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Deadlock Warden Build

Alchemical Flask
Binding Word
Last Stand
Warden Counters


Warden is a great choice for new players and is one of the easiest heroes to play in Deadlock. Warden is ALSO one of the tankiest heroes in the game thanks to his Last StandLast Stand innate lifesteal coupled with extra Spirit Shield from WillpowerWillpower. His damage shouldn't be underestimated though as Warden boasts great single target DPS during team fights but also while ganking enemies or jungling.

  • High movement speed and mobility.
  • Easy to play.
  • High Single Target DPS.
  • High survivability.
  • Vulnerable to CC, especially during the windup of Last StandLast Stand as any stun can waste your ult.
  • Short range, making it difficult to fight heroes like Vindicta and Grey Talon.


Early Game
Mystic Burst
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Close Quarters
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Sprint Boots
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High-Velocity Mag
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Slowing Hex
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Healing Rite
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Melee Lifesteal
Mid Game
Bullet Resist Shredder
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Enduring Speed
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Bullet Armor
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Spirit Armor
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Heroic Aura
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Late Game
Pristine Emblem
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Veil Walker
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Point Blank
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Improved Bullet Armor
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Improved Spirit Armor
Ethereal Shift
Silence Glyph
Debuff Remover
Metal Skin

Ability Path

Alchemical Flask Alchemical Flask Ability unlock Ability upgrade 1 Ability upgrade 2 Ability upgrade 5
Willpower Willpower Ability unlock Ability upgrade 1 Ability upgrade 2 Ability upgrade 5
Binding Word Binding Word Ability unlock Ability upgrade 1 Ability upgrade 2 Ability upgrade 5
Last Stand Last Stand Ability unlock Ability upgrade 1 Ability upgrade 2 Ability upgrade 5


  • Alchemical FlaskAlchemical Flask — You should use this skill to lower an enemy's stamina and apply a slow to make it easier for you to land your Binding WordBinding Word. Alchemical FlaskAlchemical Flask is also used to reload your weapon through the use of Quicksilver ReloadQuicksilver Reload.
  • WillpowerWillpower — Use this skill for both movement speed, coupled with FleetfootFleetfoot but also to gain a Spirit Shield that will allow you to preemtively protect yourself against enemies.
  • Binding WordBinding Word — This is your main CC ability and the skill that allows you to catch enemies and get kills, especially in the early laning phase of the game when heroes have low stamina and a difficult time avoiding the Binding WordBinding Word.
  • Last StandLast Stand — Always try to use this skill behind cover as it has a moderate windup time before it becomes active. However, once active, Last StandLast Stand grants you high AOE damage to all enemies in front of you while also life stealing based on the damage you do with it. Try to always have as many enemies as possible directly in front of you when using this skill in order to maximize your lifesteal.

Early Game / Laning Phase

During the laning phase, make sure to abuse Binding WordBinding Word, forcing enemies to back off lane in order to escape your bind, giving up troopers or be forced to take damage from you if they get caught in Binding WordBinding Word. Try to not be obvious when you are going to use this skill as many enemies will wait until you use it to spend their stamina.

Focus on farming troopers in lane and denying the enemy in order to stay ahead in souls. Because of Warden being rather item dependant, you want to try and get ahead as early as possible and should try to play the lane safe, especially against heroes like Yamato as they have higher mobility and damage early on.

Mystic BurstMystic Burst pairs perfectly with your Binding WordBinding Word as it adds extra damage to your Binding WordBinding Word, letting you burst down enemies by simply catching them with Binding WordBinding Word and the follow-up damage from your gun while being in close range for Close QuartersClose Quarters.

You should get both FleetfootFleetfoot and Slowing HexSlowing Hex before moving out of lane as both of these items help a lot when ganking, allowing you to catch enemies by surprise much easier.

Souls 500
Mystic Burst
Mystic Burst
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Souls 500
Close Quarters
Close Quarters
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Souls 500
Sprint Boots
Sprint Boots
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Souls 500
High-Velocity Mag
High-Velocity Mag
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Souls 1250
Slowing Hex
Slowing Hex
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Souls 1250
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Souls 500
Healing Rite
Healing Rite
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Souls 500
Melee Lifesteal
Melee Lifesteal

Early Game Situational

If you are struggling in lane, Healing RiteHealing Rite can offer great healing without requiring you to go back to the base but you must remain outside of enemy range as any attack you receive from enemies will cancel the item. You should sell this later into the game as its value lowers while the game advances.

Another good choice is the Melee LifestealMelee Lifesteal as it allows you to heal up during the laning phase if you are having a tough time against the opponent/s. You can combo Melee LifestealMelee Lifesteal through a melee attack on a player after catching them with Binding WordBinding Word but you should use melees on troopers every time Melee LifestealMelee Lifesteal is off cooldown.

