Improved Spirit are big power spikes during the mid game alongside Pristine Emblem as they greatly improve the damage of all your skills.

Late Game
As your game progresses into the late game, you should focus on team fights that snowball into Midboss kills or straight into the enemy base to kill the Patron. Seven shines best in team fights and you should focus on fighting as a team and making most out of your Storm Cloud. Ideally you want to look for picks with
Static Charge, either on split pushers or isolated enemies to force a 5vs6 and possibly finish the game with a victory. Always look to position yourself high into the air so you can make use of
Storm Cloud and try to use the skill only once the fight began and all enemies are clashing with your team as
Storm Cloud usually scares them away and helps your team to lock them down in their escape.
Boundless Spirit should be the first item you buy in the late game as it offers a large power spike and also further increases your movement speed, allowing you to move quickly across the battlefield! Escalating Exposure is the fully upgraded version of Mystic Vulnerability that boost your Spirit damage even further!
Leech is a fine defensive choice, making you nearly unkillable during your use of Storm Cloud. Meanwhile, Spiritual Overflow increases the damage you do while under the effect of
Power Surge even further, allowing you to deal incredible damage by only using your gun while temporarily increasing your Spirit Power.

Situational Items
These items can be bought up to counter certain heroes as they work perfectly for specific scenarios.
- Healbane - This is a great item choice against healing heavy heroes like Infernus or Abrams, helping you take them down.
- Refresher - You can opt for buying Refresher far into the late game as it offers you the ability to use
Storm Cloud twice and makes it much easier to finish a game as you stay up in the air using your
Storm Cloud long enough for your team to take advantage.
- Ethereal Shift — Great to avoid high damage skills like
Guided Owl.
- Knockdown — Cheap item to counter both snipers like Vindicta and Grey Talon by knocking them out of the air. This also works on Seven while he is ulting and he will also be stopped.
- Curse — This item interrupts spellcasting, silences and disarms a target while also making them incapable of using items for the duration. While it is expensive, it can help a lot vs the Dynamos
Singularity and many more and its one of the most powerful items in the game.
- Silence Glyph — Buy this if you want to silence enemies and turn them into a quick kill. Works exceptionally well vs enemies that make use of short cooldowns like Lash. It is also great for countering Yamato as the silence can stop her from using the ultimate.
- Debuff Remover — This item removes all debuffs when pressed and can be amazing vs heroes like Bebop as it counters his
Sticky Bomb entirely.
- Metal Skin — While not very useful against other heroes, this is very good vs Hazes ultimate, allowing you to reposition away from her while she uses it without taking any damage.
- Soul Rebirth — Another item worth buying late into the match as it brings you back to life and allows you to initiate, pull enemies to kill you while you do maximum damage then revive. Keep in mind that enemies can see that you've got this item under your hero's icon at the top of the screen.