Deadlock Infernus Build

Infernus is a great hero for beginners since he's easy to understand and play in Deadlock. He deals strong AOE damage and can quickly change the outcome of a team fight, especially in the later stages of the game, while still being a threat in lane. Using Catalyst with
Afterburn delivers high burst damage to a single target, making it easy to force enemies out of lane and build up a souls advantage.
Infernus truly excels in the late game once he gets lifesteal items, allowing him to fight up close, initiating team fights and making big plays with Concussive Combustion.
- Easy to play.
- High AOE damage & Lifesteal.
- Great teamfight damage & CC.
- One of the most mobile heroes in the game thanks to
Flame Dash.
- Easy to counter through the use of items like Healbane.
- Relies on being up close and can be kited by vertical movement heroes like Vindicta or Grey Talon.
- Long cooldowns during the early game.

Ability Path
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Catalyst — This skill throws napalm on enemies, dealing small initial damage, slowing the enemy hit by it but also increasing the damage your fire does to the affected targets and granting you lifesteal against those targets. Use this in lane to increase the damage you do and trade better, helping a lot with pushing enemies out of lane if they don't back off.
Flame Dash — The skill increases your movement speed while also leaving behind a trail of fire that deals high damage to everyone walking over the fire. You can also hold down left click to increase your movement speed while using this skill as it also increases the area covered by the fire.
Afterburn — When you hit enemies with your bullets or
Flame Dash, it applies a burning effect that deals damage over time. To keep this burn active, you need to keep attacking the enemy. You can combine it with
Catalyst for extra damage. Infernus' bullets and abilities will refresh the burn's duration.
Concussive Combustion — This skill triggers a ticking bomb on yourself that explodes after a few seconds and stuns all enemies caught in it. You can use
Flame Dash to quickly reach and stay close to enemies until the explosion goes off. Try to hit as many enemies as possible with
Concussive Combustion in order to make the most out of the ability.
Early Game / Laning Phase
While Infernus doesn't have enough range to fight off enemies like Vindicta or Grey Talon, it deals high burst damage from the early game if the enemies don't respect his burst through the combination of Catalyst and
Afterburn boosted by Infuser. You should always try to catch enemies out of cover with
Catalyst to burst them down with your finger guns before they can react.
You can use Flame Dash to quickly clear the wave during the laning phase or if you are being pushed and need to fight from behind as the ability deals high damage in a large AOE and helps a lot with your souls farming by killing troopers quickly.
Basic Magazine and Rapid Rounds are very cheap power spikes and increase your weapon damage while also offering you extra ammo to help with maintaining Afterburn active on your targets and keep the enemy laner at low HP or forced back to the base to heal.
As the early game ends, you want to rush your healing items in order to prepare better for the mid game. Buy Spirit Lifesteal and Healing Booster as they both grant you lifesteal and lets you win in 1vs1 fights while also setting you up for midgame where jungling becomes very important and the main way to gain an advantage.

Early Game Situational
If you are struggling in lane, Healing Rite can offer great healing without requiring you to go back to the base but you must remain outside of enemy range as any attack you receive from enemies will cancel the item. You should sell this later into the game as its value lowers while the game advances.
Infuser increases your damage as well but it also adds spirit life steal, helping you with regaining health when you are laning against a difficult lane. Same as with the Healing Rite, you should sell this later when the game progresses.
Mid Game
As Midboss spawns, you should look for opportunities to take down the first guardian as soon as possible before starting to look for and force team fights where you can do well. Most of the mid game team fights happen over the Urn so try to keep an eye out for when enemies try to take it or if your team mates collect it for delivery.
With Infernus dealing high AOE damage, it is one of the best heroes to clear neutral jungle camps and you should focus on clearing them out as often as possible while the mid game develops. This is the perfect opportunity to get ahead of the enemy team by jumping between lane clearing and jungle camps. Always prioritize securing all vending machines as they provide a large amount of souls and it is preferable to take them from the enemy side of the map to deny enemies from gaining those souls.
Toxic Bullets bleed improves your damage next as early as possible, increasing your dominance even against other healing tank heroes like Abrams or Viscous in order to deny their healing and also lower their maximum HP. Healbane also helps greatly against the same heroes as it denies their healing further.
Suppressor help you a lot with winning fights and helps chasing down and killing targets once its upgraded to Mystic Slow.
Buy and upgrade Duration Extender into Superior Duration to lower your Flame Dash cooldown and improve your ability of moving around the map. Use
Flame Dash as often as possible during team fights to coat a large area in flames and help heal yourself throughout the fight.

Late Game
In the late game is where Infernus has the biggest impact in the game. As all team fights are quicker, your Concussive Combustion becomes very important, enabling team mates to push the advantage and make use of the stuns to win fights. You should focus on split pushing between team fights, using
Flame Dash to move across the map even faster. 1vs1 fights are often in your favour thanks to Leech highly increasing your healing throughout fights with all heroes.
Avoid fighting snipers like Vindicta and Grey Talon 1vs1 as they are your biggest counter due to their long range and vertical advantage. Their late game power spike lets them deal high damage from far away while you cannot properly make use of your life stealing.
Escalating Exposure and Boundless Spirit are both major power spikes for Infernus as they greatly increase your spirit damage and boost the damage of all your skills!

Situational Items
These items can be bought up to counter certain heroes as they work perfectly for specific scenarios.
- Shadow Weave — This is a fantastic choice as a luxury item in the end game when you have too many souls and a full build but you are still struggling against Vindicta and Grey Talon.
- Ethereal Shift — Great to avoid high damage skills like
Guided Owl.
- Knockdown — Cheap item to counter both snipers like Vindicta and Grey Talon by knocking them out of the air. This also works on Seven while he is ulting and he will also be stopped.
- Curse — This item interrupts spellcasting, silences and disarms a target while also making them incapable of using items for the duration. While it is expensive, it can help a lot vs the Dynamo
Singularity and many more and its one of the most powerful items in the game.
- Silence Glyph — Buy this if you want to silence enemies and turn them into a quick kill. Works exceptionally well vs enemies that make use of short cooldowns like Lash. It is also great for countering Yamato as the silence can stop her from using the ultimate.
- Debuff Remover — This item removes all debuffs when pressed and can be amazing vs heroes like Bebop as it counters his
Sticky Bomb entirely.
- Metal Skin — While not very useful against other heroes, this is very good vs Haze ultimate, allowing you to reposition away from her while she uses it without taking any damage.
- Soul Rebirth — Another item worth buying late into the match as it brings you back to life and allows you to initiate, pull enemies to kill you while you do maximum damage then revive. Keep in mind that enemies can see that you've got this item under your hero's icon at the top of the screen.