Mid Game

Thanks to FleetfootFleetfoot and WillpowerWillpower, your ability to roam the map only improves as you roll into the mid game. You should make use of these to gank lanes and force enemies off their lane, denying souls and starving the enemy team so they end up behind. Warden is one of the better Urn carriers as well and you should focus on delivering the Urn as many times as possible throughout the mid game.

Don't forget jungling and vending machines as they provide a large amount of souls and it is preferable to take them from the enemy side of the map, using your great mobility while avoiding unfair fights.

Focus on getting HeadhunterHeadhunter to further boost your damage, being especially useful when you catch an enemy in your Binding WordBinding Word and can easily headshot the enemy. If they fight back, BerserkerBerserker will also boost your damage while receiving damage!

Both Spirit ArmorSpirit Armor and Bullet ArmorBullet Armor offer great survivability and can later be upgraded while FortitudeFortitude allows you to also regenerate HP between fights after not taking damage for a few seconds, minimizing the time you spend in the base.

Souls 1250
Bullet Resist Shredder
Bullet Resist Shredder
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Souls 1250
Enduring Speed
Enduring Speed
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Souls 1250
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Souls 1250
Bullet Armor
Bullet Armor
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Souls 1250
Spirit Armor
Spirit Armor
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Souls 3000
Heroic Aura
Heroic Aura
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Souls 3000
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Souls 3000

Late Game

During the late game, you should focus on controlling Midboss and picking lone enemies that are trying to split push. You are strongest in a 1vs1 scenario and can gank easily while using the Warden superior mobility to cover multiple lanes quickly and denying split pushing attempts from heroes like McGinnis. Try to always disengage from a fight if it becomes unfair and the enemy team responds to your gank!

Pristine EmblemPristine Emblem should be the first item you buy in the late game so you boost your damage further! Veil WalkerVeil Walker should be your secondary late game item offering you both tankiness through extra Bullet & Spirit Shield every time you pass through a cosmic veil but also makes you invisible for a short duration. This increases your ganking power considerably, allowing you to walk up to enemies quickly to setup for Binding WordBinding Word.

Buy Point BlankPoint Blank for extra damage as an upgrade to Close QuartersClose Quarters, further increasing your damage alongside InhibitorInhibitor.

Improved Bullet ArmorImproved Bullet Armor and Improved Spirit ArmorImproved Spirit Armor are very powerful defensive choices in the late game helping you stay in fights longer, especially when coupled with Veil WalkerVeil Walker and WillpowerWillpower.

Souls 3000
Pristine Emblem
Pristine Emblem
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Souls 3000
Veil Walker
Veil Walker
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Souls 3000
Point Blank
Point Blank
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Souls 6200
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Souls 3000
Improved Bullet Armor
Improved Bullet Armor
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Souls 3000
Improved Spirit Armor
Improved Spirit Armor

Situational Items

These items can be bought up to counter certain heroes as they work perfectly for specific scenarios.

  • HealbaneHealbane — This is a great item choice against healing heavy heroes like Infernus or Abrams, helping you take them down.
  • KnockdownKnockdown — Cheap item to counter both snipers like Vindicta and Grey Talon by knocking them out of the air. This also works on Seven while he is ulting and he will also be stopped.
  • UnstoppableUnstoppable — A fantastic choice for becoming unstoppable and immune to CCs, especially useful against CC heavy teams.
  • CurseCurse — This item interrupts spellcasting, silences and disarms a target while also making them incapable of using items for the duration. While it is expensive, it can help a lot vs Sevens Storm CloudStorm Cloud, Dynamos SingularitySingularity and many more and its one of the most powerful items in the game.
  • Silence GlyphSilence Glyph — Buy this if you want to silence enemies and turn them into a quick kill. Works exceptionally well vs enemies that make use of short cooldowns like Lash. It is also great for countering Yamato as the silence can stop her from using the ultimate.
  • Debuff RemoverDebuff Remover — This item removes all debuffs when pressed and can be amazing vs heroes like Bebop as it counters his Sticky BombSticky Bomb entirely.
  • Metal SkinMetal Skin — While not very useful against other heroes, this is very good vs Hazes ultimate, allowing you to reposition away from her while she uses it without taking any damage.

Souls 6200
Souls 3000
Souls 3000
Ethereal Shift
Ethereal Shift
Souls 3000
Silence Glyph
Silence Glyph
Souls 3000
Debuff Remover
Debuff Remover
Souls 3000
Metal Skin
Metal Skin
Souls 1250
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