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Deadlock Shiv Build

Serrated Knives
Slice and Dice
Killing Blow
Shiv Counters


Shiv is a master of hit and run! Shiv is the perfect hero for those players that are looking for a challenge playing a hero with a steep learning curve. He is one of the best heroes for roaming the map and getting kills in Deadlock. The build focuses on a mix of bullet and spirit damage being delivered through a heavy focus on Slice and DiceSlice and Dice coupled with the Rage mechanic that becomes available when unlocking Killing BlowKilling Blow and your Rage bar is filled by hitting both troopers and players. Using heavy attacks on players is the fastest way to fill Shivs Rage.

  • Strong Laning Phase & Jungling.
  • Good mobility & Ganking potential.
  • High Single Target DPS.
  • High Skill Floor & Ceiling.
  • No CC skills.
  • Squishy and vulnerable to CC heroes like Dynamo.


Early Game
Close Quarters
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Headshot Booster
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Mystic Burst
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Sprint Boots
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Extra Stamina
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Extra Health
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Mystic Reach
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Healing Rite
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Kinetic Dash
Mid Game
Warp Stone
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Improved Cooldown
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Slowing Hex
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Late Game
Improved Burst
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Superior Cooldown
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Enduring Speed
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Point Blank
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Healing Booster
Ethereal Shift
Silence Glyph
Debuff Remover
Metal Skin

Ability Path

Serrated Knives Serrated Knives Ability unlock Ability upgrade 1 Ability upgrade 2 Ability upgrade 5
Slice and Dice Slice and Dice Ability unlock Ability upgrade 1 Ability upgrade 2 Ability upgrade 5
Bloodletting Bloodletting Ability unlock Ability upgrade 1 Ability upgrade 2 Ability upgrade 5
Killing Blow Killing Blow Ability unlock Ability upgrade 1 Ability upgrade 2 Ability upgrade 5


  • Serrated KnivesSerrated Knives — Use this skill to poke enemies in lane, forcing them to take constant DoT bleed damage throughout the laning phase and helps you to slowly chip away at their health so you can finish them off with Killing BlowKilling Blow. When at full Rage, the knives will also bounce to another enemy and apply a slow to bleeding enemies.
  • Slice and DiceSlice and Dice — Always try to max out your Rage before using this skill as maxed Rage will make Shiv cast Slice and DiceSlice and Dice again for double damage. Keep in mind that you can also use this skill in any direction, helping you reach high positions with ease for a better angle on the fight.
  • BloodlettingBloodletting — Use this skill to soak up and remove some of the damage you took in the last few seconds before pressing the BloodlettingBloodletting to remove some damage and take some of it slowly over time. This can save your life in team fights, helping a lot with your ability to stay in long fights. Having maximum range increases the amount of damage you remove.
  • Killing BlowKilling Blow — Use this skill to finish off low HP enemies and execute them. Once an enemy drops below 28% health (red reticle appears on such targets), you can execute them to get the kill. Unlocking Killing BlowKilling Blow also unlocks Shivs Rage mechanic, adding extra effects to your other skills!

Early Game / Laning Phase

Use Serrated KnivesSerrated Knives as often as possible in the laning phase in order to force enemies off the lane and back to their base or simply finish them off using your Slice and DiceSlice and Dice coupled with boosted headshot damage from close range. Close QuartersClose Quarters and Headshot BoosterHeadshot Booster are fantastic for helping with dealing higher damage in lane!

Focus on farming troopers in lane and denying the enemy to pull ahead in souls. Sprint BootsSprint Boots and Extra StaminaExtra Stamina grant you extra mobility, allowing you to move around easier and outmanoeuvre the enemy laner so you have an easier time moving around the lane and using Slice and DiceSlice and Dice's high damage when boosted by Mystic BurstMystic Burst to take out enemies.

Your biggest power spike in the early game comes from Kinetic DashKinetic Dash as it greatly increases your fire rate and even adds extra ammo after a successful Dash-Jump.

Souls 500
Close Quarters
Close Quarters
Arrow right.webp
Souls 500
Headshot Booster
Headshot Booster
Arrow right.webp
Souls 500
Mystic Burst
Mystic Burst
Arrow right.webp
Souls 500
Sprint Boots
Sprint Boots
Arrow right.webp
Souls 500
Extra Stamina
Extra Stamina
Arrow right.webp
Souls 500
Extra Health
Extra Health
Arrow right.webp
Souls 500
Mystic Reach
Mystic Reach
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Souls 500
Healing Rite
Healing Rite
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Souls 1250
Kinetic Dash
Kinetic Dash

Early Game Situational

If you are struggling in lane, Healing RiteHealing Rite can offer good healing without requiring you to go back to the base but you must remain outside of enemy range as any attack you receive from enemies will cancel the item. You should sell this later into the game as its value lowers while the game advances.

