Deadlock Vindicta Build

Vindicta is one of the two sniper heroes in Deadlock, capable of dealing incredible damage while being far away and remaining entirely safe as long her positioning is on point. Vindicta is a bullet damage focused hero unlike Grey Talon and is best for players with good aim and even better positioning as she is a glass cannon type of hero, easily countered by heroes that can easily close the distance and overwhelm her.
- High Damage Potential.
- Great poke damage and easy to lane with as her range outperforms most heroes, allowing you to play close to your guardian and remain safe.
- Great Ganking potential as
Flight allows Vindicta to position on buildings and snipe enemies before they can react.
- Mechanically difficult to play well as it requires good positioning and game sense to not overextend.
- Can be easily countered by Knockdown, being put down on the ground where she is most vulnerable.
- Item dependant as the high damage comes from pricey items like Glass Cannon.

Ability Path
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Stake — While
Stake damage is negligible to non-existent, it tethers enemy players caught in it and prevents them from moving away from the center where the stake is and also disarms them. Use this to catch enemies and make it easier for you to gun them down. However, you can also use
Stake to improve your retreat, throwing it back to catch players that are chasing you.
Flight — Vindicta's only and most important mobility skill. You will want to use this as often as possible in order to stay away from enemies that would otherwise kill you quickly if they catch you on the ground. You can freely move in any direction while using
Flight and you can even move up so high up that you can see other lanes to use
Assassinate on low targets.
Crow Familiar — Even though this skill doesn't do high damage, is great against enemies that heal themselves (Abrams, Infernus) as it suppresses their healing during the duration while also lowering bullet resistance. Use this as much as you can before shooting enemies to improve follow-up damage.
Assassinate — This is your most important skill to master and should be acquired as quickly as possible.
Assassinate deals increased damage to enemies below 50% HP and while it takes a bit of time to charge up to deal full damage, it also travels through targets and deals the same damage to all enemies it hits. Use this as a finisher after gunning the enemies down with your regular attack as every kill scored with
Assassinate will give you extra souls.
Early Game / Laning Phase
Use your superior range to trade with the enemy laners and deal sustained damage without having to get close whatsoever. Killing troopers should be easy but you should always look to maintain height advantage against the enemy laner/s. Abuse your range throughout the laning phase and deny their pushes with Stake to hold them in place so you maintain range advantage.
Focus on farming troopers in lane and denying the enemy to get ahead in souls during the early part of the match. As Vindicta performs better with more items, focus on staying alive so you can continue farming.
Long Range and High-Velocity Mag will greatly boost your damage and resistance in lane, helping with both poking the enemy while also securing troopers much easier. Meanwhile, Extra Charge and Mystic Burst will also increase Assassinate damage and add another charge which is a big power spike.
Once you've unlocked Assassinate, pay attention to the HP of enemies in the adjacent lanes and use
Flight to check for possible kills in the other lanes.

Early Game Situational
If you are struggling in lane, Healing Rite can offer good healing without requiring you to go back to the base but you must remain outside of enemy range as any attack you receive from enemies will cancel the item. You should sell this later into the game as its value lowers while the game advances.
Mid Game
Quickly get the Quicksilver Reload and apply it to your Assassinate as you enter the mid-game before following up by buying Bullet Lifesteal to boost your self-sustain. This will increase your fire rate, allowing you to reload your gun every time you use
Assassinate. Keep focusing on building up your souls and take down the lane guardian as fast as you can to help your team unlock the first flex slot before beginning to roam the map through the air.
Sharpshooter and Burst Fire are your biggest mid game power spikes, increasing your damage considerably while Slowing Bullets helps with applying the damage by slowing the targets and making them easier to hit.
As the game advances, focus on split pushing lanes and ganking as often as possible, moving between lanes for ganks or to fix lanes and gain an advantage. Build Bullet Armor Spirit Armor to further increase your resistances. This improves your chance of survival while also making Vindicta a better duelist, relying on enemy damage falloff at distance.
Warp Stone is your last mid game item and should be used as a defensive skill, letting you move away quickly and gain bullet resistance to help you survive.

Late Game
During the late game, you should focus on controlling Midboss and continue to pick lone enemies that are jungling or split pushing, denying their growth in the game. Playing around the Midboss with Vindicta is the most rewarding as you have access to all lanes easier while also seeing and protecting the Urn. When playing Vindicta, you should remain played behind team mates during team fights to make yourself difficult to catch.
Buy Lucky Shot and Glass Cannon as early as possible and continue focusing on scoring kills to gain an advantage in team fights, picking off enemies that are split pushing or out of position. Stay with your team as much as possible in the late game as many enemies will buy Knockdown solely to gank and counter you, making you an easy prey.

Situational Items
These items can be bought up to counter certain heroes as they work perfectly for specific scenarios.
- Healbane — This is a great item choice against healing heavy heroes like Infernus or Abrams, helping you take them down.
- Knockdown — Cheap item to counter both snipers like Vindicta and Grey Talon by knocking them out of the air. This also works on Seven while he is ulting and he will also be stopped.
- Unstoppable — A fantastic choice for becoming unstoppable and immune to CCs, especially useful against CC heavy teams.
- Curse — This item interrupts spellcasting, silences and disarms a target while also making them incapable of using items for the duration. While it is expensive, it can help a lot vs Sevens
Storm Cloud, Dynamos
Singularity and many more and its one of the most powerful items in the game.
- Silence Glyph — Buy this if you want to silence enemies and turn them into a quick kill. Works exceptionally well vs enemies that make use of short cooldowns like Lash. It is also great for countering Yamato as the silence can stop her from using the ultimate.
- Debuff Remover — This item removes all debuffs when pressed and can be amazing vs heroes like Bebop as it counters his
Sticky Bomb entirely.
- Metal Skin — While not very useful against other heroes, this is very good vs Hazes ultimate, allowing you to reposition away from her while she uses it without taking any damage.