Mid Game

During the Mid Game is when Shiv becomes a menace for the enemy. Push the enemy lane guardian and kill it before beginning to gank other lanes once you've acquired your Killing BlowKilling Blow. Make sure to watch every lane and try to gank whenever the enemies are pushing your guardian/walker, allowing you to catch them off-guard and finish them off with Killing BlowKilling Blow.

Do not neglect the jungle either as neutral camps are a great source of souls and can help a lot with getting ahead during the match. Keep an eye out for the Urn, either transporting it yourself to receive a lot of souls or ganking the enemy daring enough to try and steal it as they cannot use any skills while carrying the Urn.

Buy Warp StoneWarp Stone as quickly as possible to boost your damage, mobility and defense with Warp StoneWarp Stone temporarily increasing your bullet resist for a few seconds and have an advantage in 1vs1 fights.

Continue by buying BerserkerBerserker to further boost your damage when taking damage while Improved CooldownImproved Cooldown decreases all your cooldowns, increasing your damage further and making it easier for you to both clear camps and gank enemies.

Slowing HexSlowing Hex is a good choice for locking down enemies as it slows down players and works best when ganking Vindicta and Grey Talon if you time it right, giving you plenty of time to kill them before they can move up into the air and away from you.

HealbaneHealbane should be your last mid game item as it works perfectly with Serrated KnivesSerrated Knives, allowing you to apply a constant healing debuff and help with taking down healing heavy heroes like Infernus or Abrams.

Souls 3000
Warp Stone
Warp Stone
Arrow right.webp
Souls 1250
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Souls 1250
Improved Cooldown
Improved Cooldown
Arrow right.webp
Souls 1250
Slowing Hex
Slowing Hex
Arrow right.webp
Souls 1250

Late Game

Focus on controlling Midboss and picking lone enemies that out of position or split pushing, stopping them from snowballing. Shivs ganking potential only improves into the late game, making slow heroes like Lady Geist and Bebop an easy prey for Shiv.

Improved BurstImproved Burst should be the first item you buy in the late game to increase your Slice and DiceSlice and Dice damage while Superior CooldownSuperior Cooldown should also be used on Slice and DiceSlice and Dice to decrease its cooldown further.

Purchase LeechLeech & Healing BoosterHealing Booster as defensive items and use Serrated KnivesSerrated Knives on enemies to heal yourself quickly during fights while also damaging enemies.

Make sure to also upgrade Close QuartersClose Quarters into Point BlankPoint Blank in order to boost your damage further!

Souls 3000
Improved Burst
Improved Burst
Arrow right.webp
Souls 3000
Superior Cooldown
Superior Cooldown
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Souls 1250
Enduring Speed
Enduring Speed
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Souls 6200
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Souls 3000
Point Blank
Point Blank
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Souls 6200
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Souls 1250
Healing Booster
Healing Booster

Situational Items

These items can be bought up to counter certain heroes as they work perfectly for specific scenarios.

  • KnockdownKnockdown — Cheap item to counter both snipers like Vindicta and Grey Talon by knocking them out of the air. This also works on Seven while he is ulting and he will also be stopped.
  • UnstoppableUnstoppable — A fantastic choice for becoming unstoppable and immune to CCs, especially useful against CC heavy teams.
  • CurseCurse — This item interrupts spellcasting, silences and disarms a target while also making them incapable of using items for the duration. While it is expensive, it can help a lot vs Sevens Storm CloudStorm Cloud, Dynamos SingularitySingularity and many more and its one of the most powerful items in the game.
  • Silence GlyphSilence Glyph — Buy this if you want to silence enemies and turn them into a quick kill. Works exceptionally well vs enemies that make use of short cooldowns like Lash. It is also great for countering Yamato as the silence can stop her from using the ultimate.
  • Debuff RemoverDebuff Remover — This item removes all debuffs when pressed and can be amazing vs heroes like Bebop as it counters his Sticky BombSticky Bomb entirely.
  • Metal SkinMetal Skin — While not very useful against other heroes, this is very good vs Hazes ultimate, allowing you to reposition away from her while she uses it without taking any damage.

Souls 6200
Souls 3000
Souls 3000
Ethereal Shift
Ethereal Shift
Souls 3000
Silence Glyph
Silence Glyph
Souls 3000
Debuff Remover
Debuff Remover
Souls 3000
Metal Skin
Metal Skin
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